Omega glass



Original Poster:

76 posts

212 months

Wednesday 30th January 2008
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The glass on my Speedmaster reduced is badly scratched after a couple of months, is it possible to get it changed for a tougher glass such as sapphire glass? if so what sort of cost would i be looking at?


2,349 posts

225 months

Wednesday 30th January 2008
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hi, get some polywatch from e bay for about 3 quid and rub hard with cotton wool and it'll look like new in 10 minutes. works on mine every time, even takes out deep scratches too


11,636 posts

262 months

Wednesday 30th January 2008
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They won't replace hesalite with sapphire I don't think, but it would be worth asking Omega. I went for the sapphire glass model for precisely this reason, even though the fact that it isn't quite original bugs me from time to time.


4,091 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th January 2008
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On the rare occasions i put a mark on mine, if i take mine into my local place, leave it an hour and drop them a fiver, it will look like new. Polishes out easily (to a point- nwhere it will be too thin to polish out)

At any rate, if its that bad, plexiglass crystal is cheap to replace.
Ive had one replaced on my carrera- £25 for the plexiglass vs £several hundred if you have the sapphire version and damage it.

Dont switch it- it an original part of the watch having the plexiglass...

Edited by GCH on Wednesday 30th January 19:23


Original Poster:

76 posts

212 months

Thursday 31st January 2008
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I've ordered some polywatch so i'll see how it goes


6,243 posts

251 months

Thursday 31st January 2008
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bloater27 said:
I've ordered some polywatch so i'll see how it goes
You wont regret it, works brilliantly. Just remember (as previously advised) to use simple cotton wool, you do not need any special cloths.


1,113 posts

250 months

Thursday 31st January 2008
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I've a hesalite Speedmaster - daily wearer for 11 years - a gazillion scratches on it. Have given it an occasional wash & the scratches don't look that bad unless you examine it closely. Although they do scratch relatively easily the apperance doesn't markedly deteriorate.

[rushes off to lookup that stuff on ebay...]


1,022 posts

283 months

Thursday 31st January 2008
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Easiest way to polish is with Brasso, or any other metal polish. For a deep scratch, use a very small piece of 1200 wet n dry and a bit of spit,and then use the Brasso. Be brave, it does work!
To finish off,(if you're confident of the water resistance) a small amount of dishwasher powder dissolved in a cup, and an old toothbrush will soon have things looking like new.


Original Poster:

76 posts

212 months

Friday 1st February 2008
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polywatch works a treat £3 well spent