Southend Vulcan causing "distress"

Southend Vulcan causing "distress"



9,548 posts

174 months

Monday 20th May
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Tony1963 said:
Civil airports and aircraft manufacturers have worked extremely hard over the last 60 years or so to reduce noise.
The Vulcan is a bloody noisy relic that was never based at Southend, and I'm sure there'll be plenty of local residents who thought that Southend would only get busier, not much, much louder.

I'm all for Cold War jets being given a proper airing, and fast taxi runs are more exciting than many airshows now, but I think this guy might have a case.
It is a noisy bd. I remember when they were operating out of Brize Norton for a few days, back when I was working at Ground Radio. They did a few,take off/landings and had a planned set of circuits plus a buzz of the ATC tower for a group of trustees. It was epic, EPIC! Probably one of the abiding memories of my time in the RAF ......but I wouldn't want it all the time!


4,591 posts

217 months

Monday 20th May
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selym said:
Tony1963 said:
Civil airports and aircraft manufacturers have worked extremely hard over the last 60 years or so to reduce noise.
The Vulcan is a bloody noisy relic that was never based at Southend, and I'm sure there'll be plenty of local residents who thought that Southend would only get busier, not much, much louder.

I'm all for Cold War jets being given a proper airing, and fast taxi runs are more exciting than many airshows now, but I think this guy might have a case.
It is a noisy bd. I remember when they were operating out of Brize Norton for a few days, back when I was working at Ground Radio. They did a few,take off/landings and had a planned set of circuits plus a buzz of the ATC tower for a group of trustees. It was epic, EPIC! Probably one of the abiding memories of my time in the RAF ......but I wouldn't want it all the time!
It isn’t all the time, it’s probably about 4 hours…a year!


1,378 posts

287 months

Monday 20th May
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Stick Legs said:
This happens a lot.

"I moved to the country and will now complain about mud on the road from the farm."

"I moved to the coast and now complain about commercial shipping making noises at all times of day and night."

"I moved near a race track and will now complain about the noise of motorsport."

"I moved near and abattoir and am a vegan so it must be closed down."

These people are everywhere and are bores. The council will take readings of the noise made, if it is within tolerance for the zone they are in then the claim will be refuted. If they in breach then they will probably have to taxay to the other side of the airfield to run them at full power.
the number of bloody moaners who have come to thew Isle of Wight , Church Bells, accident blackspot (in their opinion) walkers, cyclists, lack of a bridge or a tunnel ....


9,548 posts

174 months

Monday 20th May
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Sixpackpert said:
selym said:
Tony1963 said:
Civil airports and aircraft manufacturers have worked extremely hard over the last 60 years or so to reduce noise.
The Vulcan is a bloody noisy relic that was never based at Southend, and I'm sure there'll be plenty of local residents who thought that Southend would only get busier, not much, much louder.

I'm all for Cold War jets being given a proper airing, and fast taxi runs are more exciting than many airshows now, but I think this guy might have a case.
It is a noisy bd. I remember when they were operating out of Brize Norton for a few days, back when I was working at Ground Radio. They did a few,take off/landings and had a planned set of circuits plus a buzz of the ATC tower for a group of trustees. It was epic, EPIC! Probably one of the abiding memories of my time in the RAF ......but I wouldn't want it all the time!
It isn’t all the time, it’s probably about 4 hours…a year!
I'm not saying they are getting it all the time, I'm saying I wouldn't want it all the time.
You wouldn't believe the amount of calls from people who lived in adjoining villages; they'd bought houses knowing a busy military airport (the gateway to operations) was within their earshot. I had little sympathy although I couldn't tell them that.

Edited by selym on Monday 20th May 07:55


3,597 posts

235 months

Monday 20th May
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For context: the Vulcan has been at LSA since 1986

High power engine runs are conducted twice yearly, once after winter service, and once before the last taxy of the year. This is normally total, about 20/30 mins of intermittent high power engine running.

This year, we had to do an extended high power run to perform the SP401 procedure on no3 engine as it had been out of the aircraft, and to clear the oil from the breather system as the aircraft had been on jacks for approximately 6 months. So no anti det runs had been able to happen over winter. This was performed on a weekday afternoon.

After the high power run, a shakedown taxy was performed, where engines are at full power for 2/3 seconds at launch.

Anti det runs are generally bi monthly for a total engine run duration of 20 mins at idle power.


Original Poster:

4,223 posts

163 months

Monday 20th May
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Given it's been over 70 years since the first flight, it's to nice think they are still working as intended: Causing distress, shock and awe. cloud9

5 In a Row

1,525 posts

230 months

Monday 20th May
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Its the usual story isn't it frown

The village where I grew up had a hall that was over 100 years old.
Some moron moved in next door then complained about the noise keeping him awake during the day because he worked nightshift!

I wonder how long the complainant has lived there for.

Its clear he hasn't brought the complaint to the notice of the airport people despite being on one of their committees.


2,864 posts

132 months

Monday 20th May
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andyA700 said:
It would appear that David Smith lives 3/4 of a mile away.
It would appeal that David Smith is an entitled self-righteous egotistical ...


7,802 posts

156 months

Monday 20th May
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MrBig said:
andyA700 said:
It would appear that David Smith lives 3/4 of a mile away.
It would appeal that David Smith is an entitled self-righteous egotistical ...
Haha, he’s even trying to spoil visiting fans’ enjoyment of the Champions’ League final at Wembley next month. Get a grip man.

