Rivian interest



Original Poster:

891 posts

217 months

Friday 9th September 2022
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Hi Guys,
Have any of you who are based in the States driven a Rivian yet? I’ve been watching their development with interest and recently emailed them to enquire if/when they will be exporting to the UK, but, as yet, I have had no response. I’m just after ideas about what they are like, what’s the build quality and is the performance any good.
Thanks for all positive responses.


7,637 posts

202 months

Friday 9th September 2022
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Watch "Long way up" it features a pair of Rivians.

It's a really good series even without the Rivian interest, I think it was on Apple


Original Poster:

891 posts

217 months

Saturday 10th September 2022
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Will do. Thank you.


Original Poster:

891 posts

217 months

Sunday 2nd October 2022
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Thanks for all the responses guys. Rivian customer service eventually got back to me. Sadly, the could not give any indication if or when, they may be exporting their vehicles to the UK.


16 posts

78 months

Friday 28th October 2022
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There's a detailed review of the Rivian on Top Gear this Sunday 30th Oct for those in the UK.