THE STEAK THREAD, served a la Man

THE STEAK THREAD, served a la Man



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Friday 7th April 2017
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ambuletz said:
I know I'm at risk of probably getting flamed for posting a 'Tasty'/buzzfeed video but what's peoples thoughts on cooking a steak different ways? In this video they do pan-sear+ oven, reverse sear, and just normal pan sear.

after watching it I'm not sure if the extra 40+ minutes a reverse sear requires is worth the effort.
Things should always be cooked different ways in the experimental phase just so you end up with what you like best. This is the art of cooking for oneself and especially matters with simple foods such as this and the humble chip.

The problem is when cooking for more folk and one wants it unlike you do and have perfected... my wide for instance likes her chips done as she was tasting from her dad when growing up, which means done in beef dripping (good) bit soft and greasy (not so good ). Whilst everyone else eats crispy fluffy chips. Stress.


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Wednesday 12th April 2017
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tuffer said:
Steak, served a la Man.....

That's really good work on the BBQ, problem is even when clicking on the links too small

My eyes watered trying to see it as well as my mouth


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Wednesday 12th April 2017
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6th Gear said:

Zuma, Dubai
That steak looks how I would eat it, but can you add more on how it worked with the sauce etc as I am sure not many of us has eaten it, how did it add up in the mouth?

Nice photos


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Sunday 16th April 2017
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Edited by Gandahar on Sunday 16th April 13:32


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Sunday 16th April 2017
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21TonyK said:
Anyone tried and care to comment on retired dairy cow?

Looks like it could be worth the extra, spotted on the menu at Faviken.
No comment apart from the general trend of beef getting far far too pricey nowadays

PH probably needs a poor mans cheap steak cooked properly thread......

I'm sure we are up to it.


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Thursday 16th November 2017
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bomb said:
New York Strip, done in my Sous Vide for an hour at 53 degrees. Then transferred to the Uuni Pizza oven and put on a sizzle dish at 400 degrees, for a couple of minutes on each side.

Nice, rubbed down with a big of butter whilst resting would have given it the last 1%

Now hungry


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Thursday 16th November 2017
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21TonyK said:
Inspired by the giant rumps at Aldi I thought I would try one for a change from the usual ribeye.


Seasoned, bagged and bathed at 53.5 for 3 hours

Hot griddle and in the oven at 50 degrees for 5 minutes

There was a peppercorn sauce added

Defeated, dog did well!
Have to agree. At least the dog was happy.

Rather than all this sous vide stuff better to do Alain Ducasse style, it is a lot quicker and tastes a lot better I would wager. Lots of posts about it on here and over the internet.

Looking at your pictures you did not torch it enough on this "reverse sear". I'm not even sure a reverse sear would have been the right thing to do in this case.

I think people are overegging the pudding in effect.....

Edited by Gandahar on Thursday 16th November 21:43


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Thursday 16th November 2017
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Might be interesting testing a standard steak cooked in olive oil, butter or beef dripping to compare taste v browning considering the way those oils cook.

How many people cook their steaks in beef dripping? Is that not the best for a really tasty beefy steak?

I will experiment this weekend with a cheap cut and put up some results.


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Friday 31st August 2018
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43034 said:
Not as glamorous as some on here but it's hit the spot in the middle of a block of night shifts...

excellent. Now that is a perfect midnight snack


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Friday 31st August 2018
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My wife dragged me down to Miller and Carter yesterday. They have taken over the local Harvester location in Sevenoaks and proudly proclaim they have the best steaks.....

That claim and my wife dragging me down there saying it was good leads me to the following points

1. The steaks were overcooked from what we ordered, not too much, but still too much.
2. They claim aging but as it seems not to be dry aging you cannot tell any difference. I proper dry aged steak you can.
3. There is no difference between a grain fed steak to normal grass fed that I have had in the past. Hmmm
4. The beef dripping gravy is good for moistening the overcooked steak.
5. No searing of the steaks.

The last is the worse. They put "grill marks" on it...... nooooo

Still better than the Harvester though at 3x the price.

We spent the entire 15min drive home we me moaning about it after my wife convinced me to go and paid for it. Sorry luv, frown

The fact of the matter is that unless you go to one of the better steak houses and are prepared to pay I think you are better doing steaks at home and serve it "as you prefer".


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Friday 7th September 2018
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Considering how steak if easy to cook ( it's no beef wellington is it where you have to juggle a lot of things?) it's surprisingly hard to get right.

The reason for this is because we all like it cooked "as we like it" . Imagine going to a standard steak place and when they ask how would you like it cooked you say "As I like it". The waitress and chef, either short order and 20 or 45 and more upmarket "maitre a la steak de maison" will wish you said "As it comes"

Very few times over the years I have ordered a steak and been totally happy. Smith and Wollensky in NY did it ok and the next best after that in the UK was actually a fish restaurant in Margate called Rocksalt. Their steak was actually dry aged and cooked to the requested amount.

Considering steaks over here are so expensive now they have to get it right.

I have not been to the top London NY style locations, I assume they get it right? What's your pick.

Best steak ever?
Worst steak ever?

Let us know.


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Saturday 24th November 2018
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DoodoolTala said:
Finally tried Flat Iron (took a photo but too dark). It was pretty bloody good and you couldn't even tell it was flank steak as it was so tender and soft. The only issue is the size! There's no way you can get full up on one steak frown

online pic but looked exactly the same.
Looks great

We need more skirt and flank on here. Tricky to cook, but can be worthwhile, I am still rather haphazard with it to be honest due to lack of practice with these cuts, we tend to get over excited by other cuts and "amount of marbelling",etc

Rather than A la man we might need A la difference just to expand horizons,


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Sunday 3rd November 2019
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Rump steak with maldon salt on it and a cheeky bit of arrowmat ...

Chips drizzled in garlic oil with parmesan and blue cheese "sprinkles"

As I was watching the QP for formula one. Matron, get the electrodes out please just to start the old ticker....

Edited by Gandahar on Sunday 3rd November 15:07


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Tuesday 11th February 2020
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Coin Slot. said:
Sales rep took me and a few of the work lads out, 21oz Ribeye and 2 racks of ribs, very tasty. lick

Fantastic !

I love they way this is right next to the Vegan part of the forum for extra marks as well ! beer


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Wednesday 28th October 2020
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AlvinSultana said:
So today we had a delivery.

I'm not sure your prior two burgers on hoofs would be happy about how many un- environmentally friendly plastic bags all that is wrapped up in



Beef gets a bit of a bad rap in that regard normally, this is not helping.....

I'm looking forward to all your cooking for that bag of stuff to make it look fine on a plate. Good luck. This is the steak thread after all.....

Meanwhile, before that, an amuse bousche, late night finger nibbles.

Edited by Gandahar on Wednesday 28th October 23:07


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Wednesday 28th October 2020
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The clue is in the title.... a la man is not obligatory of course smile