I've just had lunch in Wetherspoons

I've just had lunch in Wetherspoons


Bacon Is Proof

5,740 posts

234 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Chunkychucky said:
Indeed, although can't detract from the fact that owners/drivers of S3/Golf R/other VAG TFSI cars with 'pop 'n' bang' maps are wkers - astute observation.
Well yes, but I'm sure okgo has learnt his lesson. hehe


4,933 posts

215 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Like Greggs, I’ll avoid Wetherspoons wherever possible. ‘Okay for the money’ isn’t what I’m looking for in a pub on the odd occasion we have a night out.

It does the job for stag do’s etc, but other than that I’ll leave the alco’s to it.

Bacon Is Proof

5,740 posts

234 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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buyerandseller said:
Seems to me that as he's more successful and runs a better business than you do you don't like him
Why do you think he's more successful?
I pretty much retired at 41 and have only returned to work, very much part time, to help out a mate although I do love the craic of an actual pub.
What do you know of the businesses that I have run over the years?
Is 'Spoons regarded as the best in the business in the UK? At least one of my businesses was.
Is refusing to pay staff what they are owed the sign of a good business?
Do you withhold wages from your staff? I never have.

Not liking his cheap piss-halls is no reason to dislike the chap, but then I have given you specific reason.
Why the need to, quite badly, go on the attack?
Are you an investor or personal friend?
Or are you a spoonlicker sat by himself nursing a pint of lovely Ruddles bitter and have got upset?

Do tell... smile

ETA: Bloody ampersand in the username! That's what was screwing up the quoting.
Think I'll pop down to the local.

Edited by Bacon Is Proof on Tuesday 16th November 14:37


778 posts

181 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Bacon Is Proof said:
Are you an investor or personal friend?
Or are you a spoonlicker sat by himself nursing a pint of lovely Ruddles bitter and have got upset?

Do tell... smile
Nope, none of those. Just a little more open minded than you are.

I'd knock that chip off your shoulder if I were you

Bacon Is Proof

5,740 posts

234 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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buyerandseller said:
I'd knock that chip off your shoulder if I were you.
I've just checked and there are at least 23 of them.


41,090 posts

193 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Had my first 'spoons experience in many years at the weekend. Wow... and that's not a good wow. I guess there are some good things:

- Coffee (and free refills)
- it's cheap

Also bad things

- it's cheap extends to the quality of the food. I'd rather go to Kentucky/BK/Macs
- service, shockingly poor
- packed (see cheap)

Not again thanks


9,592 posts

56 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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bristolbaron said:
Like Greggs, I’ll avoid Wetherspoons wherever possible. ‘Okay for the money’ isn’t what I’m looking for in a pub on the odd occasion we have a night out.

It does the job for stag do’s etc, but other than that I’ll leave the alco’s to it.
This sums it up perfectly for me.

Wetherspoons is 'fine for the money'. The food and drink are what you would expect at £5.99 for fish and chips with a pint included. Average at best, but nothing that isn't edible or drinkable.

When I'm going to a pub/bar, for food or just drink, I want to either go to a traditional pub that serves a good range of quality real ales, or I want to go somewhere a that is nicer/more upmarket and with better food, and in either case, I have no issue paying for it.

I have been in Wetherspoons a few times, in various cities, both for food and drink, when meeting friends, clients, work colleagues, or whoever, and they suggest 'Spoons. The one thing I remember is that if you go in one during the daytime, there is always a selection of dishevelled, almost tramp like blokes stood around the bar drinking, whilst rummaging in their coat pockets for smoking paraphernalia with which to make roll ups with.

I am not the target market for Wetherspoons, and that is fine for all concerned.


1,830 posts

125 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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The one here is often the only place open if you want a drink after 10 on a weekday or food at that time at weekends. Food is OK, tends to depend on the chef on duty. Toilets appear to be in the next town, linked via an elaborate series of corridors and stairwells.

I don't like the guys politics either but have friends who work there so not going to avoid the place out of spite for the boss, would have to leave the country if you follow that to it's logical conclusion.

Sheets Tabuer

19,225 posts

218 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Aren't they the same as the other chain pubs? We have a few green king pubs dotted around im sure they must be much of a muchness


38,642 posts

201 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Sheets Tabuer said:
Aren't they the same as the other chain pubs? We have a few green king pubs dotted around im sure they must be much of a muchness
No I don't think so.

Though Greene King certainly at the rougher end of the scale vs say a Fullers.


