Consultation on more 20mph limits in Cambridge

Consultation on more 20mph limits in Cambridge



Original Poster:

6,308 posts

154 months

Wednesday 14th August
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Proposal to limit the blue sections of road below to 20mph

You need not live in Cambridge to respond, and the survey isn't that long to fill in.


1,314 posts

191 months

Thursday 15th August
quotequote all
Filled in the survey, opposing the extension of the 20 mph limit.
I don't live in the area, but on recent visits vehicles in the marked areas probably weren't going much faster than 20 mph anyway!
We normally use the Trumpington P&R


10,680 posts

182 months

Thursday 15th August
quotequote all
just build a wall around and keep cars out all together , its what they want , i live 20 mins away but keep out as its such a grind with driving and parking


10,092 posts

200 months

Wednesday 21st August
quotequote all
an area adjacent to us reduced limits from 30 to 20

folks were genuinely surprised to find 50% more traffic on the road, and that it actually became more difficult to cross the road...