Tramps Truffles



Original Poster:

690 posts

208 months

Friday 25th November 2011
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By popular demand.

Behold Tramps Truffles....

Post your discarded and unfinished take away pics here biggrin

I'll get the ball rolling smile


18,067 posts

169 months

Friday 25th November 2011
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You actually took the time to photograph this? Are you a council refuse collector?


Original Poster:

690 posts

208 months

Friday 25th November 2011
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No, I am in the Armed forces smile

Simpo Two

87,563 posts

275 months

Friday 25th November 2011
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Now if Tracey Emmin had taken that photo it would be worth £1M...


5,321 posts

202 months

Friday 25th November 2011
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I went back to the bench on the canal, where I had seen the KFC style chicken bones layed out in a line....

Alas they had gone though.

Will keep a look out for any other interesting Tramps Truffles on my travels this weekend.

Could get some interesting looks though from the footy squad im out with tonight.

"What are you doing man?"

"Ow this! Nothing boxedin just taking a photo of half eaten disgarded takeways for poeple on the interenet aint it."


2,188 posts

221 months

Friday 25th November 2011
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I just have to say that the expression "Tramps Truffles" caused me to guffaw out loud in the clients office that I am working in, attracting faaarrrr too much attention biggrin

volks al

4,107 posts

224 months

Saturday 26th November 2011
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I feel some good pics should be appearing after the weekend. Will be keeping my eyes peeled on base tomorrow morning on the way to work!


2,188 posts

221 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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Not technically a truffle, but something to wash one down with, this beverage was rapidly left by a late running passenger. The vultures then started circling.

Mobile Chicane

21,393 posts

222 months

Tuesday 29th November 2011
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I'll admit to hoiking lunchtime meeting-room sandwiches out of the bin at 9PM on a Friday night (helpfully laid on top by the cleaners) when there was nothing else to be had, and no time / budget to order in.

The joys of advertising. Top 10 London agency too...


2,188 posts

221 months

Wednesday 14th December 2011
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This thread has the potential to be too funny to allow it to die... So here, a picture of another doorway dinner:


5,321 posts

202 months

Wednesday 14th December 2011
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Dead abit but not forgotten.

I just haven't seen anything that interesting recently, the 3gs camera is also crap in low light, plus the street cleaners in notts must be on it at the moment.

Mobile Chicane

21,393 posts

222 months

Wednesday 14th December 2011
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SVX said:
This thread has the potential to be too funny to allow it to die... So here, a picture of another doorway dinner:

I bet the filthy skank ate that with their hands, too.


406 posts

247 months

Wednesday 14th December 2011
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SVX said:
This thread has the potential to be too funny to allow it to die... So here, a picture of another doorway dinner:

At least you get a third of a fag to round off the meal.


610 posts

182 months

Wednesday 14th December 2011
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SVX said:
This thread has the potential to be too funny to allow it to die... So here, a picture of another doorway dinner:

Shame about the salad.


Original Poster:

690 posts

208 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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35,829 posts

281 months

Tuesday 15th March 2016
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12,083 posts

249 months

Tuesday 15th March 2016
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Soov535 said:


12,083 posts

249 months

Saturday 24th March 2018
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It's alive, not ashamed to admit I said "tramp truffles" in my head when I saw this earlier today, ever since this post introduced me to the phrase it's been a favourite.


12,083 posts

249 months

Thursday 12th April 2018
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2,188 posts

221 months

Saturday 14th April 2018
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Thats debatable between a full on drunken blunder into a plate glass window, or actual regurgitation - excellent work!