Cool things seen on FlightRadar

Cool things seen on FlightRadar



35,136 posts

230 months

Tuesday 4th June
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zsdom said:
MarkwG said:
Yertis said:
zsdom said:
Based out of Cardiff for it’s displays at Midlands air fest
How come that Draken gets a permit to fly when the CAA generally poos its pants about vintage supersonic jet fighters? That thing is a contemporary of the Lightning, similar performance, same engine etc.
I guess it operates under the Swedish military certification rules, much as the Red Arrows operate under UK military rules.
They are civilian registered, this one is SE-DXR
All of the Swedish AFHF are civilian registered (and are not on a CAA Permit to Fly as not G-regd) and they have IIRC a board member from the Swedish Transport Agency as part of the running of it, so they are a bit more than just a 'private' group, although most pilots and ground crew are all volunteers and have to be ex-SAF or ex-Saab. I believe that if the Swedish version of CAA are happy, then the CAA by reciprocal arrangement can't say no, although their display has to be to the current CAA restrictions, rather than the displays they would give elsewhere in Europe.
That's my loose understanding of it. I would guess, as with the problems that the Dutch had with trying to get permission to fly their Hunter to UK for work, and then gave up, I doubt the Swedes would be allowed to bring their Hunter to UK though?


17,444 posts

168 months

Tuesday 4th June
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snotrag said:
Yep, 2XL Oil Spill response aircraft. Looks like its come out of Lasham there (which is a hilarious place to visit), I've seen it up close a few times when at 2XL. They have a matching G-OSRB too.

Old 727 with big tanks down the floor full of detergent/disperal fluid, and a big spray bar/boom at the back. Like an enormous crop sprayer!

The idea is the detergent breaks the spills up into smaller pieces rather than a sheet/slick of oil sitting on top of the water.

Quite how its any kind of profitable or sustainable business venture I'm not sure, as I can't imagine they actually get called into action much and keeping that old 3 engined and 3 crewed 727 airworthy and flying cannot be cheap. I presume it is funded somehow by the oil industry and rigs.

It looks fantastic though.

Edited by snotrag on Tuesday 4th June 14:23
Sorry missed this chat of OSRL. Quite a coincidence that around the same time a poster mentioned DEA, so they used to (I assume all 2excel now) be the spotter aircraft for OSRL, they operated an islander liveried up that was based in Scotland but also could use the DA42. This was as a quick response aircraft whilst 2excel get their dorniers in the air.

If a rig or vessel reports a spillage and they were a part of the OSRL alliance the DEA aircraft would launch to get an immediate eyes on and photos that they could send back. All whilst the larger dornier is fuelling up and then having a longer transit. They would then take over as required. Based on colour of slick you can tell thickness and stormy weather helps disperse.

If a decision to spray comes along then the 727 on a longer turnaround is prepped. They can be deployed worldwide.

They did also operate a C130 out of Cardiff.


448 posts

143 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Bit busy for a tuesday night.
Getting some practice in?


1,890 posts

123 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Lots of fast jets around the Marham area with no IFF (so usually USAF) plus lots of AH-64E, Wlidcat and Merlins HC4 up too around the South West right now - Guessing some kind of big exercise ongoing?


35,136 posts

230 months

Wednesday 5th June
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IanH755 said:
Lots of fast jets around the Marham area with no IFF (so usually USAF) plus lots of AH-64E, Wlidcat and Merlins HC4 up too around the South West right now - Guessing some kind of big exercise ongoing?
Fast jets around Marham not pinging and at that time of night with all the other activity out of Coningsby, are more likely to be UK F-35B.


17,444 posts

168 months

Wednesday 5th June
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A very rare sight, didn’t realise they were still flying


35,136 posts

230 months

Wednesday 5th June
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ecsrobin said:
A very rare sight, didn’t realise they were still flying

Not a rare sight over Humberside, as just before Coivd, they stopped using the EC-135 helo's and went over to fixed wing ops with a new Vulcanair (G-POLZ)


17,444 posts

168 months

Wednesday 5th June
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aeropilot said:
ecsrobin said:
A very rare sight, didn’t realise they were still flying

Not a rare sight over Humberside, as just before Coivd, they stopped using the EC-135 helo's and went over to fixed wing ops with a new Vulcanair (G-POLZ)
Over covid and still now I believe they’ve struggled for crew. Each aircraft which was the wrong tool for the job didn't even achieve 180hrs flown last year which considering transit times is not much time on task. The helicopter fleet each aircraft is around 1,000hrs a year.


