Breitling B1 - adjusting analogue/digital time

Breitling B1 - adjusting analogue/digital time



Original Poster:

7,331 posts

222 months

Sunday 20th January 2008
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I've had my B1 for about 5 years now and I put it into Watches of Switzerland recently for a battery change - apparently it had to go back to Breitling.

It's back now, and it's like a new watch again but the analogue and the digital displays are exactly one minute different.

I remember this happened before but I can't remember how to sort it - i've had a look through the manual but i'm still none the wiser.

Anyone assist?


13,328 posts

291 months

Sunday 20th January 2008
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Never had that problem with mine so I'm only guessing but what I would try is set the digital time to something different, say 10:00pm, this should then change the analogue time to that time aswell, then change it back to the right time, again the two should sinc-up. scratchchin

Or are you saying that when you set the time the analogue is 1 minute out whatever?


4,778 posts

278 months

Monday 21st January 2008
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I'll try and remember how to do it - I had to do that a few years ago...

bounce - I get my B1 back on Friday after it's full service holiday back at Bretling. I said bye-bye to it in late August...



4,524 posts

260 months

Wednesday 30th January 2008
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I think you need to set the digital display to the blank mode and then pull out the crown to adjust the analogue display. Or something similar.