

Melman Giraffe

6,761 posts

221 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Lord Marylebone said:
The story of Wimpy is actually quite interesting.

Started off in the USA like many burger restaurants, came over to the UK in the 50's.

Eventually got mostly wiped out in the UK and USA by McDonalds/Burger King etc, but for reasons unknown the brand thrived in South Africa, and they now have something like 550 restaurants over there now along with their headquarters.

I read a few years ago that Wimpy declared they would make a big return to the UK.
Are they all not Franchises? So is it essentially a South African company or still US?


57 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Last time I promised the wife a Wimpy, we got there and found a 2* hygiene rating on the door. We went elsewhere!

It's a shame, as we often popped into the Marlow branch when we lived in the area. But I see that has gone now. Maybe when we next visit her parents (could be a while!) we'll get to the Bourne End branch.


24,373 posts

116 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Melman Giraffe said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
paulguitar said:
I think there could be several years between the menus.

We used to go to dinner at the local Berni Inn most Sundays when I was a kid. It was brilliant, and I sort of wish there was a bit of an updated version now. The menu was pure 70's of course, complete with prawn cocktail and coffee in a glass that looked like a Guinness. cloud9
And Black Forest Gateaux.
chicken cordon bleu - yum
Crikey, that was only available really late into the Berni story, probably towards the mid-'80s. When we were going in the late's '70s, I think the choice of main courses was pretty only sirloin or fillet steak, plaice and chips, and possibly chicken and chips. It had all got a bit fancy by the time your chicken dish showed up. smile


3,205 posts

138 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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I seem to remember the wimpy in Birkenhead being voted " best restaurant in Birkenhead " the other year , although after walking through the market to get to the fish counter I wouldn't be surprised if it was also the only restaurant in Birkenhead !

Melman Giraffe

6,761 posts

221 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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paulguitar said:
Melman Giraffe said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
paulguitar said:
I think there could be several years between the menus.

We used to go to dinner at the local Berni Inn most Sundays when I was a kid. It was brilliant, and I sort of wish there was a bit of an updated version now. The menu was pure 70's of course, complete with prawn cocktail and coffee in a glass that looked like a Guinness. cloud9
And Black Forest Gateaux.
chicken cordon bleu - yum
Crikey, that was only available really late into the Berni story, probably towards the mid-'80s. When we were going in the late's '70s, I think the choice of main courses was pretty only sirloin or fillet steak, plaice and chips, and possibly chicken and chips. It had all got a bit fancy by the time your chicken dish showed up. smile
Yep my Dad had a Filofax - living the dream smile


8,887 posts

254 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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In the cold January of 87 I had one twice a week for lunch in Redhill. And was still thin.

The one in Maidstone has been there as long as I can remember.


57 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Melman Giraffe said:
Lord Marylebone said:
The story of Wimpy is actually quite interesting.

Started off in the USA like many burger restaurants, came over to the UK in the 50's.

Eventually got mostly wiped out in the UK and USA by McDonalds/Burger King etc, but for reasons unknown the brand thrived in South Africa, and they now have something like 550 restaurants over there now along with their headquarters.

I read a few years ago that Wimpy declared they would make a big return to the UK.
Are they all not Franchises? So is it essentially a South African company or still US?
Yes, they are all franchises.

The Wimpy brand (and control of all the worldwide franchises) is now fully owned by 'Famous Brands' which is a South African company who own lots of restaurant brands, mostly in South Africa.

So essentially Wimpy is now a 100% South African brand, having been purchased from the USA in 2003.


2,792 posts

201 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Wimpy is great, I pop there during work for lunch every now and then

Melman Giraffe

6,761 posts

221 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Lord Marylebone said:
Melman Giraffe said:
Lord Marylebone said:
The story of Wimpy is actually quite interesting.

Started off in the USA like many burger restaurants, came over to the UK in the 50's.

Eventually got mostly wiped out in the UK and USA by McDonalds/Burger King etc, but for reasons unknown the brand thrived in South Africa, and they now have something like 550 restaurants over there now along with their headquarters.

I read a few years ago that Wimpy declared they would make a big return to the UK.
Are they all not Franchises? So is it essentially a South African company or still US?
Yes, they are all franchises.

