Pistonheads whisky cask



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205 months

Thursday 10th September 2020
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OK I’ve had a couple of questions about the fees.

The bottle picking fee isn’t per bottle. It’s £15 per consignee and I think they might have made a mistake on the invoice and only charged £210 so I divided that equally per person. Classic Mercs & Krallicious have a half share each but the whole of their share is being posted out in one consignment.

The Consignment fee was a fiver per case up to a max of £150 so I prorated the £150 back to the shareholders based on the number of bottles each person is getting.

These both seemed the fairest way of splitting it up.



Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Thursday 10th September 2020
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Thanks to everyone for the very prompt payment. Only 3 People left, too soon to start naming and shaming!

Next question. Does anyone NOT want to refill? I think the answer is no but if anyone wants out there are existing cask owners lining up to buy more shares.


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Thursday 10th September 2020
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FunkyGibbon said:
Lefty said:
Thanks all, only 4 outstanding!

Quick work, cheers
Done, should be in your bank soon
Spot-on, thank you thumbup

Only 2 left!


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Friday 11th September 2020
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Right, still 2 people outstanding but i paid the invoices this morning so WB should be shipping today!


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Friday 11th September 2020
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F-Stop Junkie said:
I'm all paid, thanks Lefty!

I won't take up a refill share, I'll let someone else have that fun.
No worries, thank you.

First refusal goes to existing cask owners - anyone like to buy this share of SC100?


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Friday 11th September 2020
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For S6PNJ and Hidetheelephants:

For everyone else, you’ll hopefully get them at the start of the week and I hope the courier will be in touch with you all by text/email


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Saturday 12th September 2020
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Everyone all paid up now, many thanks for the prompt transfers



Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Sunday 13th September 2020
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robuk said:
What is the plan for refill / timescales etc?
I think they can refill within days of us giving the go ahead

Delivery due tomorrow - exciting stuff!


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Monday 14th September 2020
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Fantastic, lucky sods, no sign of any of mine yet!!


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Tuesday 15th September 2020
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I've had dozens of emails...but still no whisky!!

To be clear, i gave WB a spreadsheet with everyones name, address, email and mobile number along with a table of who gets how many bottles from which casks. Really clear and they seemed happy and able to follow it.

Hope everyone gets their bottes today or tomorrow, if not by cob tomorrow please let me know and i'll chase Debbie at WB


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Wednesday 16th September 2020
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Mine still haven’t arrived!!!! banghead


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Friday 18th September 2020
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Mine finally arrived last night! bounce

Not tried any yet but tonight's the night i think.

Has everyone got what they expected? More to the point, is anyone still waiting?

I got a dram of a 12yo px octave from a mate recently (not from glenglassaugh though). Any worries about them going too far don't seem to be justified, it was superb. Like a 40yo Glendronach at a tiny fraction of the price. Whether or not non-sherry casks could turn too oaky after that length of time i'm not sure.


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Friday 18th September 2020
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Coneyhurst Blue said:
Lefty said:
I got a dram of a 12yo px octave from a mate recently (not from glenglassaugh though). Any worries about them going too far don't seem to be justified, it was superb. Like a 40yo Glendronach at a tiny fraction of the price. Whether or not non-sherry casks could turn too oaky after that length of time i'm not sure.
Seriously didn't need to hear that !
40yr old Glendronach is nectar.
It really is! I was lucky enough to get a few 72’s when they were still “reasonably” priced.


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Tuesday 22nd September 2020
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My only concern with peated spirit is that it’s often a bit odd with sherry. I’ve had some fantastic drams with the combination but also quite a few that have been really jarring. If it’s very lightly peated I think it tends to work better.

Can I suggest unpeated for 4 and 5. Quite happy to try peated for 6 & 7.

Anyone fancy making a table on Here with the cask owners down the y axis, cask numbers along the x and a choice for peated/unpeated and we’ll just go with the majority? thumbup

Not sure a new thread is a good idea - the refill casks 1-3 are all covered in this one (and the elusive cask 8)


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Tuesday 22nd September 2020
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Hang on, lets see if this works:

PH name PX1 SC100 SC11 SC14
Lefty unpeated unpeated peated peated
Coneyhurst Blue
Funkygibbon X X X
Hidetheelephants X
Arguti X X X
Madbadgers X X
David A
crmcatee X X X
podie X X
bga X
F-Stop Junkie X X
Robuk X

Edited by Lefty on Tuesday 22 September 13:38


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Tuesday 22nd September 2020
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madbadger said:
Is there a fair way we can go all in? Eg I have a 6 ish bottle share in two casks. Would be just as happy with a 3 bottle share in the four.
If you find somebody to do so some swapping then crack on - just let me know so i can update the share owners spreadsheet thing thumbup


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Wednesday 23rd September 2020
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The x were there just to show which casks people did not have a share of. rofl

Would everyone like to copy paste and put their preference for peated or unpeated in the casks that they have a share of?



Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Wednesday 23rd September 2020
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Definitely Ben Nevis. I’ve got a plastic jerrycan of it that I was going to refill a tiny cask of my own with, I’ll go and a sniff to see if it’s peated!


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Monday 29th May 2023
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Afternoon all. To the owners of casks 1-3 I have sent you an email asking for you to confirm delivery addresses for the refill bottles. If you haven’t received this please let me know your latest email address!


P.s. it’s ready!!


Original Poster:

16,316 posts

205 months

Tuesday 11th July 2023
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krallicious said:
Does anyone have a contact for Iain? I’ve emailed him twice as I need more information to transfer the money. IBAN etc.

Sorry Pete, never got them (and not in my junk either!)

Will try to find it and let you know - or you can PayPal me if you prefer to my hotmail address you got my last email from. firstnamelastname833 at hotmail dot com
