Rice cookers/steamers?



Original Poster:

7,411 posts

141 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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Anyone use one? Are they worth the money?

Ive always assumed they are just a glorified saucepan, but some get very good reviews. Particularly this Breville ITP181...



20,679 posts

196 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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Do you have a microwave? Pyrex bowl, half a mug of rice per serving, double the amount of boiling water to rice, cover bowl with plate, 10 mins in microwave and 10 mins left on the side whilst covered. That's how I do it smile


2,972 posts

161 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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I have a rice cooker and it's the most used gadget in my kitchen - it's fantastic.

I bought mine when someone in my road emigrated - the wife is Japanese, so the rice cooker is too. I can't read any of the labels on the buttons, but have figured out how to use it. 100% perfectly cooked rice, every time. Zero hassle, cook the rice when convenient, keeps it warm for 12 hours.

I still sometimes cook rice in a pan, but that's for a very specific dish, the rice cooker gets used about 98% of the time - I wouldn't be without one.


2,039 posts

190 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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If you really feel like splashing out, and want the 'best' rice cooker, you buy a Zojirushi rice cooker... http://www.yumasia.co.uk

Personally, I use a sauce pan, but rice is noticeably better steamed.


3,354 posts

167 months

Tuesday 17th January 2017
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I have just a cheap rice cooker, but I've never managed to not have it burn the rice at the bottom or do properly sticky rice.

I got a steamer and that does a much better job although takes a bit longer. Benefit is it never ever, ever, ever, burns rice.

Good sushi rice I've only ever accomplished in a pan though for some reason, 1:1.1 rice:water boilfor 6-7m leave to sit for 10 or so with lid, brill.


2,521 posts

277 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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I use a microwave rice cooker and it works well. I did try to use my InstantPot as that's meant to be a rice cooker as well but it has never worked well with that function - I believe it's an issue with all pressure cooker type cookers. From speaking to others my understanding is it it worth spending the extra on a Japanese or South Korean rice cooker rather than going for ma seemingly much cheaper Chinese one.


1,339 posts

226 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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How often do you eat rice?

A rice cooker is great, perfect rice every time. 20-500 pounds. Fancy ones can cook congee, cakes and have fancy LCDs, but in the 10 years we've had our Panasonic (~ 40 pounds) we've only cooked rice. Daily. The non stick coating has worn off - replacement pan bought. Several points that they don't tell you.

Always, always, wipe dry the bottom of the pan before using. Residual water gets steamed and short circuits it.
Keep the measuring cup safe. Two cups of (level) rice = fill water and rice up to level 2 marked on the pan. For softer or firmer (for fried rice) rice add/subtract 1-2 tablespooons of water.

Mobile Chicane

21,398 posts

222 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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Zojirushi. All day long.

It cooks perfect restaurant quality rice without you having to watch it, or stir it. Just put everything in and forget.

Quinoa, couscous, pilau rice, and Jamaican rice an' peas also work well in it.


660 posts

144 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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You won't beat this.


Persian rice with tahdig is delicious and you can make great mixed persian rice stews as well.

Tahdig? A golden crust to the bottom of the rice, heavenly, a delicious crunchy accompaniment to any rice dish. Something that I could not believe could possibly taste as nice as it does until I had it.



4,203 posts

222 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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LeadFarmer said:
Anyone use one? Are they worth the money?
The Japanese lady that taught me how to make sushi uses a rice cooker, and if it's good enough for her...


2,040 posts

220 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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I wasn't' sure that one was a good idea, so I spent £15 on one from Argos. It now gets used everytime we want to cook rice (basmati, sushi etc,).

When it breaks I'd seriously look at one of the more expensive models.


2,039 posts

190 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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Equilibrium25 said:
You won't beat this.


Persian rice with tahdig is delicious and you can make great mixed persian rice stews as well.

Tahdig? A golden crust to the bottom of the rice, heavenly, a delicious crunchy accompaniment to any rice dish. Something that I could not believe could possibly taste as nice as it does until I had it.

That looks interesting, will it make the crust?

Every single persian I know reckons they make the best rice, one of them keeps telling me, "Rice knows when a persian is cooking it, and tries harder, and is extra delicious!" So nice to see that the ad has kept that up with this peach of a line:

Persian Rice People said:
Choose your size, but don’t forget 1 Iranian ‘man’ (portion) will feed nearly 2 normal mortals.


660 posts

144 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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HotJambalaya said:
That looks interesting, will it make the crust?

Every single persian I know reckons they make the best rice, one of them keeps telling me, "Rice knows when a persian is cooking it, and tries harder, and is extra delicious!" So nice to see that the ad has kept that up with this peach of a line:

Persian Rice People said:
Choose your size, but don’t forget 1 Iranian ‘man’ (portion) will feed nearly 2 normal mortals.
The ad is spot on!!

Yes, it will make the crust. The colours on the dial to set cooking time indicate how dark you want the crust. My wife is Persian, so I've been lucky enough to become familiar with this stuff! Dash of olive oil in the rice and water as well. Once you have your 'standard' mixture, you'll know how much you need to turn the dial to in order to get the tahdig that you like. Beautiful!


11,079 posts

191 months

Thursday 19th January 2017
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LeadFarmer said:
Anyone use one? Are they worth the money?

Ive always assumed they are just a glorified saucepan, but some get very good reviews. Particularly this Breville ITP181...
Use ours regularly as rice is our staple. They are definately worth the money. set it and forget it for spot on rice every time. it frees up 1 space on the stove and if you wanted you could just lift the pot out and plonk it on the dinner table. Even a basic one is good. A good nonstick one is best. Personally I hate burnt or browned rice and I have never had it in a rice cooker.


Original Poster:

7,411 posts

141 months

Thursday 19th January 2017
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Thanks for the replies.

This Zojirushi NS-LAQ05 looks like a good one..



2,039 posts

190 months

Thursday 19th January 2017
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Good choice, they are the rolls royce of rice cookers. People are obsessed with theirs. Would like to hear how you get on with it if you pick it up


12,087 posts

219 months

Thursday 19th January 2017
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At the other end of the scale...


Any comments? I cook rice in a pan but we do eat rice at least twice a week. I'm a bit concerned it just has a "White Rice" button.

But at £20 is it worth a punt given I have very little cupboard space for useless things!

Ken Figenus

5,862 posts

127 months

Thursday 19th January 2017
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Hmm! Cheapskates' 3 year evolution tried and tested method:

Big Pyrex bowl, 1/2 cup basmati rice. Rinse with the water hitting the centre of the bowl for 5 mins so as it jiggles the rice. Let soak for 30 mins. Sieve out 80% of the water. Add salt and some haldi (turmeric - it kills cancer biggrin) plus a good 3/4 cup water. Seal top with a nice fitting plate. 5 mins micro full power. 7-8 mins 3/4 power. Let stand for 10-15 mins. Fluff up. Gadget cost = zero wink

jas xjr

11,309 posts

249 months

Thursday 19th January 2017
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i do not mean to be argumentative , but why use a rice cooker ? it is not too difficult to cook rice . sorry i really do not understand


11,079 posts

191 months

Thursday 19th January 2017
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jas xjr said:
i do not mean to be argumentative , but why use a rice cooker ? it is not too difficult to cook rice . sorry i really do not understand
Like I've said already afew posts up.

1)You can set it and forget it. The rice cooker won't ever burn the rice and will cook it perfect every time and keep it warm.
2)It's one less thing on the stove top/cooker.

A good nonstick one is piss easy to clean and the pot is something you can just lift out and put on your table to serve. You don't need to spend £100+ like the one listed on here. A £30 one will do the same job.