Decent tyre fitting around Cambridge

Decent tyre fitting around Cambridge



Original Poster:

5 posts

5 months

Saturday 31st August
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Anyone know where you can get a good, careful tyre fitting service around Cambridge that won't damage the alloys or the bolts?




10,680 posts

182 months

Saturday 31st August
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havent been in for a while but cambridge performace tyres used to do a decent job, at the time they sold alloys too so had the gear to not mark them


149 posts

146 months

Sunday 1st September
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If you don't mind a short drive wheelcare in bury St Edmunds have always been very good to me


Original Poster:

5 posts

5 months

Saturday 7th September
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Thanks for the replies. I will check out the place in Bury St Edmunds. Cambridge Performance Tyres was great when it was an independent, but it's now part of Protyre and my experiences have been mixed. I don't think I would trust them with the Aston Martin.


27 posts

204 months

Saturday 7th September
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I used Cambridge Performance Tyres around 3 years ago to replace 4 tyres and was not impressed.

The fitter stuck a tonne of weights on all 4 wheels, making no attempt to hide them behind the 5 spoke BMW wheels. I complained, and the manager removed all of the weights, and hid them behind the spokes. So it can be done if time and skill are applied.


10,680 posts

182 months

Sunday 8th September
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ah nice to hear an update on cambs performance tyres , used to be okay

terrible the shocking work places think they can get away with , i only own old bangers but still dont want the sill stoved in or wheel damaged