Markings on a pint glass



Original Poster:

64 months

Friday 14th March 2014
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After the CE mark I have M09 and M07 on 2 pint glasses.

I know CE is certification of Europe but what is the M09 and M07 mark?

Google has not been my friend frown



6,294 posts

232 months

Friday 14th March 2014
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Manufacturer's ID possibly.

WARNING they may be foreign yikes


15 posts

132 months

Saturday 15th March 2014
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The numbers are the year of manufacture. Basically you'll need to get some new glasses as they wont be effective for keeping the head on your pint.

Wow, what a profound first post.....


Original Poster:

64 months

Saturday 15th March 2014
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Adam, profound or not, welcome!


Original Poster:

64 months

Saturday 15th March 2014
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Adam, profound or not, welcome!


9,414 posts

180 months

Saturday 15th March 2014
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AforAdam said:
The numbers are the year of manufacture. Basically you'll need to get some new glasses as they wont be effective for keeping the head on your pint.

Wow, what a profound first post.....
Interesting! What's the science behind that one then?


7,871 posts

168 months

Saturday 15th March 2014
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Art0ir said:
AforAdam said:
The numbers are the year of manufacture. Basically you'll need to get some new glasses as they wont be effective for keeping the head on your pint.

Wow, what a profound first post.....
Interesting! What's the science behind that one then?
From memory, bubbles form at nucleation sites (imperfection in glass etc). More modern pint glasses include textured areas on the base as deliberate nucleation sites in order to keep the head alive longer.


15 posts

132 months

Saturday 15th March 2014
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Looneytunes is correct.

At my last pub we had a lass from Fosters UK come in and teach myself and the staff how to pour the perfect pint(i'd only been in the pub trade for 13 years rolleyes) and we were told that glasses must be replaced every 18months and that the stamp on the glass was the year it was made. All in all, a complete waste of time however, as I was the only one not working that day I got to drink all of this for free!

Every cloud.....

ps, thanks for the welcome Garyhun


10,203 posts

138 months

Sunday 16th March 2014
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Fosters Pint glasses have an outline of Australia etched in the bottom to create the bubbles, many years on mine is still there doing its stuff....


1 posts

70 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2019
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The 2 digit number refers to the year of manufacture of the glass.
17 would bre 2017.


6,683 posts

208 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2019
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I'm fascinated to know how you came across this five year old question that had already been answered and then registered to answer it again! Welcome! wink


Original Poster:

64 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2019
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Hub said:
I'm fascinated to know how you came across this five year old question that had already been answered and then registered to answer it again! Welcome! wink
You wait till they start spamming, then you'll know!!

Only kidding..... I'm the OP and I remember asking this but had no idea it was 5 years ago. How time flies!


16,291 posts

256 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2019
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This one celebrates the power unit in my Westfield...


Edited by motco on Tuesday 2nd April 17:16


40,647 posts

294 months

Thursday 4th April 2019
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LooneyTunes said:
From memory, bubbles form at nucleation sites (imperfection in glass etc). More modern pint glasses include textured areas on the base as deliberate nucleation sites in order to keep the head alive longer.
Trouble is sometime they are too lively the head keeps growing.


555 posts

137 months

Thursday 4th April 2019
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Hub said:
I'm fascinated to know how you came across this five year old question that had already been answered and then registered to answer it again! Welcome! wink
Especially given that the first guy to answer it also registered just to answer it!


2,690 posts

223 months

Friday 26th May 2023
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Anyone have an idea on how to date a pint glass from these markings?


7,738 posts

74 months

Friday 26th May 2023
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I'd just ask if it fancies a drink.


138 posts

26 months

Friday 26th May 2023
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Sporky said:
I'd just ask if it fancies a drink.
That tickled me!


12,718 posts

238 months

Friday 26th May 2023
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Isn't that '13' at the bottom ? So maybe 2013.
If you fill it with sh*t lager - does it look lively and tempting ? Or has the fizz and bubbles gone from it ?


138 posts

26 months

Friday 26th May 2023
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Jonmx said:
Anyone have an idea on how to date a pint glass from these markings?
I think it says G R, so king George...