Louis Vuitton watches

Louis Vuitton watches



Original Poster:

2,951 posts

187 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I happened to be in LV and was presented these for feedback.

In my view LV are heading in the right direction (this doesn't mean I like the pieces), but there is still a long long way to go.

The Bad:
No QR straps
Finishing at this price point just isn't good enough, I would take a AP(retail), JLC or Breguet any day.
Value proposition sucks, imagine trying to liquidate a €40K platinum with meteorite dial and not be completely and utterly shafted!
LOUIS VUITTON on the dial, I hate this almost as much as I hate to see the word AUTOMATIC on a dial. They need to take a leaf out of the Christopher Ward book.
Soft edges everywhere, hands/indices just look at them! Don't look precise at all.
No screw down crown

The Good
In house movement, albeit with st finishing for such an expensive watch.


Original Poster:

2,951 posts

187 months

Tuesday 25th June
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the-norseman said:
To me, they look like they should cost about £200-300 max and be something some chav will be wearing just to say "its LV mate"

I'll stick to decent Swiss brands for half the price thanks.
I concur.


Original Poster:

2,951 posts

187 months

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The numbers being charged are very much on the crazy side. Remember though, not everyone knows much about watches and will take the Swiss made LV offerings as high end.