Why so high?



35,207 posts

230 months

Sunday 9th June
quotequote all
ratrod 2 said:
aeropilot said:
Nice sunny morning at Bagshot Breakie meet this morning, and a fair few Mopars in attendance....including....

A matching pair of mean black Cuda's, an AAR and a 4-speed 440+6 (both with RPM stickers in the windscreens)

And a 4-speed 440 Superbird

I keep forgetting that's on and it's only up the road,

Looks like a decent turnout.
I'd guess at about 60 or vehicles.

I've missed the last two as I was shooting around the corner at Bisley on same day, so it was nice to get to this one.

ratrod 2

1,117 posts

12 months

Sunday 9th June
quotequote all
newsatten said:
Nice !!!
Seriously cool car the Cuda,
You’d have thought they would have been at Brands ,
But the roads are so bloody rammed these days I’m sure it just puts owners off making the journeys !!

Absolutely gridlocked here today, just mental and so so tiring trying to get anywhere!
That's exactly why i didn't go to Speed Fest, The whole world and his dog seems to hit the M25 at weekends

no matter which direction you are going ,Had a relaxing day on the beach instead,sleep

Did go to "Players" at Goodwood yesterday , one of the best meets of the year ,a bit of everything .


3,470 posts

245 months

Sunday 9th June
quotequote all
ratrod 2 said:
newsatten said:
But the roads are so bloody rammed these days I’m sure it just puts owners off making the journeys !!
Absolutely gridlocked here today, just mental and so so tiring trying to get anywhere!
That's exactly why i didn't go to Speed Fest, The whole world and his dog seems to hit the M25 at weekends
no matter which direction you are going
And it ain't ever gonna get any better - people think the Thames Lower Crossing will help things with the M25. Designed to relieve the QE2 bridge/tunnel crossing, just dwell for a moment on the subject. Are people aware the proposal simply places a new junction on the M25 on the northern side of the Thames a mile or so south of the existing J29 east/west A127 Gallows Corner to Southend-on-Sea?.....the southern entrance/exit on the M2 is adjacent to Gravesend. I would expect the current major congestion at the QE2 Crossing simply to 'expand' out to at J1 and J29 at all times

Planning permission hasn't been granted yet - the process has been 'temporarily suspended' for six months due to the general election.

"If consent for the scheme is granted, construction is expected to start in 2027 and last a total of 6 years. As it stands the Lower Thames Crossing is anticipated to have an opening year of 2033"......yeah right......more like 2036 at the earliest.

Only in Britain could a situation like this exist. Bt the time the relief crossing is built (presuming there are no further delays) the whole south east runs a real risk of total gridlock at times.

After spending some 45 years, perhaps 1.5 million miles or more 'on the road' repping London and the home counties the very thing I never want to encounter is traffic jams, congestion and more traffic regulations.....what a F'd-up country we live in!

Edited by roscobbc on Monday 10th June 09:35

Edited by roscobbc on Monday 10th June 18:02


3,489 posts

117 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all

And it ain't ever gonna get any better - people think the Thames Lower Crossing will help things with the M25. Designed to relieve the QE2 bridge/tunnel crossing, just dwell for a moment on the subject. Are people aware the proposal simply places a new junction on the M25 on the northern side of the Thames a mile or so south of the existing J29 east/west A127 Gallows Corner to Southend-on-Sea?.....the southern entrance/exit on the M2 is adjacent to Gravesend. I would expect the current major congestion at the QE2 Crossing simply to 'expand' out to at J1 and J29 at all times

Planning permission hasn't been granted yet - the process has been 'temporarily suspended' for six months due to the general election.

"If consent for the scheme is granted, construction is expected to start in 2027 and last a total of 6 years. As it stands the Lower Thames Crossing is anticipated to have an opening year of 2033"......yeah right......more like 2036 at the earliest.

