The canal / narrowboat thread

The canal / narrowboat thread


Simpo Two

86,004 posts

268 months

Monday 1st October 2018
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dudleybloke said:
GRP boats any good?
I've been looking at getting something that floats but my budget doesn't run to a proper narrowboat.
There's a Viking/Shetland/Atlanta 32 centre cockpit

- which due to its lightness and central steering position with a wheel would be much easier to handle than a 25 ton steel narrowboat.

Freeman made their classic 22 and 23 models in narrowbeam too - just £5-7K.


44,540 posts

254 months

Monday 1st October 2018
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Dawncraft made some narrowbeam cruisers too, at their Kidderminster factory which became Sealine's base, until they closed.


Original Poster:

6,364 posts

214 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2019
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Thread revival!

I've just bought a share in a semi trad 58' boat, based at Braunston, first trip starts this Friday, wife and (adult) kids coming for the weekend then a few days on my own - I've not tried solo boating before so will be interesting.

Unfortunately, like most shared boats, it has an Isuzu engine which revs far too fast for my liking - I'd much rather have a thud-thud-thud Gardner or Russell Newbury but no choice at the moment!

Heading to Stoke Bruerne for Saturday night and see what happens from there.


11,317 posts

103 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2019
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john2443 said:
Thread revival!

I've just bought a share in a semi trad 58' boat, based at Braunston, first trip starts this Friday, wife and (adult) kids coming for the weekend then a few days on my own - I've not tried solo boating before so will be interesting.

Unfortunately, like most shared boats, it has an Isuzu engine which revs far too fast for my liking - I'd much rather have a thud-thud-thud Gardner or Russell Newbury but no choice at the moment!

Heading to Stoke Bruerne for Saturday night and see what happens from there.
Sounds idyllic, aside the engine. Enjoy!


9,287 posts

142 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2019
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Spent a majority of my childhood school holidays on a narrow boat owned by my grandparents (I once stayed on one for a whole month between my parents, grandparents and family friends onboard during the summer holidays) I have been planting the thought of a boat with SWMBO for a few years and she is on the whole interested, I quite like the idea of a narrow boat because I am familiar and because nostalgia but it would be good to cruise with my cousin and uncle who both have boats on the river nene.. decisions, decisions! While I know narrow boats are fine in the river, we always holidayed on the canal and some of the tighter stuff on the nene is no good for a narrow boat!

Bonefish Blues

27,688 posts

226 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2019
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These guys popped up on my feed the other day. They're entertaining, at least on the basis of one or two I've watched (Ribble Link)


12,653 posts

231 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2019
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Currently spending the remainder of the summer/autumn on my recent purchase.

Currently on the East Anglia river network before hitting the canals next year.

It's f*ckin brill !! beer


20,103 posts

189 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2019
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Anyone going to the Black Country Boating Festival at Netherton next weekend?


9,287 posts

142 months

Wednesday 4th September 2019
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john2443 said:
Thread revival!

I've just bought a share in a semi trad 58' boat, based at Braunston, first trip starts this Friday, wife and (adult) kids coming for the weekend then a few days on my own - I've not tried solo boating before so will be interesting.

Unfortunately, like most shared boats, it has an Isuzu engine which revs far too fast for my liking - I'd much rather have a thud-thud-thud Gardner or Russell Newbury but no choice at the moment!

Heading to Stoke Bruerne for Saturday night and see what happens from there.
Thats a fair old cruise! Used to love going through the tunnel at Stoke Bruerne. If I wasnt at Brands at the weekend I would come and take some pics as you potter through MK on the Grand Union (providing you carry on through)

I'm not jealous at all!


3,858 posts

231 months

Thursday 5th September 2019
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geeks said:
john2443 said:
Thread revival!

I've just bought a share in a semi trad 58' boat, based at Braunston, first trip starts this Friday, wife and (adult) kids coming for the weekend then a few days on my own - I've not tried solo boating before so will be interesting.

Unfortunately, like most shared boats, it has an Isuzu engine which revs far too fast for my liking - I'd much rather have a thud-thud-thud Gardner or Russell Newbury but no choice at the moment!

Heading to Stoke Bruerne for Saturday night and see what happens from there.
Thats a fair old cruise!
Braunston to Stoke Bruerne is only 9 hours so doable in a day easily. Although it does depend on what time you leave obviously. We normally split it admittedly.


14,474 posts

200 months

Thursday 5th September 2019
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If you are route planning, CanalPlanAC is the website to use.

Give you the distance and time required between points, suggested day splits, navigation notes for any limited access items etc.

You can set all the perameters and make up multi-point routes, select common rings etc, but it also works really well out of the box just by firing your start and end point into the quick search box.



1,774 posts

73 months

Thursday 5th September 2019
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Another vote for canalplan, brilliant app & free!


12,653 posts

231 months

Thursday 5th September 2019
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Thanks for the info about the app - will come in handy next year !!

BTW - 9 hrs ?! Give the poor boat a break !!

Edited by SimonTheSailor on Thursday 5th September 15:36


617 posts

155 months

Friday 6th September 2019
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Good luck with your trip.

But bear in mind Stoke Bruerne are having a festival this weekend so there is allocated mooring between the tunnel and halfway down the locks.

You'll probably have to go down to the bottom lock to moor.


617 posts

155 months

Monday 9th September 2019
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I hope you got to Stoke Bruerne last weekend - it was fab.

If you didn't make it, this is what was happening :-


Original Poster:

6,364 posts

214 months

Thursday 19th September 2019
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We went through Bruerne on Sunday morning, having moored at Blisworth Sat night - moorings at Bruerne were all prebooked.

It was a bit quieter on Monday.

No 1 daughter was a natural at steering, she had steered when supervised when she was 10, she's now 24, I stood with her for 5 mins then 1 lock, left her to it and she was fine. My wife still shows the lack of understanding of putting the tiller left to make the boat go right that she has always had!

They had to go back to work on Monday so I had it to myself and just for the challenge went down to Northampton and back - flight of 13 at Rothersthorpe is fun, bit of walking to and fro to get the next one set by the time you leave the first one but on the way up, the boat behind with a few people on weren't catching me up!
Fortunately no CRT people around to say 'You can't do that!'


617 posts

155 months

Thursday 19th September 2019
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There is a local "character" who often helps boats up & down the R'thorpe locaks in exchange for a few beer tokens.

He was obviously busy that day !


Original Poster:

6,364 posts

214 months

Thursday 19th September 2019
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woodypup59 said:
There is a local "character" who often helps boats up & down the R'thorpe locks in exchange for a few beer tokens.

He was obviously busy that day !
Yes, I saw him, looked like he was sleeping under the M1 bridge, he opened 1 gate at the lock ahead of me and then wandered off down the canal - I was going to offer him a beer or some food but I never saw him again.


20,809 posts

207 months

Tuesday 29th October 2019
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Just a quick book recommendation*

I'd describe it as a humorous and whimsically irreverent guide to the Lancaster canal, by local artist Brian Hughes

For a sample of his writing style, his blog is here and facebook page here

Link if you want to order

  • I have no commercial interest in this whatsoever


4,969 posts

204 months

Wednesday 30th October 2019
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Just been reading the blog and I recognise his narrow boat! I back onto the canal at Hest Bank so it so enjoyable reading his stuff knowing exactly where he is. I’ll get a copy of his book. Thanks for the recommendation. smile