Show us your hot sauce



Original Poster:

3,699 posts

174 months

Saturday 8th August 2015
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Does anyone on this thread actually finish a Dave's sauce?


Original Poster:

3,699 posts

174 months

Sunday 9th August 2015
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I need to get back into training, even too much Encona plays gastro-havoc the next day let alone Dave's / Blairs!


Original Poster:

3,699 posts

174 months

Wednesday 12th August 2015
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eskidavies said:
JFReturns said:
I need to get back into training, even too much Encona plays gastro-havoc the next day let alone Dave's / Blairs!
Get a dose of these down you ,I get them off the father in law ,like a licence to drink lots of alcohol and eat junk over the wkend without any bad bellys,no good for the imminent headache,
Pile of anadin for that.

I worry for your liver smile


Original Poster:

3,699 posts

174 months

Wednesday 25th March 2020
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had ham said:
This is possibly the tastiest chili source I have ever had. The Mrs brought it home from Asda in Stevenage (disclaimer: she was passing through and had to stop at my request);

It's bloody lovely, and I'm tempted to go there tomorrow (it's 25 miles away) to get more.

Apologies for the st sideways picture, not me, PH is st.
I’ve had that before it’s really flavoursome, and cheap!


Original Poster:

3,699 posts

174 months

Wednesday 24th June 2020
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Been in Aldi recently, but not there today. Might be worth a look at your local one.


Original Poster:

3,699 posts

174 months

Friday 30th April 2021
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Franks do an extra hot version which I like a lot.

I don’t like this though.

Can’t be bothered fixing sideways photo, soz. Birthday gift for a colleague who complains my hot sauces are not hot enough.


Original Poster:

3,699 posts

174 months

Wednesday 10th November 2021
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beko1987 said:
Gets slightly worse as I put the usual amount that I do on my sandwiches and felt/tasted nothing... Will up the ante tomorrow, and if that doesnt work chalk it down to experience and not buy anymore
Tasted nothing? Have you done a lateral flow test recently hehe