The canal / narrowboat thread

The canal / narrowboat thread



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Thursday 12th October 2017
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As I don't think we have a narrowboat thread I thought it was time there was one so please add thoughts, comment, experiences on the canal.

Normally when I'm on the cut it's on a hireboat or a friends boat, but this week was a bit different.

I've just spent a few days on the Narrowboat Trust's working pair.

Lister -

Reading, on the Thames near Tesco

Reading, on the K&A, town centre


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214 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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Smollet said:
Get several and lash them together like a raft.
People have sailed narrowboats across the channel - it's a long journey though, out of the Thames on a very calm day and head for Dunkirk. Sounds a bit dodgy though!


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214 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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Just back from another trip on the Narrowboat Trust working pair, Braunston historic boat festival at the weekend then up the north Oxford and Coventry back to Alvecote (near Tamworth).

Hard work - bow hauled the butty down the thick of Atherstone flight, then back up for the motor and do it all again before towing the butty down the other 6 locks.

What shocked me was the number of boats coming towards us who have no bloody idea what they're doing - and mostly they weren't hirers. Sensible procedure, when they see us, knock it into tickover and aim for the gap between us and the bank, actual action, slam astern, spin broadside across in front of us meaning we have to stop and wait for them to sort themselves out. Meanwhile the butty's floating into the reeds, moored boats etc.


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Saturday 30th June 2018
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Shakermaker said:
Pontcysyllte Aqueduct isn't that unpronounceable

I guess some the others would be..

Falkirk Wheel
Wast Hill Tunnel?
Standedge Tunnels
Falkirk wheel is too new to be in the original 7 wonders, so maybe there are now 8!

Caen Hill
Barton Aqueduct
Anderton lift
Burnley embankment
Bingley 5 rise


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Sunday 1st July 2018
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Ayahuasca said:
Canal boating is on my list.

What hull maintenance in required on these things? Owners of steel yachts spend their lives in fear of rust and catalytic corrosion. Is it the same here?

Is there an optimum size for say a couple and kids?

How can a perfectly built canal boat be distinguished from a a poorly built one?
Every 5(?) years they have to be lifted out of the water and have their bottoms inspected and blacked.

How long? Probably the longest you can afford, mooring licencing are paid depending on length. You'd get 2 adults and 2 kids on a 40 foot boat for holiday, not live aboard, but longer would be more comfortable.
If you want to do the Leeds and Liverpool max length is 60 foot (72 in most other places)


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Monday 2nd July 2018
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227bhp said:

A barge is 14' wide, a 7' boat is a narrowboat, not a barge, not a longboat.

PH - terminology matters!

Agree that the clatter of the engine does get a bit annoying - being on a butty is nice, completely silent apart from lapping water.


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214 months

Friday 28th September 2018
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I had another few days with the Narrowboat trust a couple of weeks ago, only 1 small drama when the ellum got lifted off the butty in a shallow section and we had to use a Tirfor off a bridge to put it back!

Meanwhile the previous trip met Mikron's boat going down Napton - lock 9 is well known for being a bit tight -

If you fancy a bit of real boating (and don't mind very basic facilities) the trust is an absolute bargain, £20 a year and you get to play on a working pair! No qualifications required (they are for the captain but not for crew). Previous experience is useful, if it's the first time you've steered you'll find it tricky but you'll get trained.


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Tuesday 3rd September 2019
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Thread revival!

I've just bought a share in a semi trad 58' boat, based at Braunston, first trip starts this Friday, wife and (adult) kids coming for the weekend then a few days on my own - I've not tried solo boating before so will be interesting.

Unfortunately, like most shared boats, it has an Isuzu engine which revs far too fast for my liking - I'd much rather have a thud-thud-thud Gardner or Russell Newbury but no choice at the moment!

Heading to Stoke Bruerne for Saturday night and see what happens from there.


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214 months

Thursday 19th September 2019
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We went through Bruerne on Sunday morning, having moored at Blisworth Sat night - moorings at Bruerne were all prebooked.

It was a bit quieter on Monday.

No 1 daughter was a natural at steering, she had steered when supervised when she was 10, she's now 24, I stood with her for 5 mins then 1 lock, left her to it and she was fine. My wife still shows the lack of understanding of putting the tiller left to make the boat go right that she has always had!

