I've just had lunch in Wetherspoons

I've just had lunch in Wetherspoons



38,621 posts

201 months

Monday 15th November 2021
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Dan_1981 said:
We had breakfast in this one in Leeds.

It was huge, i think recently done up. Very 'grand'


Looks like fking gala bingo.

Wacky Racer

38,458 posts

250 months

Monday 15th November 2021
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Now't wrong with Wetherspoons.

Decent pub grub and a pint for........not a lot.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 15th November 2021
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Dan_1981 said:
To be fair the one in the centre of Manchester... Just off Deansgate I think is grotty as anything.

Moon Under Water I think it's called.
Oi i was in there last week.
But can confirm it's still a huge grotty drinking barn biglaugh

But to be fair they have a number of large older buildings that would probably be decaying and derelict if spoons weren't in them.
Supposedly won a fair few awards.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 15th November 2021
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okgo said:
lord.vader said:
Avoid at all costs? Really? Why?

Considering they are a huge chain, always have security, are covered CCTV (including on staff in our local one), I struggle to see why you would avoid at all costs, unless you mean the food? Which for the price is perfectly adequate.

I thoroughly enjoy a Wetherspoons, steaks obviously aren’t great but for two curry’s and two drinks for about £16 you can’t really moan when a pint is £3.50 odd in there.

I’ve never been in one that I’d call ‘rough’, Liverpool, Wrexham, Glasgow, Blackpool, all over N Wales, South Coast, Derby, Nottingham iirc, Manchester, etc.
Security, CCTV are two things that really should warn you as to what sort of people are going to be inside.

Awful decor, awful crimes against amazing buildings in many cases, awful people (young and old), it's just an all round no. Unless there's almost no choice (at an airport, say).
Don’t most restaurants, banks, shops have CCTV? What about your own home?

No idea what that is meant to imply to be honest.

Decor is personal taste and most of those amazing buildings would be left to ruin if they weren’t Wetherspoons.

To be honest you just come across as a bit of a stuck up wker yet you drive a S3, the init brigades chariot of choice (if they can’t afford a C63).

Edited by anonymous-user on Monday 15th November 23:22


38,621 posts

201 months

Monday 15th November 2021
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If I cared enough about your opinion I’d click on your profile and make some silly comment too (I haven’t updated my car profile for years FYI).

They’re budget pubs. They do it well, the best even. But to suggest they’re in any way ‘decent’ is quite amusing, 99% of the positive posts here have been about the price. For those that don’t care about that, there’s a million places better.


2,363 posts

106 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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There's also a million places worse.


10,912 posts

187 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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They are the McDonalds of the pub world.

If you are in a strange town and need something to eat/drink they are a fair choice. They are always open the kitchen doesn't open and close at strange times, you know what you are going to get.
They are usually in pretty cool buildings as well.


24,372 posts

116 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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It’s been several years since I had a ‘spoons breakfast, and perhaps things have changed since then, but it was not very pleasant. There was lots of it, certainly, but I got the impression that every ingredient was the cheapest available. There is something very dodgy about obviously cheap sausages, bacon, and black pudding.

I accept that it’s inexpensive, but I’d gladly have paid two or three pounds more had they offered up better quality raw materials.

Many years ago Mrs. Guitar worked in my hometown's 'spoons for a few weeks. The fact that she’s American completely bewildered the locals, and she had to deal with rather a lot of ignoramus bellendery. Still, that could have happened at almost any drinking establishment, I suppose, especially one where the locals start on brandy and cokes shortly after 9 AM!


33,029 posts

179 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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Dan_1981 said:
We had breakfast in this one in Leeds.

It was huge, i think recently done up. Very 'grand'


That building has been boarded up for well over a decade, didn’t know it’s back in use.

The Elinor Lupton Centre, part of the old girls high school iirc.

The Mad Monk

10,493 posts

120 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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23,272 posts

233 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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I've enjoyed the food in a Spoons, especially the prices.

Can't get over the fact that the pub next door charges £10 for a double gin and tonic whilst the Spoons charges £2.99 and it's a Tanquery.

Just shows what a rip off pubs are in general.

Of course the low prices encourage a certain demographic in the rougher areas of town.

Mind you, the only near fight I had was in a Spoons.

I was having a drink with my mate and in the middle of telling him that my only just ex wife, and mother of my kids, had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

A guy on the table next to me had a trumpet and kept giving it a quick blast, thinking it was hilarious. It was deafening.

He then did it right into my ear and I grabbed it off him and we got into a tussle.

The bar staff piled in and separated us and threw him and his mate out.

