Real Czech Staropramen available in Lidl

Real Czech Staropramen available in Lidl



3,951 posts

85 months

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its almost as if the 1664 thread never existed. rinse repeat! is there a merge option?!


19,706 posts

206 months

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Bradgate said:
Madri, a UK brewed ‘Spanish’ brand which was invented by a big brewer’s marketing department a few years ago seems to be what everyone is drinking at the moment. It doesn’t even exist is Spain.

I'm sure I read somewhere that Madri is nothing more than a rebrand of a hitherto-well known standard lager (ie Carling, Fosters, etc). Can't recall which one.


3,951 posts

85 months

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-Cappo- said:
Bradgate said:
Madri, a UK brewed ‘Spanish’ brand which was invented by a big brewer’s marketing department a few years ago seems to be what everyone is drinking at the moment. It doesn’t even exist is Spain.

I'm sure I read somewhere that Madri is nothing more than a rebrand of a hitherto-well known standard lager (ie Carling, Fosters, etc). Can't recall which one.
its not its a new brew but complete fake, the weekend papers supplements have various articled the phenon of its creation.


367 posts

155 months

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nuyorican said:
I keep forgetting to start a thread on fake lager. Thanks for reminding me!

I used to drink lager in the 90's. Becks, Stella etc. But got into real ale and never really drank it again unless on holiday. Until this summer that is, when I decided I fancied some nice crisp, ice-cold lager. But to my dismay, and to the detriment of my wallet after wasting lots of money on all the usual suspects, it's all gone rubbish! Pish!

It all 'looks' the same as old, but if you turn it round and look at the small-print you'll see the dreaded BREWED IN UK. The ABV will also be suspiciously low... Never mind, I thought, I'll buy Becks, that won't have been tampered with, will it? Purity laws and all? But no, that's fake too now!

So what happened? And why? Seems to be a lager-specific problem, you can buy cracking beer/ale that's brewed in the UK all day long.

Companies penny pinching and selling respected branding to pish manufacturers perhaps? Nanny state in action? Brexit? Are beers like Stella and Becks now inferior products in Belgium and Germany too? Or is it a UK thing?

So after lots of disappointing lager buying, I did find a quality lager which I'll share here.

Behold, M&S Belgian Lager. Fantastic stuff.

Sounds like a similar story to me. I remember drinking Becks in my younger days, thinking that I was the bee's knees. However I never really liked it and eventually got into real ale and then craft beer and now I wouldn't go near a Becks, probably as bad as Heineken and that is saying something. However a good lager when done well is fantastic, especially on a hot day to quench the thirst and is actually a style that is hard to nail, as you have nowhere to hide the imperfections. Some of the American craft breweries do some amazing ones. I live in the Netherlands currently and my favourite of the mass produced Dutch lagers is Hertog Jan, not sure if it is available in the UK, I've never seen it when I've been back in the UK.

Edited by NSNO on Wednesday 3rd July 13:51


6,665 posts

131 months

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NSNO said:
nuyorican said:
I keep forgetting to start a thread on fake lager. Thanks for reminding me!

I used to drink lager in the 90's. Becks, Stella etc. But got into real ale and never really drank it again unless on holiday. Until this summer that is, when I decided I fancied some nice crisp, ice-cold lager. But to my dismay, and to the detriment of my wallet after wasting lots of money on all the usual suspects, it's all gone rubbish! Pish!

It all 'looks' the same as old, but if you turn it round and look at the small-print you'll see the dreaded BREWED IN UK. The ABV will also be suspiciously low... Never mind, I thought, I'll buy Becks, that won't have been tampered with, will it? Purity laws and all? But no, that's fake too now!

So what happened? And why? Seems to be a lager-specific problem, you can buy cracking beer/ale that's brewed in the UK all day long.

Companies penny pinching and selling respected branding to pish manufacturers perhaps? Nanny state in action? Brexit? Are beers like Stella and Becks now inferior products in Belgium and Germany too? Or is it a UK thing?

So after lots of disappointing lager buying, I did find a quality lager which I'll share here.

Behold, M&S Belgian Lager. Fantastic stuff.

Sounds like a similar story to me. I remember drinking Becks in my younger days, thinkin that I was the bee's knees. However I never really liked it and eventually got into real ale and then craft beer and now I wouldn't go near a Becks, probably as bad as Heineken and that is saying something. However a good lager when done well is fantastic, especially on a hot day to quench the thirst and is actually a style that is hard to nail, as you nowhere to hide the imperfections. Some of the American craft breweries do some amazing ones. I live in the Netherlands and my favourite of the mass produced Dutch lagers is Hertog Jan, not sure if it is available in the UK, I've never seen it when I've been back in the UK.
I seem to recall when first introduced in the 1980's, all Becks in the UK was imported from Germany - though never a lager drinker (I'm a staunch cask ale man) I used to like it.

There are actually some very nice 'real' Pilsners, Bocks and Lagers being brewed now by UK 'craft' (whatever that means!) brewers these days


14,113 posts

204 months

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Picked some up this morning along with some imported 5.8% Victoria Malaga beer.


13,887 posts

287 months

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bolidemichael said:
Picked some up this morning along with some imported 5.8% Victoria Malaga beer.

No sign of it at either Tiverton or Wellington Lidl frown

I went to the lengths of filling out a query in their web contact form asking if it was likely to be stocked anywhere local, but the 'Submit' button just gets you a big red "Internal Error" message. Pants.


1,459 posts

137 months

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Following this. I drink real ale but when it’s hot I just want a super cold delicious lager and the cooking ones like fosters and carling are just awful.