They had to go back to work on Monday so I had it to myself and just for the challenge went down to Northampton and back - flight of 13 at Rothersthorpe is fun, bit of walking to and fro to get the next one set by the time you leave the first one but on the way up, the boat behind with a few people on weren't catching me up!
Fortunately no CRT people around to say 'You can't do that!'


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Thursday 19th September 2019
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woodypup59 said:
There is a local "character" who often helps boats up & down the R'thorpe locks in exchange for a few beer tokens.

He was obviously busy that day !
Yes, I saw him, looked like he was sleeping under the M1 bridge, he opened 1 gate at the lock ahead of me and then wandered off down the canal - I was going to offer him a beer or some food but I never saw him again.


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Wednesday 15th January 2020
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The Narrowboat Trust's boats make an appearance in Father Brown this week. Filmed at Cropredy last July.

Don't mention the non-authentic kitchen and the 1990s camping gas stove that are in shot biggrin


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Thursday 16th January 2020
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Simpo Two said:
I hired a narrowboat once which had radiator c/h - wonder how that worked? Great for drying out clothes!
Might have been off the engine - in car terms replace the radiator with ...err...radiators!

Modern boats tend to have diesel fired boilers, I think they used to have gas fired but probably due to safety (diesel doesn't explode, gas can) they've changed.


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Thursday 16th January 2020
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geeks said:
john2443 said:
Don't mention the non-authentic kitchen and the 1990s camping gas stove that are in shot biggrin
Nerd hehe
I wouldn't have noticed except that having been on the boats I was looking out for things that I know are there!


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Tuesday 11th February 2020
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New paint job smile

I'm relieved that a few people will use it before I do - would hate to be the one to put the first scratches on it (shared ownership). Shares available if anyone's interested smile 58', 6/7 berth.


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Friday 24th April 2020
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I've got a week booked on the cut in June..started off fairly optimistic that it would go ahead but gradually my optimism is fading frown

7 weeks away, what do you all think? Any chance?


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Saturday 25th April 2020
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I hope you're right!

Been looking forward to the trip - East Mids circuit planned, I've done most of it before but some of it not for about 40 years!


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Sunday 3rd May 2020
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This just in from the company who looks after my shared ownership narrowboat

"The Government will consider making changes once the 5 conditions are being met and the results look to be making progress in the right direction, so we do hope the opportunity to relax some travel will happen during this month.

It’s thought by some of the marina industry speakers that when the lockdown starts to be lifted, holiday cottages, holiday home and by extension boats, will be one of the first to start to return. This is thought because families can still isolate in these properties, unlike hotels and holiday resorts which rely on staff. This will still allow the social distancing required. This of course is not confirmed but something we are lobbying and hope for. "


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Monday 4th May 2020
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SimonTheSailor said:
classicaholic said:
.......we have had the wettest spring for years but they have decided to do some planned work on the reservoirs in the summer,
Eh ?! It's been the third driest April on record !!
April was dry but Jan to March were very wet.


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214 months

Sunday 23rd August 2020
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dudleybloke said:
"canal barge"rolleyes

"a float"rolleyes

"trip extension ladder"rolleyes

Fire service rescued them - errr there's a ladder in the lock, just climb up it "rolleyes

Trumpton (presumably) over react by putting ropes on stern dollys to stop the boat moving"rolleyes - it aint going anywhere!

SimonTheSailor said:
Schoolboy error for somebody who owns one of the longest boats. ??
The Wail says it was hired. Looks like it's from ABC - they won't be happy!


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214 months

Sunday 23rd August 2020
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Europa1 said:
One does have to question how they let it get to the stage pictured - surely as soon as they felt the stern ground on the cill, they'd call for the lower lock paddles to be closed?
They were in more of a tangle than just getting the stern on the cill - pic of the stern shows the middle gates wouldn't close so looks like they were emptying the bottom lock before closing the middle gates - staircases are tricky things of you don't know what you're doing and don't read the instructions!

If you aren't watching / don't know what to look for you might not realise what's happening and there comes a point where it's too late, once water floods into the bow, closing the bottom paddles and refilling doesn't refloat it, you need to sheet up the bow and pump it out and then refloat.