Sourdough breadmaking



11,666 posts

212 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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illmonkey said:
I was thinking to do the same amount of dough, but half it and use a smaller dish. Do one on a Sat morning, one on Sunday or Monday, would it be ok in the fridge for 48hrs?
I've done 96 hours cold no problem with pizzas and regularly do 48 hours+ on bread.


18,329 posts

201 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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21TonyK said:
illmonkey said:
I was thinking to do the same amount of dough, but half it and use a smaller dish. Do one on a Sat morning, one on Sunday or Monday, would it be ok in the fridge for 48hrs?
I've done 96 hours cold no problem with pizzas and regularly do 48 hours+ on bread.
Thanks Tone, knew you'd have an answer.


10,409 posts

158 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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SpydieNut said:
i got one and have had excellent results - so much better than using a tray biggrin
Thanks. I now need to find somewhere to store it :-)

In terms of Sourdough, so you put it all in the oven to get hot and then place in the dough, or just the skillet and leave the top on the side?

Edited by Challo on Monday 7th March 11:24


2,448 posts

255 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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Challo said:
Thanks. I now need to find somewhere to store it :-)

In terms of Sourdough, so you put it all in the oven to get hot and then place in the dough, or just the skillet and leave the top on the side?

Edited by Challo on Monday 7th March 11:24
Put the whole thing in and get it blazing hot. Take it out and put the loaf in the lid. Score the loaf and base of the pan back on the lid. Into hot oven for 20 minutes then remove the base of the dutch oven and let it bake at a lower temperature for 20 minutes. worth checking after 10 to see how it's doing. My oven seems hot/fast

Barbecue gloves are pretty handy


10,409 posts

158 months

Tuesday 8th March 2022
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oddman said:
Challo said:
Thanks. I now need to find somewhere to store it :-)

In terms of Sourdough, so you put it all in the oven to get hot and then place in the dough, or just the skillet and leave the top on the side?

Edited by Challo on Monday 7th March 11:24
Put the whole thing in and get it blazing hot. Take it out and put the loaf in the lid. Score the loaf and base of the pan back on the lid. Into hot oven for 20 minutes then remove the base of the dutch oven and let it bake at a lower temperature for 20 minutes. worth checking after 10 to see how it's doing. My oven seems hot/fast

Barbecue gloves are pretty handy
Thank you.

Ben Lowden

6,200 posts

180 months

PH Marketing Bloke

Wednesday 9th March 2022
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Some brilliant tips on here the past few days, thanks all! I had to abandon Whoozit's recipe after a couple of failures and baking a pancake on the weekend hehe

Reverted back to my old recipe which has <60% hydration and I'm going to experiment by slowly upping the hydration. Using rye flour for the starter was a great tip – my starter almost tripled in size after six hours!

Used a blend of 20/80 rye/white flour for a great tasting loaf this morning. I ditched a room temp prove and proved this over two nights in the fridge with some stretching, folding and shaping in between.

Found this video an interesting watch – he says not to bother with an autolyse (which I don't normally do) if you're cold proving, any thoughts on that?


3,659 posts

272 months

Wednesday 9th March 2022
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Ben Lowden said:
Some brilliant tips on here the past few days, thanks all! I had to abandon Whoozit's recipe after a couple of failures and baking a pancake on the weekend hehe
Damn. Sorry it didn't work out frown

Ben Lowden

6,200 posts

180 months

PH Marketing Bloke

Wednesday 9th March 2022
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Whoozit said:
Damn. Sorry it didn't work out frown
No worries and thank you for sharing it! The video author above has another video on how to handle wet dough properly, so I’ll give that a watch and give it a go again sometime.


4,369 posts

190 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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Rather than use a cloche I used the steam oven today, and got what looks like a result out of it - previous attempts failed miserably but it must have been my dough. Using the steam function saves having to remove the cloche etc., I can just programme the oven to stop steam.

Anyway, I also did an extended cold 'proof' - through necessity more than anything but thought it would be interesting to try as well - 36 hours.

Improved slashing would have given it a better ear, but I got a good oven spring and a heck load of nice blistering on the surface. Pics below - you might be able to see the blisters under all the flour I use. biggrin. It's cooling now, and the taste test will be tomorrow morning, but I'm expecting a good tang!


10,409 posts

158 months

Sunday 13th March 2022
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My effort this morning using my large stone dish. Thought I would give that a go first before buying a Dutch oven.

