


24,432 posts

116 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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21st Century Man said:
Bloody Hell!!!

Run the price of a rump steak at a Berni Inn through an inflation calculator. Assuming 1978 the BoE is coming up with £36 and thisismoney £39.

That can't be a Seventies menu?
I think it must be one of their later menus from the '80s.

They were known for very sensible pricing.

21st Century Man

41,191 posts

251 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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stevemcs said:
Little Chef is another brand I miss.
I don't miss their properly stupid fking teapots though. I was a rep on the road through the eighties and would be in a Little Chef several times a week, I don't recall ever having a teapot that didn't dribble and piss all over the table upon pouring. An Early Starter and a fking puddle! Every fking time! The fking things are still out there too, in other establishments. Why? For the love of God, Why?


7,037 posts

108 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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21st Century Man said:
I don't miss their properly stupid fking teapots though. I was a rep on the road through the eighties and would be in a Little Chef several times a week, I don't recall ever having a teapot that didn't dribble and piss all over the table upon pouring. An Early Starter and a fking puddle! Every fking time! The fking things are still out there too, in other establishments. Why? For the love of God, Why?
The Ministry of Bad Design (can't remember where that reference comes from, sorry).


8,537 posts

203 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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stevemcs said:
Little Chef is another brand I miss.
According to their website there are still quite a lot open. However, they all apparently closed at least two years ago!


57 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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stevemcs said:
Little Chef is another brand I miss.
And let’s not forget Happy Eater. These were the choices on a road trip growing up in the 70s and 80s.

21st Century Man

41,191 posts

251 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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wormus said:
stevemcs said:
Little Chef is another brand I miss.
And let’s not forget Happy Eater. These were the choices on a road trip growing up in the 70s and 80s.
The Golden Egg.


43,899 posts

153 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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boyse7en said:
paulguitar said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
What a fking rip off!! £5.85 for a Berni Inn mixed grill, when you can have a Wimpy International grill for 54p. No way is the Berni Inn grill over 10 times better.
I think there could be several years between the menus.
Given it was the 1970s it might not be that long! Inflation was pretty rampant back then
Indeed. We were one step away from the Weimar Republic.


21,429 posts

199 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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Lot of Nostalgia for Wimpy burgers here, our local one must have closed 20 years ago now. Me and the lads used to go for one every Saturday before hitting the snooker hall and downing half a dozen weak as pish Younger's Scotch Bitters.

There was a proper tidy lass that we knew who used to sort us out some freebies.


43,899 posts

153 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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wormus said:
And let’s not forget Happy Eater. These were the choices on a road trip growing up in the 70s and 80s.
I don't think their logo of someone trying to make themselves vomit up what they'd just eaten, did them any favours!


26,262 posts

93 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
Melman Giraffe said:
paulguitar said:
Does anyone remember these ketchup dispensers?

Yes i own one, i wont say where it came from smile
I was always mystified by the same thing in brown, for the brown sauce?? Wft is that meant to be. A plastic tomato for tomato sauce is fine, a brown tomato for brown sauce.....?????
When tomatoes go off, they turn brown. And thats where brown sauce comes from wink


43,899 posts

153 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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The long gone eatery I really miss is the BHS restaurant. Was always great food at cracking prices. When my boys were small (maybe 5 & 3), we'd go swimming on a Sunday morning and then BHS in Uxbridge for lunch. I used to get whale and chips (as the boys called it, because of the size of the cod) and cut it in half and share it between the 2 of them. Tried telling them a whale was a mammal, not a fish, but they didn't care.

As a kid, my grandmother would take me to BHS Wembley to eat, as a special treat!


57 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
quotequote all
TwigtheWonderkid said:
I don't think their logo of someone trying to make themselves vomit up what they'd just eaten, did them any favours!

I always thought it was some sort of fish.


24,432 posts

116 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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21st Century Man said:
The Golden Egg.
We used to have pancakes there as an occasional, massive treat.

Also remember another chain in the late '70s called Hasty Tasty'.


8,888 posts

254 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
quotequote all
TwigtheWonderkid said:
The long gone eatery I really miss is the BHS restaurant. Was always great food at cracking prices. When my boys were small (maybe 5 & 3), we'd go swimming on a Sunday morning and then BHS in Uxbridge for lunch. I used to get whale and chips (as the boys called it, because of the size of the cod) and cut it in half and share it between the 2 of them. Tried telling them a whale was a mammal, not a fish, but they didn't care.

As a kid, my grandmother would take me to BHS Wembley to eat, as a special treat!
I'd forgotten about BHS but yes, it was quite well thought of at the time, for what it was. But then it was a pretty decent department store.

My only memory of Golden Egg was one in the corner of a 70s shopping centre, with a strong smell of cigarette smoke and burning fat. It was about then the first McDonald's opened nearby. It was praised for bringing high standards of service and cleanliness. It was quite a contrast to the average cafe of the day.


57 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
quotequote all
TwigtheWonderkid said:
The long gone eatery I really miss is the BHS restaurant. Was always great food at cracking prices. When my boys were small (maybe 5 & 3), we'd go swimming on a Sunday morning and then BHS in Uxbridge for lunch. I used to get whale and chips (as the boys called it, because of the size of the cod) and cut it in half and share it between the 2 of them. Tried telling them a whale was a mammal, not a fish, but they didn't care.

As a kid, my grandmother would take me to BHS Wembley to eat, as a special treat!
I used to work for Iceland back in the early 90s. We had Iceland stores within BHS for a while - one of the best things about being sent to cover one of those stores was getting a BHS breakfast whilst doing the football coupon on a Saturday morning.

21st Century Man

41,191 posts

251 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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My dad used to take us to The Golden Egg just underneath the pedestrian overpass at Nottingham's Victoria Centre. It was as seventies as you could get. I hated the seventies. Everything was stty, grotty, disgusting, from architecture to fashion to interior design to personal hygiene. There were some good cars and some good music, but everything else was st. All imho of course.

Your Dad

1,959 posts

186 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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stevemcs said:
There used to be 3 in Peterborough, one in Cathedral Square, one in Midgate (thats still there and run by the son now) and one in Bretton Centre. I thought there used to be one in Kettering a few years ago near a bowling alley ??

Little Chef is another brand I miss.
It's the one in Cathedral Square that I went to, on the left as you walked away from the Cathedral?

There was one in Kettering, upstairs above the entrance to the Newlands Centre, in the 80s.


43,899 posts

153 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
quotequote all
21st Century Man said:
My dad used to take us to The Golden Egg just underneath the pedestrian overpass at Nottingham's Victoria Centre. It was as seventies as you could get. I hated the seventies. Everything was stty, grotty, disgusting, from architecture to fashion to interior design to personal hygiene.
Errrr...that's not the 70s, that's just Nottingham.


18,161 posts

203 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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Spent the last two years or so in South Africa and it’s a huge business over there. They are literally everywhere.

21st Century Man

41,191 posts

251 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
quotequote all
TwigtheWonderkid said:
21st Century Man said:
My dad used to take us to The Golden Egg just underneath the pedestrian overpass at Nottingham's Victoria Centre. It was as seventies as you could get. I hated the seventies. Everything was stty, grotty, disgusting, from architecture to fashion to interior design to personal hygiene.
Errrr...that's not the 70s, that's just Nottingham.