35,136 posts

230 months

Wednesday 5th June
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ecsrobin said:
aeropilot said:
ecsrobin said:
A very rare sight, didn’t realise they were still flying

Not a rare sight over Humberside, as just before Coivd, they stopped using the EC-135 helo's and went over to fixed wing ops with a new Vulcanair (G-POLZ)
Over covid and still now I believe they’ve struggled for crew. Each aircraft which was the wrong tool for the job didn't even achieve 180hrs flown last year which considering transit times is not much time on task. The helicopter fleet each aircraft is around 1,000hrs a year.
Ironically wasn't that the reason they gave for chopping the chopper laugh......

While I could see fixed wing perhaps being more useful maybe in Scotland etc, elsewhere in UK, helo's are the much better option.


4,458 posts

81 months

Wednesday 5th June
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On a whim I just compared the specs to an Islander - a little less power, roughly half the payload and about 10 x prettier?


57 posts

45 months

Wednesday 5th June
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I used to fly in both the police EC135 and Islander in the North East. Islander was horrendously noisy even inside with helmets and comms on. It did the job just had to work it a different way to the helicopter. All of the crew were cross trained so could operate in both aircraft and some of the pilots were dual rated and could fly both the aircraft. Islander carried exactly the same role equipment as the helicopter even a smaller nitesun which was handheld and we had to hang out the rear cargo door to use it. Happy days


19,077 posts

219 months

Wednesday 5th June
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‘The Grace’ Spitfire has been up over Huntingdonshire the past few days. Watched her yesterday afternoon for a while.

Has fresh invasion stripes for D-Day 80th commemoration according to this article


30,344 posts

238 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Big Red Cat said:
Saab Draken sightseeing over south Wales

He was making some noise over my head that afternoon - all the swirly bits at the top of your screenshot.


35,136 posts

230 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Fabulous cool

Such a fantastic aircraft.


2,863 posts

132 months

Wednesday 5th June
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aeropilot said:
IanH755 said:
Lots of fast jets around the Marham area with no IFF (so usually USAF) plus lots of AH-64E, Wlidcat and Merlins HC4 up too around the South West right now - Guessing some kind of big exercise ongoing?
Fast jets around Marham not pinging and at that time of night with all the other activity out of Coningsby, are more likely to be UK F-35B.
Coningsby posted on twitter last week that they were kicking off some night flying. Bit of a pisser for folks spending half term at Tatershall Lakes laugh


35,136 posts

230 months

Wednesday 5th June
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MrBig said:
aeropilot said:
IanH755 said:
Lots of fast jets around the Marham area with no IFF (so usually USAF) plus lots of AH-64E, Wlidcat and Merlins HC4 up too around the South West right now - Guessing some kind of big exercise ongoing?
Fast jets around Marham not pinging and at that time of night with all the other activity out of Coningsby, are more likely to be UK F-35B.
Coningsby posted on twitter last week that they were kicking off some night flying. Bit of a pisser for folks spending half term at Tatershall Lakes laugh
I had a look on ADS-B at about 23.40 last night and there was still a pair of Typhoon's flying what looked like a CAP over Hull city for a long time, which must have pleased the residents of Hull laugh


10,049 posts

121 months

Thursday 6th June
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LOCKHEED MARTIN C-130J Super Hercules Just flew over my house in mk.


7,861 posts

83 months

Thursday 6th June
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ApOrbital said:
LOCKHEED MARTIN C-130J Super Hercules Just flew over my house in mk.
That's the USAF d day flyby. It went over the Manor house at Bletchley Park. I missed it as I'm in London but did get to see and hear the cannon / gun salute from HMS Belfast.


10,049 posts

121 months

Thursday 6th June
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Nice one sorry no photos sound was great.


17,444 posts

168 months

Thursday 6th June
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