In contrast, back in 2005, we bought a house next door to a traditional church. During the property viewings, there were no church bells whatsoever. Turns out that was only because the clock was broken, so a few months after moving in it must have got repaired as we started getting Big Ben style chimes every 15 minutes, 24 hours per day. Add on weekly evening bell ringing practice and church services and that’s a lot of noise. It has been the same for the past 19 years, but you just grow accustomed to it, so no need to moan.

Simpo Two

85,979 posts

268 months

Monday 20th May
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MrBig said:
andyA700 said:
It would appear that David Smith lives 3/4 of a mile away.
It would appeal that David Smith is an entitled self-righteous egotistical ...
'David Smith is a local resident (not living in Wells Avenue but less than ¾ of a mile away) and noted
that he was representing other residents. DS to provide a list to the Chair post-meeting.'

He should have a list containing more than 50% of the local residents - perhaps 10,000 - before being taken seriously. But of course he will just go round a few doors asking 'Would you like to live in a quieter neighbourhood? and they will say 'Yes'.

But we can use David Smith's enthusiasm for better things which will please many more people. Could he get a similar list of names together based on the question 'Would you like to pay less tax?' and then take it to Parliament so it will be promptly acted on?


20,747 posts

125 months

Monday 20th May
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DrDeAtH said:
For context: the Vulcan has been at LSA since 1986

High power engine runs are conducted twice yearly, once after winter service, and once before the last taxy of the year. This is normally total, about 20/30 mins of intermittent high power engine running.

This year, we had to do an extended high power run to perform the SP401 procedure on no3 engine as it had been out of the aircraft, and to clear the oil from the breather system as the aircraft had been on jacks for approximately 6 months. So no anti det runs had been able to happen over winter. This was performed on a weekday afternoon.

After the high power run, a shakedown taxy was performed, where engines are at full power for 2/3 seconds at launch.

Anti det runs are generally bi monthly for a total engine run duration of 20 mins at idle power.
Great stuff!


7,802 posts

156 months

Monday 20th May
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I wonder if he used to live there during the Southend Airshow era? Lots of display aircraft used the airport as base for the weekend, including noisy RAF fast jets.

Rich Boy Spanner

1,385 posts

133 months

Monday 20th May
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What a total clown.


4,562 posts

162 months

Monday 20th May
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MrBig said:
It would appeal that David Smith is an entitled self-righteous egotistical ...
I had to deal with people like this when I was a councillor. It was absolutely staggering what people would complain about; there was a chap who moved into a flat overlooking the local harbour and complained about the noise of the rigging clinking in the wind at night.


7,165 posts

147 months

Monday 20th May
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DrDeAtH said:
For context: the Vulcan has been at LSA since 1986

High power engine runs are conducted twice yearly, once after winter service, and once before the last taxy of the year. This is normally total, about 20/30 mins of intermittent high power engine running.

This year, we had to do an extended high power run to perform the SP401 procedure on no3 engine as it had been out of the aircraft, and to clear the oil from the breather system as the aircraft had been on jacks for approximately 6 months. So no anti det runs had been able to happen over winter. This was performed on a weekday afternoon.

After the high power run, a shakedown taxy was performed, where engines are at full power for 2/3 seconds at launch.

Anti det runs are generally bi monthly for a total engine run duration of 20 mins at idle power.
Thanks for the accurate detail.

This David Smith bloke sounds like an absolute throbber and should be told as such.

I would pay extra to live neat an airport where I could hear a Vulcan, albeit very briefly!!


35,136 posts

230 months

Monday 20th May
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DrDeAtH said:
Flumpo said:
I bet he’s always complaining about new houses being built too.
Apparently he made approx 1000 complaints in the last year.

It's not just the Vulcan at Southend, there's the 727s and then the RAF visit from time to time......
He sounds like the idiot old couple that bought an old cottage under Gatwicks flightpath, about 3/4 miles out from the threshold, for their peaceful retirement laugh and then proceeded to make a noise complaint to BAA (as was) pretty much on a daily basis.
They really were utter pillocks, and no doubt bought it because it was cheap, and hoped once moving in they could put a stop to the noise aircraft by sending in daily complaints about the noise.
BAA got so fed up with them......this was about 10+ years ago.


44 posts

68 months

Monday 20th May
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A very close friend bought the residential site of the last Gatwick air crash, ( from the ‘ infant’ sole survivor thrown clear) where it bounced thru the house.
That’s Fernhill, Horley- directly on the end of the runway

Council fought him at every stage, but he finally got permission to rebuild - with fantastically strict terms on the height of his chimney, & any scaffolding.

It’s an awe inspiring place to be, most days, with vortex trails running right through the property. I’d estimate 100-200 ft up, some days.

He doesn’t even notice..


2,251 posts

36 months

Monday 20th May
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Trouble is if you tell this bellend he is being an idiot he will then complain to your supervisor about your behaviour.

Would you want to lose your job to satisfy this idiot. Worse are the senior managers who would not back you up telling him to stop complaining as he is being unreasonable.


25,788 posts

196 months

Monday 20th May
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Mercdriver said:
Trouble is if you tell this bellend he is being an idiot he will then complain to your supervisor about your behaviour.

Would you want to lose your job to satisfy this idiot. Worse are the senior managers who would not back you up telling him to stop complaining as he is being unreasonable.
I think you'd be due some sick days from the strain of rolling your eyes that much.


2,251 posts

36 months

Monday 20th May
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hidetheelephants said:
I think you'd be due some sick days from the strain of rolling your eyes that much.
You have never had to deal with someone like this have you?