Juicer recommendations



Original Poster:

465 posts

145 months

Thursday 11th July 2013
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Hi, i'm about to order a Juicer online but confused by all the different types. As some of these are quite pricey i want to make sure i buy one of the better ones smile

From quick reading on the internet, some aren't too good at 'soft' fruits, or herbs?

Budget - don't really mind paying a few hundred quid if it'll do the job better than the budget jobbies.

Use - her indoors wants it for juicing and smoothies for the family

We don't really want something too complicated to use, clean, and maintain - it needs to be simple to operate and understand.



31,970 posts

243 months

Thursday 11th July 2013
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Do you even know what type you want? Press? Centrifugal? Masticating?

For citrus I prefer a press, e.g. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Citrus-Juicer-Lever-Extrac...

Magimix make a decent centrifugal one, e.g. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Magimix-Extractor-Chrome-C... or you can get the attachments that fit to your Magimix food processor if you've got one.

Masticating are said to get the most juice. Can be a bugger to clean. No specific recommendation there.

Shaw Tarse

31,742 posts

213 months


4,080 posts

212 months

Thursday 11th July 2013
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12,084 posts

249 months

Thursday 11th July 2013
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Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead effect?

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Thursday 11th July 2013
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A masticating juicer, every day of the week.

These aren't difficult to clean (or at least I don't think so compared with the centrifugal types). Everything comes apart for a quick rinse under the tap and that's it.

A masticating juicer will juice citrus fruits, but you need to peel them first.

Yes they are expensive compared with centrifugal juicers, but they get more juice out, and will also juice woody vegetables, ginger and chillies etc.

My favourite juice when I've got a cold is orange, ginger and chilli.

With said juicer, I'm also going to have a go a cider this year.


2,427 posts

242 months

Thursday 11th July 2013
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I've had two. The first was a kenwood one which was crap and a bugger to clean. The second is a waring which was sourced unused off ebay. Paid about one third of RRP.

The waring is great and very easy to clean.

I dont use it very much - in fact the best use I have for it is marinades, I chuck bucket loads of chilli, ginger and garlic in to it and then pop meat and the juice in to a zip lock.

Both of mine are the centrifugal type.


Original Poster:

465 posts

145 months

Friday 12th July 2013
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Thank you all for the replies and recommendations. Omega Vert Mastibating juicer ordered - http://www.ukjuicers.com/omega-vert-vrt350-hd-juic...


Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Saturday 13th July 2013
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That looks good. A lot of money to pay for a juicer, but with an induction motor it should last years.

Put the pulp on the compost heap.


12,959 posts

198 months

Tuesday 16th July 2013
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thetapeworm said:
Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead effect?
For me, yes! Very interested in getting a juicer for vegtables, but there are so many to chose from?


12,959 posts

198 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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I bought one of these. I used it and cleaned it within 5 minutes!smile



6,090 posts

206 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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In my experience buy any one, possibly the cheapest as mrs P will use it once and it then gets left under the stairs until you give it to a friend, who does the same. Ours has been passed on about 5 times now, probably only used 3 times in its life! smile I could possibly get it over to you if you fancy joining the chain? smile

Edited by prand on Monday 22 July 21:36


12,959 posts

198 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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prand said:
In my experience buy any one, possibly the cheapest as mrs P will use it once and it then gets left under the stairs until you give it to a friend, who does the same. Ours has been passed on about 5 times now, probably only used 3 times in its life! smile I could possibly get it over to you if you fancy joining the chain? smile

Edited by prand on Monday 22 July 21:36

Mobile Chicane

21,396 posts

222 months

Friday 3rd November 2023
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Still juicing?

I've had mine ten years now and it's still going strong. Used daily to make the morning energy hit. Today it's 1 beetroot, handful of kale, thumb of turmeric, thumb of ginger, 1 apple, 1 carrot, 2 sticks celery.

Prices have come down a lot since I bought it. Lots of choice for under £100