Only in Britain could a situation like this exist. Bt the time the relied crossing is built (presuming there are no further delays) the whole south east runs a real risk of total gridlock at times.

After spending some 45 years, perhaps 1.5 million miles or more 'on the road' repping London and the home counties the very thing I ever want to encounter is traffic jams, congestion and more traffic regulations.....what a F'd-up country we live in!

Yep it’s definitely that alright!
We’ve had unprecedented building here now for 10 years,
Literally thousands of extra bodies and cars etc,
We’ve currently got 3 other projects amounting to maybe 6000 more houses, so at least another 18000 people, 12000 cars,
No new schools, relief roads, doctors blah blah,
The last surgery’ to be enlarged was my wife’s,
She’s a practise manager, been there 30 years
Back then there’s was around 25000 patients it’s now around 44000 !
We’re literally being choked!
Even my misses who’s Whitstable born and would never leave is saying we’ve got to get out now!

Trouble is we’re do we go???


35,207 posts

230 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
roscobbc said:
And it ain't ever gonna get any better - people think the Thames Lower Crossing will help things with the M25. Designed to relieve the QE2 bridge/tunnel crossing, just dwell for a moment on the subject. Are people aware the proposal simply places a new junction on the M25 on the northern side of the Thames a mile or so south of the existing J29 east/west A127 Gallows Corner to Southend-on-Sea?.....the southern entrance/exit on the M2 is adjacent to Gravesend. I would expect the current major congestion at the QE2 Crossing simply to 'expand' out to at J1 and J29 at all times

Planning permission hasn't been granted yet - the process has been 'temporarily suspended' for six months due to the general election.

"If consent for the scheme is granted, construction is expected to start in 2027 and last a total of 6 years. As it stands the Lower Thames Crossing is anticipated to have an opening year of 2033"......yeah right......more like 2036 at the earliest.
By then it won't matter, as we'll all be living in these 15min cities and all using public transport for all our journey's........

(according to the feckwit politicians)



3,470 posts

245 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
And only now (just a few weeks before the general election) Tories have announced if they are returned to power they will abolish the London expanded ULEZ zone and stop all blanket 20 mph zones, presumablly across the UK......calling themselves 'car friendly' or something similar........and what about all those people, both private motorists and tradespeople who were effectively forced to sell-off their non-compliant vehicles and purchase overpriced replacements?......gonna devise a scheme to re-emburse all the poor suckers.........


4,492 posts

191 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
roscobbc said:
And only now (just a few weeks before the general election) Tories have announced if they are returned to power they will abolish the London expanded ULEZ zone and stop all blanket 20 mph zones, presumablly across the UK......calling themselves 'car friendly' or something similar........and what about all those people, both private motorists and tradespeople who were effectively forced to sell-off their non-compliant vehicles and purchase overpriced replacements?......gonna devise a scheme to re-emburse all the poor suckers.........
They could offer the moon on a stick, it doesn't matter one bit, they're toast. Mind you, the next shower will be even worse. Judge them not on their promises (lies), judge them on their actions (wrecked the place, conned us, lined their mates' pockets etc). We need to enjoy our hobby cars while we can, our days are surely numbered.


35,207 posts

230 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
LeighW said:
We need to enjoy our hobby cars while we can, our days are surely numbered.

ratrod 2

1,117 posts

12 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
Everyone of you guys are so right in your comments,makes my blood boil out of frustration that there's fk all we can do about it ,

Sometimes i wonder when they have these revolutions in these 3rd world countries when the people have had enough that they

just might have the right idea when pushed to far, we a nation are so amby pamby and let them get away with it,

as said already the other crowd is no better only looking after themselves,

I would vote for Trump in a heart beat if he running for office here, at least he would liven up politics . yes


3,470 posts

245 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
ratrod 2 said:
Everyone of you guys are so right in your comments,makes my blood boil out of frustration that there's fk all we can do about it ,

Sometimes i wonder when they have these revolutions in these 3rd world countries when the people have had enough that they

just might have the right idea when pushed to far, we a nation are so amby pamby and let them get away with it,

as said already the other crowd is no better only looking after themselves,

I would vote for Trump in a heart beat if he running for office here, at least he would liven up politics . yes
French, perhaps Dutch have the right idea and treat all government in a recalcitrant manner.......'one-out' all out, farmers factory workers government employees, the lot all come together and achieve the desired result for the population.


