Out of Date food



Original Poster:

40,760 posts

295 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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Just noticed the orange juice in the fridge has a Best before (not use by) date of 13th March. Gave it a shake and poured a glass and its fine, although resisting the urge to add a slug of vodka.


I wonder if people will will be raiding the cupboard for old tins of food to check the use by dates. Just found some tinned sardines with a Dec 2019 date scratchchin


3,998 posts

205 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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i generally ignore best before dates

most are wildly pessimistic


Original Poster:

40,760 posts

295 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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Its 6 days past the date,

Riley Blue

21,976 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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Cotty said:
Its 6 days past the date,
A 'best before date' doesn't mean it'll turn to battery acid the day after. Use the smell 'n' sip test. If it passes, knock it back, what's the worst that can happen?

Nexus Icon

658 posts

72 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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Riley Blue said:
Cotty said:
Its 6 days past the date,
A 'best before date' doesn't mean it'll turn to battery acid the day after. Use the smell 'n' sip test. If it passes, knock it back, what's the worst that can happen?
You burn through your toilet roll stockpile in 24 hours?

Mobile Chicane

21,422 posts

223 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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The nose knows. If it smells ok I'll eat / drink it.


10,203 posts

139 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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One of the unexpected downsides to CV is bored employees posting up the dullest of threads.


Original Poster:

40,760 posts

295 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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227bhp said:
One of the unexpected downsides to CV is bored employees posting up the dullest of threads.
Thanks for that, perhaps I should just kill myself so you can avoid such threads. Tell you what lets see who dies first and we go from there.


2,717 posts

132 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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Best Before Date roulette - best thing ever.


4,959 posts

174 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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Good news - everything in the supermarket has now got a decent shelf life.


10,203 posts

139 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
quotequote all
Cotty said:
227bhp said:
One of the unexpected downsides to CV is bored employees posting up the dullest of threads.
Thanks for that, perhaps I should just kill myself so you can avoid such threads. Tell you what lets see who dies first and we go from there.
Feel free wavey


2,141 posts

100 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
quotequote all
Cotty said:
Just noticed the orange juice in the fridge has a Best before (not use by) date of 13th March. Gave it a shake and poured a glass and its fine, although resisting the urge to add a slug of vodka.


I wonder if people will will be raiding the cupboard for old tins of food to check the use by dates. Just found some tinned sardines with a Dec 2019 date scratchchin
Don't. The vodka will kill off the bacteria in the out of date juice.


14,869 posts

149 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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We just finished some natural yoghurt that was bb date of December 19. Perfectly edible.


1,544 posts

143 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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TheInternet said:
Good news - everything in the supermarket has now got a decent shelf life.


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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Found some fish sauce with BBE 94 the other day. Didn't risk that.
Daves Insanity Sauce, around 98, looked as normal and tried a bit then remembered why it was unused.

But usually I use best before and take note of use by.


2,764 posts

177 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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227bhp said:
One of the unexpected downsides to CV is bored employees posting up the dullest of threads.


52 posts

253 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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My mother has a large jar of Bovril in her pantry, best before May 95. Still tastes fine. We're planning to have a celebration of its quarter century out-of-date in May...


4,700 posts

262 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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Best before simply means that the date the manufacturer thinks it will be passed its best. It may still be fine a month or so after, plus it won’t make you ill or kill you


4,063 posts

243 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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Sniff and taste for a best before, don't mess with a use by, as a general rule


6,022 posts

131 months

Thursday 19th March 2020
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found a bread mix in the cupboard on Saturday bb 2012.

Looked fine, smelled fine but didn't rise, I guess the yeast was fecked.