Watch battery replacement near Camberley

Watch battery replacement near Camberley



Original Poster:

9,769 posts

186 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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I have a Tag which has had a flat battery for a couple of years now, but I fancy wearing it again.

It's not a watch I care too much about so am official Tag battery replacement at an inflated cost doesn't interest me - but I would prefer somebody half competent did it for a sensible price.

Any recommendations?


8,239 posts

224 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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I did try a couple of smaller independent jewellers when I first bought my Tag years ago but they refused to touch the watch saying that because it was genuine it had to be "serviced" by an approved affiliate of the brand. As a result I went back to Ernest Jones in Camberley, where I bought it, and they sorted the battery change.

The last time I had mine changed was 18 months ago and it had to be sent away to one of their in house specialists, that service the high end brands, and was returned securely to the branch 48hours later. The first time I had the battery changed they did manage to do it in store that day, but I think that was because they had a staff member in store that was "approved" to do the work.


Original Poster:

9,769 posts

186 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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Thanks - I have a feeling that's how I got it done once before but was hoping for something simpler (and cheaper since I'm sure it was something like £50+). I'll consider how much I really am likely to start wearing it again!


256 posts

129 months

Monday 31st October 2016
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There is a jeweller in Lightwater does our Omegas for about £5, so he might do it.

He doesn't pressure test though, so they are not guaranteed to manufacturers depth rating after he does the battery swap.
Since our watches are 'dress watches' that's fine for us. When I go diving I take my Suunto dive computer :-)


148 posts

215 months

Monday 31st October 2016
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sheepsplitter said:
There is a jeweller in Lightwater does our Omegas for about £5, so he might do it.

He doesn't pressure test though, so they are not guaranteed to manufacturers depth rating after he does the battery swap.
Since our watches are 'dress watches' that's fine for us. When I go diving I take my Suunto dive computer :-)
+1, Had an Omega done. He's a good guy and reasonable.


Original Poster:

9,769 posts

186 months

Monday 31st October 2016
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Thanks - I'll head over there. Pressure isn't really an issue, as long as they survive a shower / bath they should be fine.


Original Poster:

9,769 posts

186 months

Monday 31st October 2016
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Well, lucky I have an answer.

The question was specifically about finding somewhere locally near camberley. Thanks for moving it to the generic watch forum - not. I suspect there are enough forums on here covering most things that you would leave the local forums pretty empty if you moved everything to the appropriate place!


256 posts

129 months

Tuesday 1st November 2016
quotequote all
davek_964 said:
Well, lucky I have an answer.

The question was specifically about finding somewhere locally near camberley. Thanks for moving it to the generic watch forum - not. I suspect there are enough forums on here covering most things that you would leave the local forums pretty empty if you moved everything to the appropriate place!
I agree, not the brightest move by the admin. This was a localised post relevant specifically to Thames Valley. It has more relevance to location than it does to 'watches' per se.