I've just had lunch in Wetherspoons

I've just had lunch in Wetherspoons



Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 17th April 2022
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anonymous said:
That’s freaky, wife and I also had lunch in ‘Spoons in Biggleswade yesterday, and we sat at table 69 !

2 x cheese and ham paninis, portion of chips and 2 pints of beer, all for £16.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 17th April 2022
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Cotty said:
I am popping down to Ramsgate soon and fancy popping into the largest Wetherspoons in the UK being Royal Victoria Pavilion.
Looks nice inside or could sit out on the balcony overlooking the beach

It’s true that they have a habit of preserving interesting old buildings that nobody else wants. Good examples are Hemel Hempstead and the Regal Theatre in Cambridge. They have individually designed carpets according to what the building used to be. I love what they do and what other pub provides a drinks menu with pictures! Some of the best toilets too.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 18th April 2022
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Vasco said:
Cotty said:
gregs656 said:
I don't think it is just price. I think a lot of people like the relatively quick service and predictability of the menu and execution. .
I think for a single person the table service on the app is good. Otherwise you could lose your table when you walk to the bar for another drink or to order food.
Agreed, the app is excellent. Fast and efficient.
If only the wetherspoons app could be applied to many government departments and quangos etc we'd be laughing and a world leader.


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 13th May 2022
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Can't grumble, place is busy and food and drink on table in 4 minutes for under £6 using the app.
And using the 'free wifi' biggrin


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 22nd September 2022
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mcpoot said:
Even by PH standards the snobbery here is laughably pathetic.
But is ‘snobbery’ actually a bad thing? I think it is it simply people saying they don’t like something.

I bet there’s plenty of rough places in the world that you wouldn’t drink in or eat in. Are you being a snob?

Whether you like something or not is just a personal feeling or opinion. It isn’t usually intended to be malicious.

I don’t actually see anything wrong by saying “I don’t like the food in Wetherspoons and I prefer to spend more money and go somewhere else”. That’s just simply someone’s personal preference.

I don’t even mind someone saying “I don’t like the sort of people who are customers in Wetherspoons, so I pay more and go elsewhere”

If you heard someone say “I would never go in that expensive bar because it’s full of posh tts who are all dressed up posh” then most people would just laugh and think it was fair comment, but say you don’t want to go in somewhere because of badly dressed people, or the poor quality food and all of a sudden it’s ‘snobbery’ and made out to be something terrible.

Edited by anonymous-user on Thursday 22 September 20:57


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 18th February 2023
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paulguitar said:
Louis Balfour said:
untakenname said:
Anyone wanting to reaffirm their prejudices about 'spoons should click that link and tab forward through the photos of the place.
I don't say this lightly, but I'd rather go without a drink than have one there.
paulguitar said:
The carpet, the furniture, the lighting, the TV, the football being on the TV, the customers. The life draining medioctity.

Crutches. You forgot crutches.

Everytime I see the patrons inside a Wetherspoons, inevitably there are always several people on crutches.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 18th February 2023
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Digger said:
That's a shame - looks like the knives are out for the spoons.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 2nd March 2023
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Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 14th March 2023
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Cotty said:
I think presentation lets it down. My regular mixed grill from Ramsgate looked better. The large mixed grill is too much for me, I can't finish it.
Decent pea portion.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Koyaanisqatsi said:
I'd be at my nearest independent pub paying £6 per pint, and £10 for some average fish and chips.
The beer prices are from 2023, but the food prices are from 2015