Why so high?



3,476 posts

117 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
aeropilot said:
newsatten said:
This must have virtually killed importing basket case cars now??
yes pretty much so.
Well I’ll see what happens on Thursday,
If it’s bad I’ll need to maybe rethink the plan
I’m not throwing any more cash at this as far as documents are concerned,
Peter Anderson who done the leg work is away on holiday so I won’t trouble him till he’s home,
We’re gun owners so familiar with jumping through hoops!
But it’s definitely not straight forward!
I’ve been told ten different things by people, none of which have been vaguely like the reality!!

I did say to the guy at DVLA I feel like a ball on a pin ball machine just constantly being bounced around,
He apologised and said he’ll inform the engineers it’s a structural and engine check but to be honest I don’t know what to think anymore!!! lol


35,155 posts

230 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
newsatten said:
We’re gun owners so familiar with jumping through hoops!
You're not wrong there.


3,476 posts

117 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
aeropilot said:
newsatten said:
We’re gun owners so familiar with jumping through hoops!
You're not wrong there.

I’d think this could well be the beginning of the end game
for imports etc,
Old cars with none original engine of the right type and make etc is seemingly now potentially none compliant,
An exhaust system is now classed as a major component and should be original etc, you can see where this going,
One assumes replacement tyres ffs are treated the same
Probably not a bad thing that I’ve uncovered some of this pooh but probably bad for me personally!

When I said I’d end up with an exspensive ornament I really thought that was a joke, now it’s definitely a possibility
I’ll be honest it’s really knocked me back,
Ces’t la vie


35,155 posts

230 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
newsatten said:
aeropilot said:
newsatten said:
We’re gun owners so familiar with jumping through hoops!
You're not wrong there.

I’d think this could well be the beginning of the end game
for imports etc,
Old cars with none original engine of the right type and make etc is seemingly now potentially none compliant,
An exhaust system is now classed as a major component and should be original etc, you can see where this going,
One assumes replacement tyres ffs are treated the same
Probably not a bad thing that I’ve uncovered some of this pooh but probably bad for me personally!

When I said I’d end up with an exspensive ornament I really thought that was a joke, now it’s definitely a possibility
I’ll be honest it’s really knocked me back,
Ces’t la vie
Keeping fingers, legs and everything else crossed for you mate that you get that V5 sorted after the idiot's been out to inspect it.......I know what it's like to get tantalisingly close to that bucket list item......but still wonder if it will actually happen.


3,476 posts

117 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all

Keeping fingers, legs and everything else crossed for you mate that you get that V5 sorted after the idiot's been out to inspect it.......I know what it's like to get tantalisingly close to that bucket list item......but still wonder if it will actually happen.

I’m ok another day and all that !!!
Once this is done at least I really should know where I am shortly,

This was never about making a few quid so I guess I’ll just carry on and do the car,
If for some obscure reason DVLA decided it’s got to be a Q plate ,
Well so be it!
Won’t make it any less a Ram Air 400 TA,
But obviously seriously increases running costs with yearly MOT’s and Road Tax etc,
And I guess it would effect its resale value here, but fortunately not in other countries,
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings as they say !


35,155 posts

230 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
newsatten]eropilot said:
Keeping fingers, legs and everything else crossed for you mate that you get that V5 sorted after the idiot's been out to inspect it.......I know what it's like to get tantalisingly close to that bucket list item......but still wonder if it will actually happen.

I’m ok another day and all that !!!
Once this is done at least I really should know where I am shortly,

This was never about making a few quid so I guess I’ll just carry on and do the car,
If for some obscure reason DVLA decided it’s got to be a Q plate ,
Well so be it!
Won’t make it any less a Ram Air 400 TA,
But obviously seriously increases running costs with yearly MOT’s and Road Tax etc,
And I guess it would effect its resale value here, but fortunately not in other countries,
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings as they say !
I doubt it would come to a Q-plate at all.

You've got enough background, photo's and info, and it has all the original tags etc., that a period reg will be issued, but it might be that you have to take a deep breath and restore it first, keeping all detail photos etc., and then apply for the V5 once its finished and road worthy, and then they will inspect it.
Or, at least once inspected now, and verified its real, tags match and all that, that info satisfies DVLA for the record, but they might not issue V5 until you finish it and get it road worthy? At least you'll know you will get a date related V5 when its finished?


