


Original Poster:

6,339 posts

279 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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Any aficionados on here?
Have always enjoyed the odd after dinner Calvados as an enjoyable and considerably cheaper alternative to brandy (which I have to say is somewhat over hyped in my experience)

Had a few aged ones and they were exceptional but looking on berry bros or master of malt and the older ones cost rather a lot just to take a punt on.

Any recommendations?

King Cnut

256 posts

123 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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mr_tony said:
Any aficionados on here?
Have always enjoyed the odd after dinner Calvados as an enjoyable and considerably cheaper alternative to brandy (which I have to say is somewhat over hyped in my experience)

Had a few aged ones and they were exceptional but looking on berry bros or master of malt and the older ones cost rather a lot just to take a punt on.

Any recommendations?
No recommendations but one of my favourite drinks. I prefer it to Cognac, which I find a bit too polished. I like something with a few rough edges.

Why not nip over to Normandy for a bit of 'research'?


Original Poster:

6,339 posts

279 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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Want a bottle for Christmas. Travel schedule and kids preclude just popping to Normandy - despite it being an ideal GT man jaunt in the motor...


10,917 posts

235 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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My granddad had a license to distill it, we're down to his last few bottles now.


42,666 posts

200 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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always think of this whenever Calvados is mentioned...


42,038 posts

258 months

Thursday 25th April 2019
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The winner of The World's Best Calvados awards 2018 is about €50 for a 70cl bottle in France or direct from the producer Busnel online. However, it's also the Sainsbury's own brand Calvados Pays D'Auge XO 12 years old at £20 for a 50cl bottle.

It is bloody wonderful and has taken over as my favourite spirit, it eclipses the usual supermarket Calvados Fine/Vieux and tops decent single malts and quality Brandy at thrice the price imo.

Edited by Balmoral on Thursday 25th April 18:22


12,124 posts

219 months

Thursday 25th April 2019
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Certainly no expert but I have a real soft spot for Somerset Cider Brandy.

Certainly the guy behind it is a real character and plied me with enough at a food fair so that I could barely walk in a straight line after nearly an hour of sampling and chat about his stills.

I suspect you may have to buy online or from an independent.


42,038 posts

258 months

Thursday 25th April 2019
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I've been reading a book about Calvados this afternoon (whilst drinking the stuff and nibbling on dark choccy). The UK producers got a mention, as well as the US and RoW (obviously they can't call theirs Calvados). I must try some of the UK stuff.

I appear to have finished the bottle.


19,677 posts

217 months

Thursday 25th April 2019
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I love Calvados and pray it does not become fashionable. Just the nose alone is amazing.


2,844 posts

147 months

Thursday 25th April 2019
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My mate drinks it, he goes to france alot and brings it back with him, I think it's awful!


2,990 posts

262 months

Thursday 25th April 2019
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Balmoral said:

The winner of The World's Best Calvados awards 2018 is about €50 for a 70cl bottle in France or direct from the producer Busnel online. However, it's also the Sainsbury's own brand Calvados Pays D'Auge XO 12 years old at £20 for a 50cl bottle.

It is bloody wonderful and has taken over as my favourite spirit, it eclipses the usual supermarket Calvados Fine/Vieux and tops decent single malts and quality Brandy at thrice the price imo.
I had a bottle of this and thought is was excellent - good to see my fine taste is shared by others. I love a malt; don't 'get' cognac but calvados I like.


10,917 posts

235 months

Thursday 25th April 2019
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Balmoral said:

The winner of The World's Best Calvados awards 2018 is about €50 for a 70cl bottle in France or direct from the producer Busnel online. However, it's also the Sainsbury's own brand Calvados Pays D'Auge XO 12 years old at £20 for a 50cl bottle.

It is bloody wonderful and has taken over as my favourite spirit, it eclipses the usual supermarket Calvados Fine/Vieux and tops decent single malts and quality Brandy at thrice the price imo.

Edited by Balmoral on Thursday 25th April 18:22
Thanks for bumping! My brother is a Calvados snob (our Mum is from Normandy), he will think I'm taking the piss if I buy him an own brand bottle.


6,619 posts

97 months

Thursday 25th April 2019
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I love Calvados, my dad turned me on to it, he said that he was stuck down a cellar during an air raid with a bunch of Canadian soldiers in Normandy in 1944, and that the Canucks had a couple of cases of it.
Another one to try is Armagnac, great after dinner drink, IMO.


2,533 posts

277 months

Wednesday 1st May 2019
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I've been drinking (slowly over time) Henry de Querville for years (had others as well) - hard to find even in Normandy but my parents have managed it when they've been over there. Some of the best stuff I've had was actually a local still, bring your own glass bottle, stuff my father was pointed to (by a local) when my mother was at an Open University summer school in Normandy and he was there with day time hours to kill.


42,038 posts

258 months

Wednesday 1st May 2019
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The regular Fine Querville is on Amazon at £35, which is a bit much for a boggo Fine.

21st Century Man

42,038 posts

258 months

Thursday 30th January 2020
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Balmoral said:
Sainsbury's own brand Calvados Pays D'Auge XO 12 years old at £20 for a 50cl bottle.
Dropped down to £15 a bottle towards the end of last year. Now discontinued. frown


55,024 posts

265 months

Sunday 2nd February 2020
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Last year I managed to grow a pear in a bottle and topped it up with Calvados to steep for a few months...

21st Century Man

42,038 posts

258 months

Sunday 2nd February 2020
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Frank7 said:
Another one to try is Armagnac, great after dinner drink, IMO.
Although Sainsbury's have stopped doing the 12 year old XO Calvados, they're doing something very similar with a 12 year old XO Armagnac.

I highly commend it Frank.

21st Century Man

42,038 posts

258 months

Sunday 15th November 2020
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Whisky thread does rather well, this was just delivered, and as this is the only Calvados thread...


234 posts

84 months

Sunday 15th November 2020
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Roger Groult Calvados Hors d'Age XO. Makes a fantastic hole in the stomach, plenty of space for more grub.
When I lived in Granville, France a bottle would be brought to the table after a few courses, everyone would drink a few glasses then continue eating. Now that I live in Burgundy I use Marc de Bourgogne for the same purpose.