bean to cup coffee machine
Just back from visiting some friends and I'm a convert, after yrs of our old filter.
So here's the rub they have a Jura E8 machine, excitedly googled this then had to pick myself up off the floor!!
Any more budget orientated machines, that'll still do a good job?
So here's the rub they have a Jura E8 machine, excitedly googled this then had to pick myself up off the floor!!
Any more budget orientated machines, that'll still do a good job?
Edited by PositronicRay on Monday 16th October 10:48
Shaw Tarse said:
Phew!Something like this?
I also followed the steer from the PH masses and went for the De'Longhi Magnifica ESAM4200 machine recently. Great machine for a very sensible price. I now have Americano's and Macchiato's that we think taste better than what we get from Costa! The expresso's are pretty good too.
Bought from here:
Bought from here:
Origin Unknown said:
I also followed the steer from the PH masses and went for the De'Longhi Magnifica ESAM4200 machine recently. Great machine for a very sensible price. I now have Americano's and Macchiato's that we think taste better than what we get from Costa! The expresso's are pretty good too.
Bought from here:
That sounds great, does it look okay? In the photo the fascia and controls look a bit..............well.................plasticy. Bought from here:
PositronicRay said:
That sounds great, does it look okay? In the photo the fascia and controls look a bit..............well.................plasticy.
I know exactly what you mean. I can only really offer an opinion but to me, it's appearance isn't cheap and it feel solid to use. If you're anywhere near Crowthorne Berks , you are welcome to pop in.Origin Unknown said:
PositronicRay said:
That sounds great, does it look okay? In the photo the fascia and controls look a bit..............well.................plasticy.
I know exactly what you mean. I can only really offer an opinion but to me, it's appearance isn't cheap and it feel solid to use. If you're anywhere near Crowthorne Berks , you are welcome to pop in.We're Warwickshire, so a bit far, sounds reassuring anyway.
Amazon also have this one spec looks the same
Edited by PositronicRay on Saturday 21st October 07:44
Just seen this one with "new silent grinder" confused I will be!
Just too much choice man.
Picked up the Argos jobbie this morning
a) It's black
b) Quiet grinder
Very impressed so far.
Just too much choice man.
Picked up the Argos jobbie this morning
a) It's black
b) Quiet grinder
Very impressed so far.
Edited by PositronicRay on Sunday 22 October 11:39
Edited by PositronicRay on Sunday 22 October 14:48
Origin Unknown said:
PositronicRay said:
That sounds great, does it look okay? In the photo the fascia and controls look a bit..............well.................plasticy.
I know exactly what you mean. I can only really offer an opinion but to me, it's appearance isn't cheap and it feel solid to use. If you're anywhere near Crowthorne Berks , you are welcome to pop in.Looking at my photo it seems I should probably give it a wipe down with a damp cloth soon.
PositronicRay said:
Shaw Tarse said:
Phew!Something like this?
Hang On said:
PositronicRay said:
Shaw Tarse said:
Phew!Something like this?
RobGT81 said:
Cheapest I have ever seen it. (Paid 299 for mine).Gassing Station | Food, Drink & Restaurants | Top of Page | What's New | My Stuff