859 posts

90 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
newsatten said:
Well it’s been an interesting day today!

So I waited till 10-30 before call Davies Motor Engineering to arrange my inspection,
Got straight through no problem ,
Gave the guy the ref number etc,
First question was does the car run? Is it 100 % complete
So I answer no, cooling system missing hoses etc,
No battery, and a few other odds and sods ,
He says ok DVLA may reject it?
But makes an appointment for this coming Thursday,
Then he says what over parts are missing?
So I say well it’s got no exhausts, the brakes are shot blah blah,
So then he promptly cancels the appointment!
And tells me to contact DVLA?
I explained to him that this was a number check?
He basically told me to f—k off!
So I emailed DVLA and much to my surprise I got a reply straight away!
My agent got on the case, emailed the engineer and obviously gave them a bking ,
A hour later my appointment was reinstated!
It’s a good job I’m virtually bald as my hair would have just fallen out!!
What a perlaver !!!
That was exactly my experience, the guy who came out was great but the people on the phone were terrible. I spoke to the DVLA as the person from the inspection company on the phone wouldn’t help and the DVLA sorted it within an hour. I wrote a nice email to the DVLA after I got my reg doc saying they were great but the company they employ are crap.

First proper journey in it at the weekend


35,155 posts

230 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
Oneball said:
That was exactly my experience, the guy who came out was great but the people on the phone were terrible. I spoke to the DVLA as the person from the inspection company on the phone wouldn’t help and the DVLA sorted it within an hour. I wrote a nice email to the DVLA after I got my reg doc saying they were great but the company they employ are crap.

First proper journey in it at the weekend

Been following your trials and tribulations build thread on the HAMB thumbup


3,476 posts

117 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all

I doubt it would come to a Q-plate at all.

You've got enough background, photo's and info, and it has all the original tags etc., that a period reg will be issued, but it might be that you have to take a deep breath and restore it first, keeping all detail photos etc., and then apply for the V5 once its finished and road worthy, and then they will inspect it.
Or, at least once inspected now, and verified its real, tags match and all that, that info satisfies DVLA for the record, but they might not issue V5 until you finish it and get it road worthy? At least you'll know you will get a date related V5 when its finished?

Yep I could work with that , I understand the need to keep death traps off the road if possible,
So a second inspection once it’s all done would be no bother!
And yes agree a Q plate is very unlikely, a guy I work with is ex VOSA SVA examiner , he reckons the cars got way enough evidence to prove it’s a Historic vehicle,


3,476 posts

117 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
Oneball said:
That was exactly my experience, the guy who came out was great but the people on the phone were terrible. I spoke to the DVLA as the person from the inspection company on the phone wouldn’t help and the DVLA sorted it within an hour. I wrote a nice email to the DVLA after I got my reg doc saying they were great but the company they employ are crap.

First proper journey in it at the weekend

One ball , yep identical scenario to mine yesterday!
Obviously not meet my expert yet!
But having spent most of my life in this trade I’ve known a few!
Just getting impatient now as I want to crack on!

DVLA obviously aren’t to bothered about who they employ for this kind of thing, bad really as it just causes stress and makes people arsey ,


35,155 posts

230 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
newsatten said:
DVLA obviously aren’t to bothered about who they employ for this kind of thing, bad really as it just causes stress and makes people arsey ,
As with all Govt/Civil Service sub-contractors - its cheapest bidder wins, not the best or most competent one.

ratrod 2

1,110 posts

12 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
aeropilot said:
newsatten said:
DVLA obviously aren’t to bothered about who they employ for this kind of thing, bad really as it just causes stress and makes people arsey ,
As with all Govt/Civil Service sub-contractors - its cheapest bidder wins, not the best or most competent one.
That says it all rolleyes


4,487 posts

191 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
Standard government department shenanigans. Anybody who has the misfortune to deal with HMRC will know just what a st show that organisation is, which is why the chief exec Jim Harra is being knighted... rolleyes

To cheer you up, here's Legendary Motorcar with an interesting video on the 66 'carryover' GT350.

ratrod 2

1,110 posts

12 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
Oneball said:
That was exactly my experience, the guy who came out was great but the people on the phone were terrible. I spoke to the DVLA as the person from the inspection company on the phone wouldn’t help and the DVLA sorted it within an hour. I wrote a nice email to the DVLA after I got my reg doc saying they were great but the company they employ are crap.