Can’t seem to get that crunchy crust though, and need to work on the scoring.


11,666 posts

212 months

Sunday 13th March 2022
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This "feels" better, 67% hydration, 18 hour cold'ish proof, 4 hours warm in the banneton. Baked at 230C for 20 and 200 for 15 with a tray of boiling water in the bottom of the oven.

I'd say 20% bigger in size than previous at 70% hydration. Waiting for it to cool!

Not as I had hoped. Structure is too close and it feels "pappy" like shop bread.

Try again, longer cold proof and higher temps I think.

What levels of hydration are you guys using?

Edited by 21TonyK on Monday 14th March 08:28


11,666 posts

212 months

Wednesday 16th March 2022
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48 hours cold, 4 warm, 72.5% hydration, 220 for 20, 200 for 15, no closh tray of boiling water in bottom of oven

Bit under proofed I think, holy top, slightly less aerated centre/bottom and I think my oven thermometer is on the blink.

Will do same dough mix again but longer warm proof


18,329 posts

201 months

Wednesday 16th March 2022
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Lovely cut through shape.

Hydration is still high compared to mine, I might go toward 70% next load and see.


11,666 posts

212 months

Wednesday 16th March 2022
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illmonkey said:
Lovely cut through shape.

Hydration is still high compared to mine, I might go toward 70% next load and see.
It's getting there. Next one which I'll bake on Sat I'm going to do exactly the same dough but maybe to a 6 warm hour proof to see what happens. I suspect it will blow up like a ball in the oven.

Ben Lowden

6,200 posts

180 months

PH Marketing Bloke

Thursday 17th March 2022
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21TonyK said:
It's getting there. Next one which I'll bake on Sat I'm going to do exactly the same dough but maybe to a 6 warm hour proof to see what happens. I suspect it will blow up like a ball in the oven.
Do you typically get a better spring with a warm proof before going in the oven? That'll be interesting to try if so, as normally mine go straight out of the fridge into the oven.


11,666 posts

212 months

Thursday 17th March 2022
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Ben Lowden said:
21TonyK said:
It's getting there. Next one which I'll bake on Sat I'm going to do exactly the same dough but maybe to a 6 warm hour proof to see what happens. I suspect it will blow up like a ball in the oven.
Do you typically get a better spring with a warm proof before going in the oven? That'll be interesting to try if so, as normally mine go straight out of the fridge into the oven.
Yes, I did a comparison last week, about a 25% increase from a warm proof. I've got another batch in the frdige now ready for Saturday but instead of 4 hours at 20C I'm going to leave in the garage where it should be about 12-15C and see how long it takes. Hoping to get a more even distribution of bubbles rather than the outside which would have warmed up quicker than the middle.

Once I get that bit right I'm going to start messing with spelt and see how that goes.

Ben Lowden

6,200 posts

180 months

PH Marketing Bloke

Thursday 17th March 2022
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Very interesting thanks, something else to play around with!


11,666 posts

212 months

Thursday 17th March 2022
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Ben Lowden said:
Very interesting thanks, something else to play around with!
Knew I'd have a photo somewhere. The one on the left is 24h cold baked from 3C the right is 24h cold + 4 hours warm 20C, same dough batch, 70% hydration.


18,329 posts

201 months

Friday 18th March 2022
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Anyone got photos, or can take them next time, of their dough at 70%+?

Still at 63% at levain stage, it's only 50ml more to get to 70% but I think it'll be so sloppy. Also gone 100% white flour as yours looks lovely all white Tony.

Tempted to try my loaf tin with a smaller dough too over the weekend.

Scratch that, I'm going for baguettes!

JKRolling said:
illmonkey said:
That looks amazing. How you do it?!
Here you go, I used this recipe,

With this flour.

Plus, 3x4 stretch and folds over 2 hours. Cold fermented/retarded for 14 hours.

Left it for 50 minutes on the final proving.

It’s going to take a lot of practice and patience for me to be consistent in getting them this good every time!
Edited by illmonkey on Friday 18th March 11:03


11,666 posts

212 months

Friday 18th March 2022
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Couple of pics back is 72.5%

If you do baguettes try to find T55 flour to be authentic, we used to use this exclusively. Suspect its 16/25kg sacks only though,.

ETA: tell a lie, you can get it on Amazon in 1kg bags

Edited by 21TonyK on Friday 18th March 11:20