Frys Chocolate Creams



Original Poster:

4,602 posts

92 months

Thursday 24th November 2022
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Always wondered this, but google doesn't help, and friends and family dispute, but i find the original (dark blue pack) one to taste very slightly minty. It shouldnt as its just dark 'choc' and cream fondant. But it always has tasted minty to me.

I know there's a peppermint one in the green pack and i'm not getting them muddled, as to me that one tastes like a strong toothpaste.

incidentally the strawberry ones are especially rank, whilst orange, raspberry ok

is it just me who gets a slight minty taste form the original/blue one?


3,687 posts

142 months

Thursday 24th November 2022
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I reckon it's just your brain tricking you as the combination of dark chocolate and fondant is usually mint flavoured.


Original Poster:

4,602 posts

92 months

Thursday 24th November 2022
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mike74 said:
I reckon it's just your brain tricking you as the combination of dark chocolate and fondant is usually mint flavoured.
could be, as i was weaned on after 8's...


18,636 posts

210 months

Thursday 24th November 2022
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There isn’t a mint taste it’s dark chocolate with a fondant like you find in a cream egg. One of the few cadburys bars that Mondalez has not yet managed to ruin


Original Poster:

4,602 posts

92 months

Thursday 24th November 2022
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craigjm said:
There isn’t a mint taste it’s dark chocolate with a fondant like you find in a cream egg. One of the few cadburys bars that Mondalez has not yet managed to ruin
yes i know there snot a mint taste in it as per my op, but i taste it for some reason.

mondelez ruined creme eggs already the choc is a lot thinner, the choc mix is also i believe not the old dairy milk mix but a base choc mix which is slightly different, plus only 5 in a box when it used to be 6.

still stuff em in, but increasingly prefer the caramel ones, oreo ones no thanks.


18,636 posts

210 months

Thursday 24th November 2022
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Yeah the cream eggs are crap now. They haven’t got to the fry’s ones yet I don’t think


Original Poster:

4,602 posts

92 months

Friday 25th November 2022
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ah sorry thought you meant creme eggs hadn't been ruined by Mondelez, rather you meant Frys CC's...

the one thing i like about Mondelez, is the range of new flavours/variants of all the brands they acquired here under cadbury.

Cadbury UK did naff all of mixing it up and rarely introduced new stuff, in fact contracted the variants to focus on core (spira, fuse, wispa (b4 it came back), marble etc), which is fair enough but boring for consumers.

Since mondelez took over plenty of innovation and new variants (the raspberry and strawberry frys CC's being an example) and loads of dairy milk variants so should be applauded for that at least (not those 2 mystery bar flavour dairy milks, though. they were evil....)

Edited by theplayingmantis on Friday 25th November 13:46


3,244 posts

172 months

Friday 25th November 2022
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Bring back this had boy...


1 posts

11 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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Yes! Definitely minty, although my boss disagrees! 🤣


220 posts

27 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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Rumblestripe said:
Bring back this bad boy...

OH ! YES ! Bring back and now !


18,636 posts

210 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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The blue plain fondant bar is the oldest chocolate bar still in production anywhere in the world.


4,506 posts

234 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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Definitely a minty taste to me and until reading this thread I thought it was supposed to be / marketed as being minty.

Every day’s a school day!!


1,951 posts

129 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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I understand what you mean, and like someone pointed out, I think the combination of dark chocolate/white fondant makes some peoples brain 'expect' mint.

I had rosemary trout recently at a party and immediately thought the fish tasted like lamb.

Short Grain

3,128 posts

230 months

Wednesday 27th March 2024
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renmure said:
Definitely a minty taste to me and until reading this thread I thought it was supposed to be / marketed as being minty.

Every day’s a school day!!
I've always thought the same. Haven't had one for years though. I'll be on the lookout for them next time I'm in Sainsburys, purely in the interests of research of course wink


742 posts

67 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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Short Grain said:
I've always thought the same. Haven't had one for years though. I'll be on the lookout for them next time I'm in Sainsburys, purely in the interests of research of course wink
Likewise. One of the few readily available vegan friendly chocolate bars, I eat I fair amount and just assumed the blue and green were just different mints. Off to poundland I go...


5,026 posts

75 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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After reading this thread I was in a local Co-op on my way home from work and saw them on the shelves so bought one out of research of course. I must admit the blue one did seem to have a slightly mint taste to it, not massively strong at all but I felt I could taste it


39,334 posts

234 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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N4LLY said:
Rumblestripe said:
Bring back this bad boy...

OH ! YES ! Bring back and now !
God yes. And a lime centred one would be awesome too


39,334 posts

234 months

Thursday 28th March 2024
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renmure said:
Definitely a minty taste to me and until reading this thread I thought it was supposed to be / marketed as being minty.

Every day’s a school day!!
Interesting isnt it. the same brain fooling means that Chicken, bacon and beef crisps are usually vegan