Anyone remember these biscuits ?

Anyone remember these biscuits ?



Original Poster:

43,292 posts

209 months

Thursday 8th October 2020
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I remember having biscuits at my grans as a kid that were awesome, I think they were called Co-Op Milk Cookies.

Basically similar a Lincoln biscuit in size, the Lincoln biscuit having small dimples on, these had much bigger dimples and tasted amazing.

I had some "Belvita Breakfast biscuits" as wanted something sweet and they taste very similar.

Anyone remember the Co-Op Milk Cookie, they were amazing, looked really plain and boring but had a real flavour all their own.

Have googled but very little info.


12,164 posts

178 months

Thursday 8th October 2020
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Like anybody on PH is going to admit to buying cookies anywhere other than Waitrose or a specialist mail order company rofl


24,309 posts

230 months

Thursday 8th October 2020
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They do ring a faint bell if Im honest.....


3,057 posts

174 months

Thursday 8th October 2020
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LordHaveMurci said:
Like anybody on PH is going to admit to buying cookies anywhere other than Waitrose or a specialist mail order company rofl
Buying 'cookies'? Surely you have a pastry chef you can call upon?


Original Poster:

43,292 posts

209 months

Thursday 8th October 2020
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This is Wythenshawe in the late seventies/early eighties, there wasnt and still isnt a Waitrose, back then Waitrose hand gentrified any of the North.

These were from the "Shopping Giant" in Wythenshawes Civic Centre.


5,137 posts

226 months

Thursday 8th October 2020
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Not like a malted milk? They taste a bit like Belvita.


Original Poster:

43,292 posts

209 months

Friday 9th October 2020
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Nah, different flavour to a Malted Milk, they were unique in that they looked dull but tasted awesome.


1 posts

2 months

Friday 29th November 2024
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I remember these, they were amazing! Not found nothing similar unfortunately frown