The trumpeter called me a fascist as he was ejected hehe


9,548 posts

174 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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lord.vader said:
okgo said:
lord.vader said:
Avoid at all costs? Really? Why?

Considering they are a huge chain, always have security, are covered CCTV (including on staff in our local one), I struggle to see why you would avoid at all costs, unless you mean the food? Which for the price is perfectly adequate.

I thoroughly enjoy a Wetherspoons, steaks obviously aren’t great but for two curry’s and two drinks for about £16 you can’t really moan when a pint is £3.50 odd in there.

I’ve never been in one that I’d call ‘rough’, Liverpool, Wrexham, Glasgow, Blackpool, all over N Wales, South Coast, Derby, Nottingham iirc, Manchester, etc.
Security, CCTV are two things that really should warn you as to what sort of people are going to be inside.

Awful decor, awful crimes against amazing buildings in many cases, awful people (young and old), it's just an all round no. Unless there's almost no choice (at an airport, say).
Don’t most restaurants, banks, shops have CCTV? What about your own home?

No idea what that is meant to imply to be honest.

Decor is personal taste and most of those amazing buildings would be left to ruin if they weren’t Wetherspoons.

To be honest you just come across as a bit of a stuck up wker yet you drive a S3, the init brigades chariot of choice (if they can’t afford a C63).

Edited by lord.vader on Monday 15th November 23:22
The security stands outside facing outwards so it can't be the people inside we need to be concerned about!

Bacon Is Proof

5,740 posts

234 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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lord.vader said:
To be honest you just come across as a bit of a stuck up wker yet you drive a S3, the init brigades chariot of choice (if they can’t afford a C63).

Edited by lord.vader on Monday 15th November 23:22
The only wker move here is scouring someone's profile to slag off their car choice.
Massive dick move, very poor show, and like your typical 'Spoons, totally devoid of class.


43,887 posts

153 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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okgo said:
I The knights templar is the only one I think I have ever been in that wasn't a total horror show.
The Knights Templar in Chancery Lane/Carey St is fabulous, but so are all of the Central London Spoons. Try the Hamilton Hall (Liverpool St Station, Bishopsgate) and the Crosse Keys (Gracechurch St).

Prices are a tad higher, but still an absolute steal for Central London.


43,887 posts

153 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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okgo said:
They’re budget pubs. They do it well, the best even. But to suggest they’re in any way ‘decent’ is quite amusing, 99% of the positive posts here have been about the price. For those that don’t care about that, there’s a million places better.
In my experience, whilst I've eaten better pizzas than you get in Weatherspoons, I haven't had that many that are better. I've eaten in some quite fancy Pizzerias that aren't as nice. But their chicken wings are as good as any I've had anywhere, regardless of price. They've just brought in their Xmas menu, and the bacon & brie pannini is really good.

Their steaks aren't the greatest, but good at that price point. Same with the currys. Fish & chips is great value and more than decent.


9,314 posts

148 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
okgo said:
I The knights templar is the only one I think I have ever been in that wasn't a total horror show.
The Knights Templar in Chancery Lane/Carey St is fabulous, but so are all of the Central London Spoons. Try the Hamilton Hall (Liverpool St Station, Bishopsgate) and the Crosse Keys (Gracechurch St).

Prices are a tad higher, but still an absolute steal for Central London.
By remarkable coincidence it has a mention in a list of interesting 'Spoons last week.



7,411 posts

134 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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There's always someone prepared to make judgement on your social class dependant on what food you happen to find nice to eat. It's not as though you choose what types of food you like, it just happens, rather like your sense of humour and comedy preferences.


38,621 posts

201 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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It isn't that deep, don't read into it.

I like grotty boozers, in fact I seek them out very often - Bradleys off Oxford St a personal fave. But I prefer the ones that are just how they are and have some character/personality, not manufactured places of identikit crap. Like it or not, serving booze at half the price of everywhere else has a significant effect on who you get through the door, mostly not positive in my experience of the few I've been in.


2,434 posts

229 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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okgo said:
It rather depends where they are I think. There's some which aren't too bad. Then there are others which you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.

The nearest one to our office is fine. We even have a Christmas lunch there with some local Accountants.

The one at the top of town is avoid at all costs.

Sadly, if rumours are to be believed, the nicer one is set to be sold.


11,574 posts

287 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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I would suggest that in most provincial towns you would get a better class of punter in the 'spoons than in any other chain pub, drawn by the reasonable prices and half decent drinks.

Timmy Martin might be King of the Gammons but there no point boycotting the chain for somewhere else that might also be owned/run by someone who holds other views you might not agree with.