Whatever happened to? Foods that have vanished

Whatever happened to? Foods that have vanished



Original Poster:

10,722 posts

183 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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My first offering is ...........

Pulled Pork.

A year ago ( maybe 2) it was everywhere. You could buy a franchise just majoring in this, it was in restaurants, street food, even spawned pulled chicken and pulled beef.

Now! It’s well off the radar.

What else was hot, now not?

Go back as far as you like.

Edited by Thankyou4calling on Tuesday 8th September 19:03

Smoggy XJR

552 posts

80 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Potato puffs, a sort of crisp for those who don't remember.

But pulled pork is in every supermarket I go to.


3,215 posts

189 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Pulled pork (and roast pork in a bun) was a big thing being served by vendors at public events and festivals, 2020 has put the kibosh on those so that may go some way to explaining their disappearance.


5,925 posts

128 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Tinned sponge pudding.


214 posts

200 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Artic roll


20,553 posts

196 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Blue Bird toffee.
Piglet crisps.

Louis Balfour

28,064 posts

232 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
quotequote all
Thankyou4calling said:
My first offering is ...........

Pulled Pork.

A year ago ( maybe 2) it was everywhere. You could buy a franchise just majoring in this, it was in restaurants, street food, even spawned pulled chicken and pulled beef.

Now! It’s well off the radar.

What else was hot, now not?

Go back as far as you like.

Edited by Thankyou4calling on Tuesday 8th September 19:03
Chicken in a basket.

As a child my diet had a high paper napkin content due to the quantity stuck to the same.

and Mississippi mud pie.

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

271 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Rum and raisin ice cream.


4,075 posts

77 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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eltawater said:
Pulled pork (and roast pork in a bun) was a big thing being served by vendors at public events and festivals, 2020 has put the kibosh on those so that may go some way to explaining their disappearance.
Or is it because pulled pork is no longer deemed trendy or even ethical as everywhere has switched to vegan pulled jackfruit and other such cobblers?


4,075 posts

77 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Smoggy XJR said:
Potato puffs, a sort of crisp for those who don't remember.
Puffs were amazing and really should be brought back, as should piglet crisps along with cheese snaps.


24,314 posts

231 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Pulled Pork is still very much in vogue with the many home smokers/BBQ'ers....


10,345 posts

253 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Chicken Wickers.


20,553 posts

196 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Sunny Delight. That brightly coloured, overly sweet chemical cocktail that was everywhere in the late 90's.
Horrid stuff.

Smoggy XJR

552 posts

80 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Smith's Bovril crisps.

Alright, I admit it. I like crisps.

Fast Bug

12,360 posts

171 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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TheTardis said:
Artic roll
Was round my mums for lunch the other weekend, she's got one in the freezer. Its probably been there since I was a child though laugh


11,079 posts

191 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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This pizza from asda.

It was my favourite and my go-to pizza. But for some reason they stopped selling them. For a long time many others did the same, no meat-feast stonebakked pizza... you'd get pepperoni, or american hot.


2,848 posts

200 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Angel Delight. The staple sweet offering for every child growing up in the 80s...


9,685 posts

167 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Pulled pork is still everywhere.



3,904 posts

137 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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Birdseye Rissoles :-)


Edited by MOBB on Tuesday 8th September 21:02


7,129 posts

230 months

Tuesday 8th September 2020
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rix said:
Angel Delight. The staple sweet offering for every child growing up in the 80s...
I’ve got some in the cupboard. Lovely stuff. lick