First proper journey in it at the weekend

Very cool cruiser,love the colour,

Think i said this before ,there are a couple that come to the shows down here which is strange as i've never seen

one of this year at any other show,

The pink one and the maroon one where both at he Beaulieu show and 2 weekends ago the maroon one which is on air ride

was at Players Goodwood. .

ratrod 2

1,110 posts

12 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
newsatten said:
aeropilot said:
Keeping fingers, legs and everything else crossed for you mate that you get that V5 sorted after the idiot's been out to inspect it.......I know what it's like to get tantalisingly close to that bucket list item......but still wonder if it will actually happen.

I’m ok another day and all that !!!
Once this is done at least I really should know where I am shortly,

This was never about making a few quid so I guess I’ll just carry on and do the car,
If for some obscure reason DVLA decided it’s got to be a Q plate ,
Well so be it!
Won’t make it any less a Ram Air 400 TA,
But obviously seriously increases running costs with yearly MOT’s and Road Tax etc,
And I guess it would effect its resale value here, but fortunately not in other countries,
It ain’t over till the fat lady sings as they say !
You will be looking at all this st you got at the moment with a smile on your face in a year or even two when it's sitting all finished in your driveway

gleaming in the sun and all will seem worthwhile ,yes


3,476 posts

117 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
ratrod 2 said:
You will be looking at all this st you got at the moment with a smile on your face in a year or even two when it's sitting all finished in your driveway

gleaming in the sun and all will seem worthwhile ,yes


3,476 posts

117 months

Tuesday 18th June
quotequote all
Whatever happens now is irrelevant, the cars going to get done to my absolute best!
Now the Nova is all logged I won’t have to worry about value when it’s done, the tax is paid!

As far as it’s shell goes I’m pretty sure now that both from quarters will repair and go again,
Ok I’ve got some interesting repair panels to fabricate,
But nothing hugely complicated,
And at least I’ll know the profile with the door shells will sort of match up !
So it’s looking like just a hood !
Mines very tied and perforated, ok it may go again??
I’ve repaired worse on XKE’s
But that’s something for Ron ,

Really want to get the front clip stripped, the cowl/bulkhead is now the only major area that I haven’t had a proper poke?
There is some corrosion to the upper sections near the screen, but really hoping it’s all good below,
The Challenger was rusted to death in this area.
And what a mission to repair!!!
As soon as it’s in bits I’ll put up the rouge’s gallery of rust etc, all the stuff no one ever shows on tele !
All the stuff that’s probably going on on the vast majority of old cars, but no body ever admits to hehe


3,476 posts

117 months

Wednesday 19th June
quotequote all
Ok so uncovered the B’ for the first time for 6 weeks,
Quick spin over to get some oil up, full choke starts instantly!
What a great little car these are!
If cars were dogs the B’ would be Lab, always Ready to go, totally reliable, faithful to the end ,
Ok not fast, but steady!

I’ve not had a dog since my last gun dog passed,
She was so good it was almost scary!!

ratrod 2

1,110 posts

12 months

Wednesday 19th June
quotequote all
newsatten said:
Ok so uncovered the B’ for the first time for 6 weeks,
Quick spin over to get some oil up, full choke starts instantly!
What a great little car these are!
If cars were dogs the B’ would be Lab, always Ready to go, totally reliable, faithful to the end ,
Ok not fast, but steady!

I’ve not had a dog since my last gun dog passed,
She was so good it was almost scary!!
The B preferably a roadster is the ideal classic sports car for round here in the country lanes,

Not quite fast enough to get you into trouble but still quick enough to have some fun, ,

My daughter has left me her MX5 while she is away ,not quite a MG B but it's the first car the boys go to when taking them out

for a open top drive , both are over 11 now but act like puppies when together, they out smart me every time.


3,476 posts

117 months

Wednesday 19th June
quotequote all
ratrod 2 said:
The B preferably a roadster is the ideal classic sports car for round here in the country lanes,

Not quite fast enough to get you into trouble but still quick enough to have some fun, ,

My daughter has left me her MX5 while she is away ,not quite a MG B but it's the first car the boys go to when taking them out

for a open top drive , both are over 11 now but act like puppies when together, they out smart me every time.
Haha just like there owners!!
We’ve never grown up either !!