any e46 guru here



Original Poster:

6,078 posts

163 months

Tuesday 13th August
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hi all

my sons have bought a e46 320ci LCI and want to do work on it themselves
given they are at uni and need to keep costs down i sorta understand
also think it will be good life experience for them given everything else they do is screen related!

anyone here willing to guide them changing the water pump, i will pay for your time



4,609 posts

57 months

Tuesday 13th August
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Try 50s kid on YouTube. The Haynes manual is the proper old style one too.

My experience has been that E46s are pretty easy to work on even with no previous spannering experience.


7,522 posts

261 months

Tuesday 13th August
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E63eeeeee... said:
Try 50s kid on YouTube. The Haynes manual is the proper old style one too.

My experience has been that E46s are pretty easy to work on even with no previous spannering experience.
Unless the crank bolt needs removing. curse


Original Poster:

6,078 posts

163 months

Tuesday 13th August
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seen the youtubers, i havent the time or the wrenchs etc, sorts looking for a guru to guide/teach them in person