Internet breads idiots- buys plane

Internet breads idiots- buys plane



1,593 posts

44 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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geeks said:

Well, I will prep his Darwin Award, anyone want to a guess at the date?
At which point he'll be toast.


9,080 posts

165 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I don't want to sound negative but he's got almost zero chance. I'm even confused about his training route - the C42 is a brilliant trainer and very forgiving - but he'll need a full PPl for the Extra. He'll then need to add the tail wheel endorsement.

The Extra 300 is a stunning plane - but it really is a racing car, there's not one aspect of them that makes them easy to fly. And as for using it to visit the Isle of Man - I've just looked at the chart between Rochester Airfield and IoM, yeah, good luck navigating that route.


9,387 posts

222 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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KAgantua said:
Wasn't this same topic posted yeasterday?
Excellent work.


13,938 posts

287 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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J77wck said:
R6tty said:
This is so wrong in so many ways. Don't think it's been covered here before.
I was left open mouthed by this shouty and seemingly successful Youtuber who is so far out of his depth for the sake of views. Instructor was good! Wonder if the CAA would be bothered?
Its worked, people are watching. Maybe his personality is for camera only and he is a good student. Don't judge a book by its cover.
Sadly there have been number of YouTubers coming to grief whilst trying to combine ab-initio aviation and promoting a channel for the "likes and subscribes", but let's hope this chap doesn't become one of them. I suspect he won't be soloing that Extra as quickly as he expects, not the least because he'll need to be insured as P1 and I'd be surprised if any of the insurers would touch him in an Extra 300 without at least hundred hours logged after getting his PPL, probably more. The chap instructing him in the microlight was absolutely bang on the money.

The idea that he's going to use the Extra to nip backwards and forwards from the IOM to London isn't going to last long, unless he's planning on getting an Instrument Rating as well - it does look like it's IFR equipped, but I wouldn't fancy transits over the Irish Sea in the murk on a regular basis - if that's the goal then something like a Cirrus would be a far better choice - but that probably doesn't fit with his YouTube persona.

Jeffries is looking older - haven't seen him in years - we did some business with him back in the Yak days for various bits and pieces as well as seeing him around in general - I remember going up to Little Gransden to collect a replacement set of cowl flaps for KH, and when he pulled it out of the pile of spares he had sitting at the back of a hangar it turned out a mouse had eaten half of the cloth edging, and Jeffries turning around and glaring at his office cat sitting in the corner. Cat didn't seem that bothered though. Mark's a bit of a Marmite character - he did manage to rub some people up the wrong way on occasion. I remember him turning up with a new aerobatic trophy that his company was donating, it being a section of a Yak propeller that had been sawn off, painted, polished and mounted on a plinth, and I did ask him if it was a bit of the prop he'd smashed up when he taxied a Yak-50 into a fuel bowser at Waltham some months before, which got me the same glare that he'd given the cat, but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it was.

Last Visit

2,942 posts

191 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Stay on topic chaps, we don't knead all these daft puns.


1,686 posts

194 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Petrus1983 said:
Richard-390a0 said:
biggrinwinktongue outbiglaugh

OP is just trying to get a rise out of us.


5,381 posts

137 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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The guy in the video supposedly made a fortune selling bits of radio control cars on ebay and offering some sort of "ebay marketing for dummies" training course along side his youtube channel.

He has a Lamborghini and a full size monster truck, so yea incredibly annoying but he must be doing something right. Hope the act is for the cameras and he doesn't end up doing harm to himself or others in that Extra.


9,080 posts

165 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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lufbramatt said:
He has a Lamborghini
I bet that wasn't his first car after a few laps around a go kart track.

The saving grace is the CAA a tough on giving out licenses - and the ground school is intensive even for a GA pilot. I personally loved the flying and found it easy to grasp (starting at 15 helped no doubt) - but the ground school frown

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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People parading Lamborghinis and such like on You Tube tend to be fantasists and are generally up to their neck in debt - or have scammed money from gullible idiots - or both.


13,938 posts

287 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Eric Mc said:
People parading Lamborghinis and such like on You Tube tend to be fantasists and are generally up to their neck in debt - or have scammed money from gullible idiots - or both.
I'm guessing the move to the IoM might have something to do with the shedloads of cash he's apparently making from YouTube though?

Gary C

12,732 posts

182 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Eric Mc said:
geeks said:

Well, I will prep his Darwin Award, anyone want to a guess at the date?
At which point he'll be toast.
did that one on page 1



3,988 posts

134 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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eharding said:
Eric Mc said:
People parading Lamborghinis and such like on You Tube tend to be fantasists and are generally up to their neck in debt - or have scammed money from gullible idiots - or both.
I'm guessing the move to the IoM might have something to do with the shedloads of cash he's apparently making from YouTube though?
Sounds like hes used his loaf, not sure why everyone is giving him a hard time?


2,167 posts

164 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Last Visit said:
Stay on topic chaps, we don't knead all these daft puns.
Oh come on, we're on a roll here

Riff Raff

5,179 posts

198 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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KAgantua said:
Sounds like hes used his loaf, not sure why everyone is giving him a hard time?

Yes. We should be leaven him alone.

Gary C

12,732 posts

182 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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lufbramatt said:
Hope the act is for the cameras and he doesn't end up doing harm to himself.
He might end up Brown Bread


2,683 posts

188 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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KAgantua said:
Wasn't this same topic posted yeasterday?
I think it was stollen from another thread


Original Poster:

301 posts

18 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Well. That was an early morning post with a genuine typo which of course I cannot change and feel a bit stupid about. Tough crowd as I know.
What happened to Nonsequitur by the way?

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Gary C said:
did that one on page 1

Make it a toasted sandwich


Original Poster:

301 posts

18 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I have no problem with this guy making money out of Youtube, but I wonder if one day someone will die for views? The one that video'd himself jumping out of a 'crashing plane' went to prison for his cause I think?