The Wimpy brand (and control of all the worldwide franchises) is now fully owned by 'Famous Brands' which is a South African company who own lots of restaurant brands, mostly in South Africa.

So essentially Wimpy is now a 100% South African brand, having been purchased from the USA in 2003.
Interesting. Not sure i would want to risk a Wimpy franchise, however it could be a brand that surprises us all and has a resurgence in the UK

Mobile Chicane

20,920 posts

215 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Melman Giraffe said:
Mobile Chicane said:

Unless, like some other establishments in town it offers 'extras'.
laugh what sauce would sir like for the weekend
More like 'herbs'.


6,831 posts

168 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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21TonyK said:
Only one left in Devon now (Barnstaple) after my nearest in Newton Abbot closed a couple of years ago frown
My daughter and her friends went there at the weekend. They're 14 and don't have the nostalgia aspect for the place, they just like the chips.


43,887 posts

153 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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wormus said:
Burger & fries served on a proper plate with knife and fork
I often refer to Nando's as KFC for people who have mastered cutlery. Maybe we could say the same for Wimpy / McDonalds?


8,537 posts

203 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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paulguitar said:
rjfp1962 said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:

The best menu ever..!
I respectfully submit 1970's Berni Inn:

Endless nostalgic joy!
Up in Scotland we had Stakis Steakhouses - a Cypriot/Scottish Berni Inn with very similar food.

Edited by matchmaker on Wednesday 28th October 17:30


57 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
I often refer to Nando's as KFC for people who have mastered cutlery. Maybe we could say the same for Wimpy / McDonalds?
I think that's probably a fair assessment!

Reminds me of one night I was in my local pub having a drink. It's quite a nice 'gastropub' type place with great food, and the owner is good bloke but with a typical 'harsh' sense of humour as per many landlords.

A couple came in who had booked a meal, and as he was sitting them down, the landlord asked them where they were from, and they mentioned a part of town locally that wasn't particularly 'upmarket' shall we say, and when he came back with the basket of cutlery and napkins he said "Here's your knives and forks. I'll send the waitress over shortly to show you how to use them".

I nearly spat my pint out laughing.

Your Dad

1,959 posts

186 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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stevemcs said:
There is still one in Peterborough, mmm half pounder and chips.
My last ever Wimpy visit was Peterborough, circa 1989 as a teenager. Not sure we took the bus all way from Kettering solely for a Wimpy, but I can't think why else we'd gone there.


1,557 posts

165 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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I went to the wimpy in bexleyheath on monday. Qtr with cheese and chips. Very nice.
Family run place and always busy.
Go in there 3 or 4 times a year on a normal year!
My kids love it it there. They do other food like baked potatoes and mixed grills etc . Not just burgers.
Chap 2 tables away had a brown derby. And it looked tidy!


8,766 posts

96 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Your Dad said:
My last ever Wimpy visit was Peterborough, circa 1989 as a teenager. Not sure we took the bus all way from Kettering solely for a Wimpy, but I can't think why else we'd gone there.
There used to be 3 in Peterborough, one in Cathedral Square, one in Midgate (thats still there and run by the son now) and one in Bretton Centre. I thought there used to be one in Kettering a few years ago near a bowling alley ??

Little Chef is another brand I miss.


13,371 posts

151 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
wormus said:
Burger & fries served on a proper plate with knife and fork
I often refer to Nando's as KFC for people who have mastered cutlery. Maybe we could say the same for Wimpy / McDonalds?
IIRC you also had to choose "white or brown bun" in Wimpy.

21st Century Man

41,188 posts

251 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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Bloody Hell!!!

Run the price of a rump steak at a Berni Inn through an inflation calculator. Assuming 1978 the BoE is coming up with £36 and thisismoney £39.

That can't be a Seventies menu?


6,831 posts

168 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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paulguitar said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
What a fking rip off!! £5.85 for a Berni Inn mixed grill, when you can have a Wimpy International grill for 54p. No way is the Berni Inn grill over 10 times better.
I think there could be several years between the menus.
Given it was the 1970s it might not be that long! Inflation was pretty rampant back then