12,454 posts

213 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Lord Marylebone said:
When I'm going to a pub/bar, for food or just drink, I want to either go to a traditional pub that serves a good range of quality real ales, or I want to go somewhere a that is nicer/more upmarket and with better food, and in either case, I have no issue paying for it.
The bold part, this is part of the problem for me, its the blurred lines that have been created in the pub world.

There are a lot of pubs in what I'd describe as no mans land , not a traditional "drinkers" pub where a group of lads are welcome, not a place for a quiet meal with the mrs, it's almost pointless. There are pubs that try too hard to be a restaurant but barely offer anything more than a microwave meal in a soulless room with too many tables/chairs for the given floor area. These also risk attracting too many families and I for one do not want to go to a pub that doubles as a creche!

Or they go even beyond this and charge proper restaurant money for a average meal, an expensive run of the mill pint of larger in an environment that still falls short of a good dining experience.

Weatherspoon seem to have nailed down what they want to do, cheap & acceptable food cooked quickly, a reasonable range of cheaper than average pints served in an acceptable often quirky environment.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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okgo said:
No I don't think so.

Though Greene King certainly at the rougher end of the scale vs say a Fullers.
The food in a Greene King is fking awful in my experience. Although I imagine it depends heavily on which chef and/or manager is in that particular establishment.

aka_kerrly said:
Lord Marylebone said:
When I'm going to a pub/bar, for food or just drink, I want to either go to a traditional pub that serves a good range of quality real ales, or I want to go somewhere a that is nicer/more upmarket and with better food, and in either case, I have no issue paying for it.
The bold part, this is part of the problem for me, its the blurred lines that have been created in the pub world.

There are a lot of pubs in what I'd describe as no mans land , not a traditional "drinkers" pub where a group of lads are welcome, not a place for a quiet meal with the mrs, it's almost pointless. There are pubs that try too hard to be a restaurant but barely offer anything more than a microwave meal in a soulless room with too many tables/chairs for the given floor area. These also risk attracting too many families and I for one do not want to go to a pub that doubles as a creche!

Or they go even beyond this and charge proper restaurant money for a average meal, an expensive run of the mill pint of larger in an environment that still falls short of a good dining experience.

Weatherspoon seem to have nailed down what they want to do, cheap & acceptable food cooked quickly, a reasonable range of cheaper than average pints served in an acceptable often quirky environment.
I totally agree that Wetherspoons have a good business model, and are successful, even if I don't like the place personally.

I frequent a number of traditional drinking boozers who are squarely aimed at 'serving great pints of ale' and not much more, and I really enjoy them (anyone familiar with The Harp in Chandos Place?) but I also enjoy pubs who serve really good food. What I meant by 'no issue paying for it' was that I wouldn't go to anywhere that served 99p pints or cheap lagers like Wetherspoons do, purely because that sort of thing attracts the type of people that I don't really want to drink with, and I fully appreciate that sounds terrible.

But I get what you mean, so many people want a pub to be a different things these days and it does complicate matters.


38,642 posts

201 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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And some places there isn't the choice for it to be any good at anything I suppose. That said I'd still take my chances with a pub charging normal prices for the reasons you've mentioned.

Harp is good yes.


41,090 posts

193 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Lord Marylebone said:
I What I meant by 'no issue paying for it' was that I wouldn't go to anywhere that served 99p pints or cheap lagers like Wetherspoons do, purely because that sort of thing attracts the type of people that I don't really want to drink with, and I fully appreciate that sounds terrible.
Not sure it does sound terrible - I'm fully with you on thst


1,773 posts

218 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Dan_1981 said:
To be fair the one in the centre of Manchester... Just off Deansgate I think is grotty as anything.

Moon Under Water I think it's called.
I used to love that one, it’s huge inside. But it was a long time ago.


1,773 posts

218 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Trophy Husband said:
I love Weatherspoons. My local is in a converted theatre with dummies in the upper seats.
The decor is fabulous.
That’s what Moon Under Water in Manchester Deansgate was like originally, with dummies. Another converted theatre.


9,592 posts

56 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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No comment...Rules & regulations are clearly defined at the entrance.

Edited by Milkyway on Tuesday 16th November 18:22


14,383 posts

141 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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I was in spoons the other day. 2 pints of cider and 2 large vodka and tonic. 13quid. I actually laughed at the girl serving. The more you drink the more you save.

Edited by thebraketester on Tuesday 16th November 18:42

Bacon Is Proof

5,740 posts

234 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Just returned from my local.
Lovely Guinness and tremendous craic with the landlord/customers, some I'd met before, some I hadn't.
Don't know exactly how much a much a pint was, I didn't pay until I left.
Between four and five pounds, but it had no impact on my enjoyment.
'bab and Netflix to end the evening, perfect. smile