Whisky Glasses



Original Poster:

14,844 posts

148 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Who are the go to glass makers these days? Any made in the UK? Its for a 40th present for a mate of mine and I think he would like a nice whisky glass.



14,039 posts

225 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Edinburgh or Waterford crystal


12,164 posts

179 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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My daughter bought me some Lunar Oceans (I’d never heard of them either (hehe), they’re not as nice as my Dartington (I think) ones but they pretty good.


5,765 posts

88 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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my favourite are Dartington Double Od Fashioned glasses. Nice and heavy.



Original Poster:

14,844 posts

148 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Will check out the above thanks. I had looked at the Glencairn glasses which look like they are "the ones" for connoisseurs.

Cant say I have thought about budget.


1,587 posts

203 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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These are quite cool and a bit different. I ended up smashing one by accident at a friend's house so ended up buying him a new pair. https://www.wineware.co.uk/norlan-whisky-glass-set...


14,039 posts

225 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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thebraketester said:
Will check out the above thanks. I had looked at the Glencairn glasses which look like they are "the ones" for connoisseurs.

Cant say I have thought about budget.
Glencairn are perfect for tasting whisky. They are how ever quite narrow and difficult to drink from especially if you want ice in your glass. They are cheap too.


Original Poster:

14,844 posts

148 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Thanks everyone. I decided on the Dartington double dimple.


Original Poster:

14,844 posts

148 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Whilst we are here. Any recommendations for a nice bottle of whisky. I was going to get a bottle of highland park 12. Anything similar price wise that would go down well?

Thanks for you advice so far.


213 posts

157 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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a handful of more squids ; The Macallan Double Cask Gold Single Malt Whisky, 700ml https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07D2QYBFZ/ref=cm_sw_r...


14,039 posts

225 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Scapa skiren.
Its a nicer tasting Orcadian whisky than Highland park imo. The extra £10 us worth the money


4,590 posts

197 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Zwiesel Air Sense: https://www.zwiesel-glas.com/en/shop/series/air-se...

Wine glasses to for wider interest: https://www.connox.de/kategorien/kochen/trink-und-...

Absolutely wonderful to hold and drink from, as one would hope at the price.


Original Poster:

14,844 posts

148 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
quotequote all
sherman said:
Scapa skiren.
Its a nicer tasting Orcadian whisky than Highland park imo. The extra £10 us worth the money
JulietRomeo said:
a handful of more squids ; The Macallan Double Cask Gold Single Malt Whisky, 700ml https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07D2QYBFZ/ref=cm_sw_r...
Thanks... I like the sound of the Scapa


26,259 posts

202 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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I've got rather in to Nikka From the Barrel recently if you fancy something a bit different, not at all smoky though if that's what you prefer.


Original Poster:

14,844 posts

148 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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I chose the Scapa Skiren for him. Fingers crossed he likes it.

Thanks again.


40,645 posts

294 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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I always thought the glasses from Blade Runner were quite cool


14,039 posts

225 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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thebraketester said:
I chose the Scapa Skiren for him. Fingers crossed he likes it.

Thanks again.

It is one of my favourites. drink


18,695 posts

219 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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Cotty said:
I always thought the glasses from Blade Runner were quite cool
Love them. Not sure I trust myself with a £100 glass though.


8,362 posts

206 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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I have these


I am willing to accept they look a little silly. I also use the ones that came free with a bottle of something or other.

Edited by h0b0 on Thursday 2nd November 13:50


1,853 posts

137 months

Tuesday 12th January 2021
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I’ve got a set of 4 Dartington Crystal ones. I dropped one once and it dented my engineered wood kitchen floor. Quality glassware.