Show us your hot sauce



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Sunday 28th July 2013
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MonkeyBusiness said:
I know this thread is about sauces but has anyone had any success with hot chilli plants this year? (and ultimately putting them into sauces).
JFReturns said:
Yup. I'll post a pic when I'm not on my phone, but I've had a chilli plant for a year now that keeps producing fruit. I've not made a chilli sauce but use them to flavour meat marinades.

Pretty sure this subject cropped up (no pun) earlier in the thread.
As promised, here is a pic of my chilli plant. Just water it once a week and it keeps producing small but tasty (not hugely hot) chillis all year!


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Sunday 28th July 2013
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Yup! I bought it summer 2011 fully loaded with chillis and it just keeps producing them. Slows down over winter obviously, but not by much. I'm no Monty Don, but I imagine the mini greenhouse effect of the front porch helps.


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Monday 16th September 2013
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Bloody hell! Makes Tescos look a bit lame.


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Sunday 13th October 2013
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Gandahar said:
What's the point of a hot sauce actually?

Shouldn't the sauce add an extra dimension rather than reduce it?

I can understand it in 19th India where the meat might have been slightly tainted by the sun so you needed to disguise this but in 21st century Britain spices should be sophisticated to give the food a slant rather than just burn your mouth off whilst presumably making the ladies say, "ooh, what a beefcake" .

Mind you I am getting old and a bit of a fuddy duddy.
Not sure this thread is for you hehe

Look back to the first post - I was looking for more hot sauces that have a blend of heat and flavour. Personally the million scoville+ sauces don't do it for me, but those that combine rounded flavour with a kick of heat are utterly addictive!


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Saturday 14th December 2013
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Another 'ethnic section' special from Tescos, 99p. Bloomin' lovely flavour on this - not overly spicy, so I use in similar quantities to ketchup.


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Tuesday 17th December 2013
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If you use prime, Amazon is worth a go. Quite a few American sauces available - in fact I think a poster on this thread imports them.


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Wednesday 5th February 2014
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Nom! Not silly silly hot like some of it's ilk, and actually has a good flavour. I put half a teaspoon into cottage cheese as a low fat, protein rich and TASTY snack.


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Wednesday 26th February 2014
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That chalula is really flavoursome. We go through a bottle a week at work but pep them up with a few teaspoons of blairs.


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Wednesday 26th February 2014
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MonkeyBusiness said:
JFReturns said:
That chalula is really flavoursome. We go through a bottle a week at work but pep them up with a few teaspoons of blairs.
Me too. Its my sauce of choice at work. What 'version' of Blairs do you use to pepp it up.?
After Death. I think I posted it a page or two back - it is obviously bloomin' hot but not silly. Mixed with the cholula it is perfect!


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Saturday 1st March 2014
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You don't need much!

For a more even spread of heat you could try putting a few drops in ketchup, mixing it up then spreading on your toast thumbup


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Sunday 18th May 2014
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That looks good thumbup


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Monday 16th June 2014
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Yeah that is great value stuff. Try mixing into mayo for a tasty dip / sandwich spread.


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Wednesday 25th June 2014
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Dave's is indeed silly hot. There is some flavour in there, but it quickly gets replaced by pain from what I remember. Too much for me neat, I used to put a few drops in curries / stews / soups for an instant lift.

Got a few bottles of these as freebies - lovely flavour, not very spicy but gorgeous dolloped on pasta or in sandwiches like mayo.


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Saturday 9th August 2014
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Whoops! rofl


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Tuesday 21st October 2014
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Not for a while as chilli sauce has started causing me havoc a few hours after eating! So I only eat it at a weekend when I know the throne is nearby and I don't need to go anywhere hehe

The Nandos hot sauces are my current favourites. The medium one in particular as it has great flavour and is handy for frying off chicken / Turkey / pork for a quick meal.


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Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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A litre of Enconas! eek


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Tuesday 23rd December 2014
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MonkeyBusiness said:
I am expecting some chilli treats from Santa. Just in time to put on the Xmas dinner .
Toasted bread, butter, mayo, left over turkey, dash of hot sauce. Or a dollop of hot sauce. Can't wait!


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Tuesday 20th January 2015
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I would think vinegar, sugar and salt would be added. Looks great though, and you wouldn't need much!


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Friday 30th January 2015
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Dave's Insanity Sauce is about the limit of what I've tried. If you think he's telling porkie pies make him eat a teaspoon of that....


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Sunday 10th May 2015
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That looks great!