DIY Ramp Rental Recommendation: Ramp Garage in Iver, Bucks

DIY Ramp Rental Recommendation: Ramp Garage in Iver, Bucks



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1,851 posts

73 months

Monday 9th September
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No personal affiliation, but just a recommendation for Ramp Garage in Iver, Bucks. (A garage ramp rental service, not a mechanics) / 07718 188390 (Paul)

Took my MX5 in on Saturday (at fairly late notice) to change gearbox and diff oil to avoid rolling around on my back on the driveway and use of the ramps was an absolute god send, but also gave me chance to have a general poke about underneath.

It's a great little place, Paul is super friendly & helpful (and an obvious car nut) and it's easy to get to / book, with a high street adjacent for lunch etc. There are 2 ramps available, as well as oil disposal facility etc. Prices are more than fair considering what you get (Hourly rates on the site listed above).

Anyway, a big thumbs up from me - definitely a "Use it or Lose it" type place, so if your vaguely local and a bit of a spanner monkey without your own pit/workshop and want to save a packet on garage costs, this is well worth a visit.