The Under £200ish Watch and occasional Opera Thread! Vol2

The Under £200ish Watch and occasional Opera Thread! Vol2



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101 months

Thursday 1st February
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Oh god, don't trigger him?!!!!


Original Poster:

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101 months

Thursday 1st February
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summit7 said:
If we had a "post of the year" competition you could name the winner right now on February 1st.

Mammasaid's post was one of the funniest things I have seen on PH for ages.

It could only be bettered if CdG was man enough to buy a purple mesh bracelet, put it on one of his watches and post a piccie of it on his wrist whilst holding a tin of Birds custard powder! If he did that I think he would be a PH (and £200 watch thread) mega hero.


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101 months

Friday 2nd February
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Pebbles167 said:
I've managed to go my entire adult life without a watch, save for a basic Casio digital about a decade back, and more recently a Samsung smart watch I got with my last phone.

I've always been aware watches can be nice looking things, although I've never paid much attention to them. Whilst browing Amazon for some new shoes I came across this lovely Seiko for a shade under £200 and had to grab it.

The quality of it, weight and general feel is superb! Very impressed. I think it might be the start of a collection.

Welcome to our little corner of tinternet old chap, cracking watch that, good luck with starting a collection.


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39,288 posts

101 months

Saturday 3rd February
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Pebbles167 said:
Thanks for the ominous welcome everyone

Mammasaid said:
Once you've popped, you can't stop!
Indeed, it's like a whole new world of stuff to research. Different materials, styles, movements etc. I'm a stat man when it comes to cars and bikes, so feels like a natural progression.

I've been reading back through the thread, £200 seems to get you some nice stuff, and £1000 even more so, got my eye on a nice Victorinox watch since I've always loved their knives.

These several £k+ jobbies though, ie: Submariners, Seamasters etc, is it mostly just for the prestige? Akin to buying a Rolls over an S Class?

All very interesting.
It's all very subjective and personal, my personal feeling is that the whole Rolex thing is about status, not about what the watch is capable of or about.
The history of Rolex is interesting, as is the history of Brietling, sadly most people who buy those sorts of watches are buying them for no other reason than status.
Also they are most definitely targeted by gangs in the major cities, so why would you want to make yourself a target?

I started this thread as an antidote to the "incoming" and "wrist check" threads as a) not everyone can afford multiple £k watches, b) I wasn't made to feel welcome on those threads due to my lower price point, and 3) owning an interesting, nice looking, well made watch shouldn't be restricted to stair dominating, powerfully built director types, it should be inclusive and open to people with a £10 budget up to whatever they choose to spend.


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39,288 posts

101 months

Saturday 3rd February
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CharlesdeGaulle said:
This thread needs more cringe though. We don't see enough steering wheel shots or 'wear in good health' as much as we should!
You do remember I used to demand you wash your mouth out after using those cringey sayings?!? laugh


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39,288 posts

101 months

Saturday 3rd February
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Both of you, get out, now!!!!



Original Poster:

39,288 posts

101 months

Saturday 3rd February
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Lovely collection of watches there aizvara, particularly like the Glycine and the homemade Seiko, nice to see you back posting.


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101 months

Thursday 8th February
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Hedgedhog said:
Like that, nice different colours.


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39,288 posts

101 months

Friday 9th February
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AmosMoses said:
Another build completed today. Now with my own logo on the dial! This one’s a 36mm case which is perfect for my little wrists.

That is really nice!!


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39,288 posts

101 months

Sunday 11th February
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Yarbles said:
Gone a bit AMG said:

24 hours in and as ever for the thread really at this price I’m impressed with the quality of finishing and the dial is a stunner. I can’t wait for a sunny day and to see it on a different strap.

It’s keeping excellent time and a side by side comparison with my spinnaker hull chrono the geckota is better quality across the board but as it’s double thread budget when at rrp it should be. For 199 it’s a steal. I need to get a few £50 Ali express specials to compare as well.

I’m very pleased and the two watch travel case includ will get used regularly
For anyone interested, I just checked Geckota site and they have a few nearly news of the Pioneer back in at £199. I went for one on the spot, as I’ve been looking for a decent retro-ish purple watch for ages.

Hello to everyone on this thread by the way - this is my first post here, but I’m a long-term lurker: Bobberoo and all the rest of you bad people are responsible for an ever-increasing collection since I got back into wearing a watch 2 years ago smile I’m currently trying to hold the count at a dozen but it’s not proving easy…
Welcome to our little corner of tinternet old chap, sincerest apologies for burdening you with a near irresistible desire to purchase more cheap watches!!


