Pistonheads whisky cask



579 posts

186 months

Thursday 17th December 2020
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Haven’t been following this thread so apologies if breaking etiquette but any interest in Irish whiskey on here? Just throwing it out there to see if it grows legs.


2,341 posts

193 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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Hopefully everyone is enjoying this over Christmas - interesting, perhaps extra authentic, bit of sediment developed at bottom too!

Two people had a bottle for a present from me, the rest of the stash is being kept. Humbug!

Merry Christmas everyone smile


46,641 posts

278 months

Saturday 24th July 2021
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Another gone…

David A

3,617 posts

254 months

Monday 25th April 2022
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Did we find cask 8 ? Make sure we keep the paper trail of ownership ! https://news.sky.com/story/forgotten-cask-of-rare-...


5,225 posts

284 months

Tuesday 13th December 2022
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Hi Cask 1 2 and 3 owners, I'm sending this message on behalf of Iain (as he is still the cask administrator). We've been in touch with each other recently and he's asked me to send this message.

As some of you will remember, Casks 1, 2 and 3 were filled with Ben Nevis new make spirit back in mid May 2017 and as such have now been maturing for around 5.5 years. Our 'original' maturation length with Glenglassaugh spirit was 5 years.

If you follow WhiskyBroker on Facebook (or other social media channels possibly) you might be aware that they are having some issues sourcing bottles, metal capsules and corks with prices ever increasing. https://www.facebook.com/whiskybroker.co.uk/posts/...

To that end, what are everyone's feelings towards just getting the 3 casks bottled, or the alternative is to go through the sampling process and then asking Iain for his take on whether they should be bottled now or wait some more?

I've been in touch with WhiskyBroker ref their bottling timescales and currently, if we were to get our paperwork in before the Christmas closure, we would still be looking at March onwards - which just goes to show how busy they are.

If we get a majority decision (ie at least 5 people for each cask), I'll generate the paperwork for 'standard' 50cl bottles with 'standard' WB labels and caps etc - which is pretty much what we did for the last casks we had bottled (casks 4-7, 8 is still Missing in Action...).

in case you can't remember which casks you are in, the spreadsheet below should be able to remind you - ignore Cask 4, it has been bottled and the cask is no longer available.

I'll start us off by saying - Bottle please.


3,790 posts

267 months

Tuesday 13th December 2022
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S6PNJ said:
I'll start us off by saying - Bottle please.
Bottle please



11,597 posts

247 months

Tuesday 13th December 2022
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Cask 3 - Gil Scott Heron option, please.


1,703 posts

184 months

Tuesday 13th December 2022
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Just so people are aware - these casks will have matured MUCH more slowly than the originals and will be much more subtle than before.

I'm happy to go with a majority but the amount involved whilst more expensive probably wouldn't be crazy - Martin does not appear to be in the business of over-pricing. But his comments about availability of bought in's I did see the other week when he announced them. And lead time show's how busy he is and with the footings for extra warehousing going in he will be getting busier. Congratulations to him (and the team behind him).
The never ending piece of string is how much more they might develop if left a couple more years. Do we really want to wait to find out ? Compare a refill Octave at 5.5yrs to a ''cage'' bottling at Cadenheads at 8yo - probably similar.


78 posts

154 months

Tuesday 13th December 2022
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I'm happy to go with the majority, I really don't mind either way


11,597 posts

247 months

Tuesday 13th December 2022
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Fair points. I don’t really mind either way.

However in the original casks we seemed to lose a lot to the angels. I’m not sure how much better what was left was compared to having a bit more at a bit younger.

Either way I did enjoy the last lot.

Flying machine

1,132 posts

179 months

Wednesday 14th December 2022
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Thank you for taking the time to sort all of this out S6PNJ, I for one very much appreciate your efforts, as I'm sure everyone else does!

I'm also happy to go with the flow, although it is looking like 'bottle' is the preferred option. smile


22,459 posts

204 months

Wednesday 14th December 2022
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I don't have any ownership in these casks, but it would also be a question if you get them refilled again? You might want a sample to get an idea on how much life is left in the cask again now? If it's still a lot more towards newmake you might call it a day on them (you'll likely lose a bunch of alcohol without getting cask impact if refilled another time). If they're working well you could perhaps do 1 more fill?


26,010 posts

196 months

Wednesday 14th December 2022
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NRS said:
I don't have any ownership in these casks, but it would also be a question if you get them refilled again? You might want a sample to get an idea on how much life is left in the cask again now? If it's still a lot more towards newmake you might call it a day on them (you'll likely lose a bunch of alcohol without getting cask impact if refilled another time). If they're working well you could perhaps do 1 more fill?
Need to recharge them with a few months full of cheap port or sherry? Or is it not as simple as that? I know nothing, I just like drinking it. Might as well bottle it I guess, if it's anything like last time March will turn into May/June. hehe


1,778 posts

189 months

Friday 16th December 2022
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cask 3 - bottle please


5,225 posts

284 months

Friday 16th December 2022
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madbadger said:
Cask 3 - Gil Scott Heron option, please.

I like that! Thanks! clap


5,225 posts

284 months

Friday 16th December 2022
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I realise I've not heard from everyone and there are still a few people to respond, but as there have been no - leave it and do a sample*, I'm going to jump the gun and fill out the bottling forms and get them off to Iain to authorise and submit.

But having said all that - is there any benefit to us leaving it another 2-3 months so we can have a 6 year old whisky instead of a 5 year old whisky? If WB are forecasting a Mar onwards bottling timeframe, what's another few months if we get a different number on the label - any thoughts? I wonder how good WB's admin is if we put a 'not before' bottling date on the forms??
  • Yes, I'm also aware that re-re-filled casks will take longer to mature as there is less 'flavour' in the wood to impart into the spirit - but I'm willing to take the chance....


5,225 posts

284 months

Monday 19th December 2022
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No replies from anyone so I take it we are not bothered about having 6 years on the label , so I'll get on and generate the forms for bottling -Merry Christmas one and all - look out for your 'late' Christmas presents sometime next year.


11,597 posts

247 months

Monday 19th December 2022
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I'm going to drink it so not really fussed if it is 5 + 10 months or 6. smile

Coneyhurst Blue

588 posts

195 months

Monday 19th December 2022
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Sorry for late reply - let’s get it bottled and start enjoying it.


5,225 posts

284 months

Tuesday 20th December 2022
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Next question - whilst I was clarifying some points on the bottling form with WB, I asked if the casks could be refilled (re-re-re filled in some cases) and they said that whilst they don't currently have any new make spirit, they could set them aside and in the new year (or when they get spirit) they could be refilled - so what's everyone's thoughts? Only for Cask 1-3 'owners' but if they want to move their share on, it could possibly be opened up to a slightly wider audience perhaps?

I'm sending the forms across to Iain this afternoon and will probably ask to have the casks put aside (for potential refilling) as it's probably easier to do it that way than not having them put aside and then trying to find them again etc. Hopefully Iain will get the forms off to WB before they shut for Christmas, so it will be on the 'top of the pile' for when they start back in the New Year.