The how to photograph watches thread

The how to photograph watches thread



33,569 posts

215 months

Friday 8th October 2010
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andy_s said:
Once I'd pulled my head out of the clouds I started reading up on micro 4/3rds cameras, and I think, that's where my money will go next...
I have the lumix g1, a nice camera but the range of lenses is limiting. AFAIK there's just the two available, which I have. Also not so good in low light conditions.


11,635 posts

254 months

Friday 8th October 2010
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Tilt shift is where the plane of focus is tilted across the picture, and it creates a very particular DOF effect where the area all around the area of focus (rather than just in front or behind it) is out of focus. As Andy says, it can create a weird effect much like miniaturisation.

It is traditionally achieved with a special lens which literally tilts on a flexible mount, but can also be done electronically very easily. There's a great iPhone app called TiltShift which lets you play around with the effect.


14,334 posts

200 months

Sunday 10th October 2010
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I'm on a pretty tight budget at the moment, so sadly can't afford a macro lens or fancy lights, but this is the sort of thing I'll typically get:

(Nikon D50 with the Lens that came with it when new, cheap set of macro tubes, florescent desk lamp and wobbly mini tripod, on timer)

One problem I consistently have is my images looking too cold. Not sure if this is a white balance issue or if it can't be avoided with a lamp of my type, but the following is after I de-saturated the blue hues in Gimp:

You can see that even at this not particularly close range I have DoF issues, with the dial being clear, but the scratches on the case being ill-defined.

The following are of a Smiths stopwatch I'm working on at the moment. I don't know who "serviced" it before, but it stands as a fine example of why the Squirt of WD-40 Method isn't to be reccomended. At least it wasn't in danger of rusting!

Crud sticking to everything= shorter life for the watch. Ironically, due to oil being everywhere, capilliary action actually draws oil away from the places where it really needs to be and increases wear.

And here we see it sticking the coils of the hairspring together. This stopwatch was counting a minute in under 36 seconds (!), and required a shake to get it going, since the coils had pulled the balance so far out of beat.

But again- though these shots are great for documenting what I'm looking at- they're too cold looking for, say, a sales image. Could this be fixed with a simple lamp swap? Or should I just get better at image editing?

Edited by glazbagun on Sunday 10th October 16:58


4,187 posts

185 months

Saturday 23rd October 2010
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Im the op their is mention of a app for iphone 4 that is better than the standard camera app so, any app recommendations?


1,308 posts

219 months

Friday 29th October 2010
quotequote all one's mentioned them yet.

Eg. Diving watch - something diving related in the background, strapped around diving equipment or place the watch on an old map.
chrono - old car brochure/magazine cover.
ladies dress watch - beside other jewelry.

Diamond encrusted Daytona - on a (slightly out of focus) pile of cash.


11,635 posts

254 months

Friday 29th October 2010
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Backgrounds - most people here make do with a (completely in focus) background of their work keyboard behind their (completely out of focus) wristwatch. Lunch optional.

andy tims

5,589 posts

249 months

Friday 29th October 2010
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This guy takes really cool pics

Dominic H

3,277 posts

235 months

Friday 29th October 2010
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I always liked 'Jocke's work.

Here's his website...

A Glasshute for Andy Tims.

One for you Seadweller fans.


4,000 posts

187 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
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The second one is brilliant! One of those "Damn, why didn't I think of it?!smash "


11,809 posts

243 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
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rottie102 said:
The second one is brilliant! One of those "Damn, why didn't I think of it?!smash "
Just get good at photoshop. It's not real (the water anyway).


4,000 posts

187 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
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ThatPhilBrettGuy said:
rottie102 said:
The second one is brilliant! One of those "Damn, why didn't I think of it?!smash "
Just get good at photoshop. It's not real (the water anyway).
It's not about the execution, I know I could take a similar one. It's about the idea. I don't like being a copycat smile


4,949 posts

220 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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I only started taking watch photos because of the wrist check thread, so mine are mostly wrist shots.

The most important thing that I have learnt is just take loads of photos. Quickly snap off 70 or so shots and if you're lucky 2 or 3 might be ok.

A tripod is really useful when photographing indoors.

Watch out for your own silly face reflecting off the dial hehe


19,429 posts

262 months

Wednesday 8th December 2010
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You get some interesting results when you start playing around, I was trying to highlight the lume colours and it turned out looking quite cool I thought.


19,429 posts

262 months

Tuesday 14th December 2010
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NeMiSiS said:
andy_s said:

You get some interesting results when you start playing around, I was trying to highlight the lume colours and it turned out looking quite cool I thought.
That lume paint is so thick it almost looks like a tritium tube.
It's supposed to be Promethium-147 according to the specs, but it's gone the same colour as Tritium, guess I'll never know. (Plus P-147 has a short half-life, 2 1/2 yrs or something and I can still make out a faint glow)


38 posts

234 months

Monday 20th December 2010
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Here is one I took of my latest watch. Hope you like it

C90 lume by M1RVW, on Flickr


38 posts

234 months

Monday 20th December 2010
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Here is one I took of my latest watch. Hope you like it

C90 lume by M1RVW, on Flickr


38 posts

234 months

Friday 24th December 2010
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My fav at the moment Christopher Ward DBR1

DBR1,. by M1RVW, on Flickr


1,137 posts

229 months

Tuesday 28th December 2010
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If I may add this in here, I did a separate post, but I thought that I would also include it in here. I like the long posts, keep them up. I was a bit inspired by this sub section and also TZ-UK to get some kit, and below is the result. I think they are ok. A bit cheesy with the snow, but hey ho.

I treated myself to a new D90 with a macro extension tubes, so I thought that I would get some watches out of the collection and try to take a few photos.

The I thought I would post a few on here. I am torn between here and the Photography section smile

I haven't got a light box etc so I thought a snow covered table outside would provide a decent setting. F'ing cold though!

DSC_0423 by pie_consuming_fool, on Flickr

DSC_0410 by pie_consuming_fool, on Flickr

DSC_0380 by pie_consuming_fool, on Flickr

DSC_0369 by pie_consuming_fool, on Flickr

DSC_0344 by pie_consuming_fool, on Flickr


4,552 posts

183 months

Tuesday 1st March 2011
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This is about the best I can manage, reflections are an issue for me.

Still, all I have to use is a 7 year old Olympus compact which runs off 2 x AA batteries which cost me £50, so not too bad I guess.

Robbie B

7,715 posts

186 months

Sunday 9th October 2011
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Just did a shoot of one of the birthday presents I have bought my girlfriend. Not quite the same price tag as some on here, but let me know what you think.

Click for larger size.