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39,288 posts

101 months

Tuesday 13th February
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I always forget how well my Bulova Stars and Stripes lumes!!


Original Poster:

39,288 posts

101 months

Thursday 15th February
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Any news on the Skunk BrokenSkunk???


Original Poster:

39,288 posts

101 months

Thursday 15th February
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BrokenSkunk said:
redrabbit said:
Is there any other kind?
There ain't no such thing.

monthou said:
Brilliant! I ran that - and Swallow Falls - nearly 35 years ago. I feel old now.
I'll be 54 very soon. I've been paddling grade 3 for 30+ years. That was my first paddle on G4 where I wasn't in full panic mode. I'm kinda proud that my aging carcass can do something like that. It was a week long course in advanced WW at Plas-y-Brenin, so the whole point was to develop the skills to run that stuff. Turns out I already had most of them, I just needed to stop panicing.

Swallow falls still looks pretty big and scaryt to me.

summit7 said:
re the Skunk and removing the roll hoops, we had a similar situation with a head that needed removing in situ from a Massey tractor last year. our (that's the royal our, really my son's) solution was an engine hoist just on the head that did the job. would an engine hoist on the roll hoops do the job without have to build a shed etc... ?
Take a look at the photo in my profile. The roll hoop is an M shape. I don't think a engine crane would work, very difficult to pull straight. And if you just lifted, you'd lift the whole car. There's only about 100Kg on the rear wheel. I'll need to bounce to get a bit of kinetic energy into the equation. 100Kg isn't going to be anywhere near enough.
But thank you for the suggestion.


Edited by BrokenSkunk on Thursday 15th February 20:13
120kg fat bloke offering his bouncing services.


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39,288 posts

101 months

Friday 16th February
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summit7 said:
I am getting worried about Bobber's, firstly we had that whole discussion about him and gimp suits a few weeks ago (amazed nobody did a photoshop of him in gimp attire in THAT thread) and now he is offering his "bouncing" services. I know it's he is the doyen of everything in this lovely place but is the infamy going to his head?

Oh yeah, it's very very simple if you don't like marmite you are a cad and a bounder and frankly should jolly well learn some manners and become a gentleman and enjoy your hot toast and marmite.


Original Poster:

39,288 posts

101 months

Thursday 22nd February
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Pebbles167 said:
CharlesdeGaulle said:
7mike said:
Still a few left at that price (go on Pebbles you know it makes sense hehe )
I can only endorse this comment!
Done! I knew I was impulsive but wow...

Blue for me! biggrin
*Darth Vader voice*
Welcome to the dark side my son.


Original Poster:

39,288 posts

101 months

Thursday 22nd February
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Barchettaman said:
21st Century Man said:
Ordinarily that would be a spontaneous purchase. But I'm showing restraint.
“Restraint “? On this thread? Is that even allowed?
Only if it involves a gimp suit and handcuffs.


Original Poster:

39,288 posts

101 months

Friday 23rd February
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summit7 said:
What a horological hotbed this thread is. It bimbles and bumbles along in it's friendly, freewheeling way and then BAM, an eruption of watch buying. I see you have turned another to the dark side, you are all addicted and don't seem to care!

Anyway, just asking for a friend, has anyone bought a Proxima watch and if so what is the feeling on quality? I, sorry my friend, has found what they think is the answer to my year long search for a compact green watch.

Many thanks in advance.
You are aware that you're both in denial and just as addicted as the rest of us aren't you?


Original Poster:

39,288 posts

101 months

Friday 23rd February
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Pebbles167 said:
Okay, so it's been an interesting month since finding this thread. Everything I've ordered has turned up, and I have a sub £200 watch collection!

Considering I only had a smart watch and nothing else in January, I'm surprised at my over indulgence, it must have been building up over the last 34 years, assuming I was already a closeted watch fan at birth.

Also got a cheap display case in the event that I start wondering where the £800 or so has gone..

Thanks all for the recommendations, I'm very pleased. Time to slow it down a bit and become a regular thread contributor, but occasional buyer (we'll see how that turns out...) any further recommendations on how to achieve this are welcome!

PS: the Geckota is ace biggrin

That's a lovely little collection you have accrued in a short time Pebbles, glad to have you as a regular.


Original Poster:

39,288 posts

101 months

Friday 23rd February
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CharlesdeGaulle said:
Bobberoo said:
That's a lovely little collection you have accrued in a short time Pebbles, glad to have you as a regular.
'Regular' being shorthand for 'victim', yeah?
I can't possibly comment on that slanderous, underhanded, completely untrue slur!!!!



Original Poster:

39,288 posts

101 months

Wednesday 28th February
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I've got to say I really like that!!