Sourdough breadmaking



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202 months

Friday 8th March 2013
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jmorgan said:
Bit more energetic this morning. Leave it until tonight.
Hows it progressing Jeff?


Original Poster:

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202 months

Saturday 9th March 2013
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just be patient, room temp should be fine until its ready to go in the fridge. The aim is to encourage the bacterias that will thrive in the fridge and slowly develop that lovely aroma.


Original Poster:

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202 months

Sunday 10th March 2013
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Ok. The idea is not to have the container sealed, otherwise the gas build up will inhibit the ferment. Just give it a violent stir each time its fed, and possibly a stir in between. It will probably revive. Oh and dont overfeed. Best time to feed is when activity has almost stopped.....


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979 posts

202 months

Sunday 10th March 2013
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Mobile Chicane said:
That's awesome. bow

The 'pizza' is just crying out to be halved and stuffed with mushrooms and steak for a shooter's sandwich lick

We actually devoured that particulor breadcake with a warm pulled pork filling. Yum!


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202 months

Wednesday 13th March 2013
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RizzoTheRat said:
Starter started. I'm using a sealable Tupperware. I assume from the kilner jar comments that I don't want to put the lid on fully so it's airtight?
Correct. It needs air as well as food.


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202 months

Thursday 14th March 2013
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jmorgan said:
Hmm, after second feeding it is separating and going a tad limp. I assume we need a texture here and water is not always required?
Correct. You just have to play it by ear. These days I dont measure when feeding. Just sprinkle a bit of flour in, then trickle enough water on to suit. You may be overfeeding.

One other thing you could try Jeff:
Next time you make your 'ordinary loaf' take a small lump of dough from it, and start another new culture from that, i.e add just a sprinkle of rye flour to it and a drop of water, and then feed daily as per normal instructions, but again, dont overfeed.

Doing it that way will mean that initially it will be a fast acting culture (because of the commercially bred fast acting yeast) but eventually, the wild spores on the flour will take over, and it will turn into sourdough, especially once it gets to the fridge stage.....


Edited by Boo152 on Thursday 14th March 08:08


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Thursday 14th March 2013
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200bhp said:
Did you manage to get all the ingredients for the starter in a supermarket? Having failed to find Muscvado Sugar in either Coles or Woolworths last week I'm expecting to have problems with these "fancy" flours!

Also, whats the Aussie equivalent of Lard? (used here to grease the tins)

Lard is 100% pork fat.


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Friday 15th March 2013
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Fellow Breadmakers -

Dont forget to set your recorders for 8:30 pm monday 18/03/13 for Paul Hollywood's Bread program on BBC2.

Edited to add the channel!

Edited by Boo152 on Friday 15th March 20:12


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Sunday 17th March 2013
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How are your starters progressing guys?


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Sunday 17th March 2013
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Well done guys - keep us posted and then let us know how the bread turns out when you get there.

Sourdough Pizza anyone?

Edited by Boo152 on Saturday 23 March 08:10


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979 posts

202 months

Monday 18th March 2013
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NormalWisdom said:
Did you part-bake the base first?
No I just leave the base to rise for an hour before slinging the toppings on, then wack straight in the oven.

PS: You still going to post piccies of your starter Normal?

Edited by Boo152 on Monday 18th March 13:24


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Monday 18th March 2013
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Thats looking good to go!
When are you planning to bake your first sourdough loaf?


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Tuesday 19th March 2013
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Proportions not that critical NW. I use 'about' 750ml starter to 1.5kilo flour, so for one loaf lets say 'about' 250ml of active starter to 500grm flour.

to 1.5 kilo of flour

Edited by Boo152 on Tuesday 23 April 07:32


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Tuesday 19th March 2013
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That looks as though it will be good to go by sat Rizzo.


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Saturday 23rd March 2013
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Ok chaps your snowed in so get baking!


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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How was it?


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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jmorgan said:
Anyone got a spare oven?
Whats up Jeff is yours fked?


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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It's trial and error Rizzo...
Either make smaller loaves or bake for longer. Or hotter. Or.....?

My last weeks main batch was a wee bit underbaked as well, but on the other hand the pizza was ace!


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Tuesday 26th March 2013
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jmorgan said:
Right, looks like Sunday is my next best bet. Probably mix up on Saturday. This heaving monster needs to kept under control. In the fridge?
Yep get it in the fridge - then take it out again 1/2 day before you start your dough.


Original Poster:

979 posts

202 months

Tuesday 26th March 2013
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Sounds like all your starters are lively enough now to live in the fridge.

Once the starters are in the fridge, this will normally slow the action down a bit.

The amount you feed will depend on how much you will need at your next 'dough' day.

No point making more starter than you need, so a general rule is dont overfeed.

I try to aim to have just enough to start the dough off each week with a bit left over to go back in the fridge to start the processs again for the next weeks lot.

Edited by Boo152 on Tuesday 26th March 16:50