Amazingly cool and interesting plane footage

Amazingly cool and interesting plane footage



20,819 posts

207 months

Monday 10th October 2022
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1,526 posts

141 months

Tuesday 11th October 2022
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Maybe not in the amazingly cool realm, but interesting nonetheless... Dreamlifter laying an egg on takeoff biggrin


88,901 posts

287 months

Tuesday 11th October 2022
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AlexIT said:
Maybe not in the amazingly cool realm, but interesting nonetheless... Dreamlifter laying an egg on takeoff biggrin
Testing a new bouncing bomb.


11,792 posts

207 months

Saturday 26th November 2022
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Tu-22M3 ultimate blue flame burner


392 posts

164 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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747F has a bit of a wobble then a gobble of a runway light (@0:33 in)


4,015 posts

204 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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demic said:
747F has a bit of a wobble then a gobble of a runway light (@0:33 in)
blimey that left engine must've sucked in some bits from the runway light


1,526 posts

141 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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slartibartfast said:
demic said:
747F has a bit of a wobble then a gobble of a runway light (@0:33 in)
blimey that left engine must've sucked in some bits from the runway light
Probably not as it hit the light with the bottom of the cowling.
The accident happened on the 23rd and the plane was flying again on the 25th, so nothing major happened.

From the reply to the first comment, it seems that some duct tape was enough to make it airworthy again biggrin


4,015 posts

204 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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AlexIT said:
it seems that some duct tape was enough to make it airworthy again biggrin


20,819 posts

207 months

Thursday 1st December 2022
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Quick comparison of ejection seats with and without rocket boost

I think Wile E Coyote stars in the first test wink


1,526 posts

141 months

Friday 2nd December 2022
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MartG said:
Quick comparison of ejection seats with and without rocket boost

I think Wile E Coyote stars in the first test wink
The first one seems really coming from the cartoon, when seconds after... ehmmmmm landing(?) the parachute finally opens up biggrin

Lost ranger

312 posts

68 months

Friday 2nd December 2022
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AlexIT said:
MartG said:
Quick comparison of ejection seats with and without rocket boost

I think Wile E Coyote stars in the first test wink
The first one seems really coming from the cartoon, when seconds after... ehmmmmm landing(?) the parachute finally opens up biggrin
It's interesting to speculate how the acceleration of the seat without rocket boost compares with the impact of landing without benefit of a chute. At a first approximation you would think they would be about the same when launched from the ground.


18 posts

41 months

Friday 2nd December 2022
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slartibartfast said:
AlexIT said:
it seems that some duct tape was enough to make it airworthy again biggrin

its called Speed tape and it works!
Only allowed temporary tho

Bonefish Blues

27,714 posts

226 months

Friday 2nd December 2022
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cwdude said:
slartibartfast said:
AlexIT said:
it seems that some duct tape was enough to make it airworthy again biggrin

its called Speed tape and it works!
Only allowed temporary tho
I looked up its wiki. Alarming photo was alarming to the uninformed!


4,015 posts

204 months

Saturday 3rd December 2022
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Low Level Crocodile Inspection by Glider - South Africa

flies across the lake at around 3 foot and then pops up at the end and lands.


3,707 posts

141 months

Sunday 11th December 2022
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Martin Garrix flying an F-16


5,062 posts

193 months

Sunday 11th December 2022
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slartibartfast said:
Low Level Crocodile Inspection by Glider - South Africa

flies across the lake at around 3 foot and then pops up at the end and lands.

I'm always in awe of what people can do in gliders. I nearly took it up as a hobby a few years back until a change of circumstances got in the way. Some of the videos on yt are incredible.


17,434 posts

174 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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This is one of the best things I've seen in ages. An hour long documentary about the birth of the jet engine, with extensive interviews from Frank Whittle and his German counterpart developing their jet projects. Fascinating story of how the UK developed this amazing power plant, but due to lack of ambition in the government and wartime necessity, firstly never supported it and then gave it away to other countries for free in return for help with the war effort once it had been proven. You can't help but wonder what could have been had the Air Ministry not been so set in their ways during the late 1920's and into the early 30's.

Jet Man | Frank Whittle The Turbojet Pioneer And Genius Of The Jet Revolution

hairy v

1,237 posts

147 months


7,375 posts

213 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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Condi said:
This is one of the best things I've seen in ages. An hour long documentary about the birth of the jet engine, with extensive interviews from Frank Whittle and his German counterpart developing their jet projects. Fascinating story of how the UK developed this amazing power plant, but due to lack of ambition in the government and wartime necessity, firstly never supported it and then gave it away to other countries for free in return for help with the war effort once it had been proven. You can't help but wonder what could have been had the Air Ministry not been so set in their ways during the late 1920's and into the early 30's.

Jet Man | Frank Whittle The Turbojet Pioneer And Genius Of The Jet Revolution
Thank you for the link to this, utterly fascinating.

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Tuesday 27th December 2022
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Condi said:
This is one of the best things I've seen in ages. An hour long documentary about the birth of the jet engine, with extensive interviews from Frank Whittle and his German counterpart developing their jet projects. Fascinating story of how the UK developed this amazing power plant, but due to lack of ambition in the government and wartime necessity, firstly never supported it and then gave it away to other countries for free in return for help with the war effort once it had been proven. You can't help but wonder what could have been had the Air Ministry not been so set in their ways during the late 1920's and into the early 30's.

Jet Man | Frank Whittle The Turbojet Pioneer And Genius Of The Jet Revolution
The Air Minsitry was actually VERY supportive of Frank Whittle. They gave him three years leave from active service (he was a recently qualified Flying Officer with the RAF) to allow him to pursue his ambition. If anybody is to blame for slowness in taking gas turbine technology seriously it is the British aero engine industry, who, for historical reasons, only understood piston technology. Whittle needed one of the big aero engine companies to take him under their wing (Bristol, Rolls Royce, de Havilland for example) and none of them showed the slightest bit of interest. The UK government tried to help but met a blank wall. In the end, they teamed Whittle up with vehicle manufacturer Rover, chiefly because they had some spare industrial capacity. This proved to be an unhappy arrangement and in the end, it was Lord Hives, Chairman of Rolls Royce, who was persuaded by Stanley Hooker (a supercharger expert) to take a look at Whittle's work.

Von Ohain had similar issues in Germany but his project was rescued by Ernst Heinkel - and both Heinkel and Von Ohain also ran into problems persuading the German Air Ministry (RLM) of the benefits of gas turbine technology.

There is a general assumption when telling tales of pioneering British science and technology that the lone genius gets stalled at every turn by Government intransigence. It's not actually as straightforward as that and often it is the Government who are actually the silent heroes in the background.