35,207 posts

230 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
ratrod 2 said:
I was up on the M3 and they closed 2 of the 4 lanes off for 15 miles or so

right up to the M25 exit , not a worker in sight just rows ans rows of bollards with one hole dug right by the M25 exit , Why ,Why ,Why , 15 miles of

bollards 2 lanes closed off ,50 mph speed for one unmaned hole on the major London motorway ,
That's to add in the extra safety layby's that they should have put in when they made it a smart motorway, and decided to omit, and they are now being forced to put in......
They are also doing to around much of the M25 as well, and all along the newly created smart section of the M4 from J12 to M25......


3,489 posts

117 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
roscobbc said:
ratrod 2 said:
Everyone of you guys are so right in your comments,makes my blood boil out of frustration that there's fk all we can do about it ,

Sometimes i wonder when they have these revolutions in these 3rd world countries when the people have had enough that they

just might have the right idea when pushed to far, we a nation are so amby pamby and let them get away with it,

as said already the other crowd is no better only looking after themselves,

I would vote for Trump in a heart beat if he running for office here, at least he would liven up politics . yes
French, perhaps Dutch have the right idea and treat all government in a recalcitrant manner.......'one-out' all out, farmers factory workers government employees, the lot all come together and achieve the desired result for the population.
Trouble is cars are such an emotive subject these days so just like firearms they can and are used to push through certain politicians personally agendas,
What the tt say the biggest reason we’re all in the ste is there’s two many people on our little island!
It can just about cope with 50 million but hasn’t got a chance at 70!!!
It’s a enormous elephant in the room that no one can mention,
Why don’t our drains work now ?? Answer to many bodies pulling the chain,
Why do we have a drought every year now ?
Answer to many people drinking it or using it it some way
Basic two plus two equals five stuff!

Factor in all the ingredients that are currently going on world wide it really does make me wonder if the fuse has been lite ???


35,207 posts

230 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
newsatten said:
What the tt say the biggest reason we’re all in the ste is there’s two many people on our little island!
It can just about cope with 50 million but hasn’t got a chance at 70!!!
It’s a enormous elephant in the room that no one can mention,

Or rather, its the rapid change in population growth in a relatively short time, so there's no slow natural growth, which is why we're in this mess (not just UK, but across the planet)

I've written this many time on PH, but it really is a pause for thought fact....

It took all of human history until 1960 to reach a world population of 4 billion...
But its only taken just the next 60 years (and basically my lifespan so far) for that 4 billion to double to 8 billion.

Or to put that in a nice easy to grasp graph.....!


3,489 posts

117 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all


Or rather, its the rapid change in population growth in a relatively short time, so there's no slow natural growth, which is why we're in this mess (not just UK, but across the planet)

I've written this many time on PH, but it really is a pause for thought fact....

It took all of human history until 1960 to reach a world population of 4 billion...
But its only taken just the next 60 years (and basically my lifespan so far) for that 4 billion to double to 8 billion.

Or to put that in a nice easy to grasp graph.....!

Blimey no wonder Tinder is so valuable!hehe


35,207 posts

230 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
newsatten said:
Blimey no wonder Tinder is so valuable!hehe

ratrod 2

1,117 posts

12 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
ratrod 2 said:
roscobbc said:
And it ain't ever gonna get any better - people think the Thames Lower Crossing will help things with the M25. Designed to relieve the QE2 bridge/tunnel crossing, just dwell for a moment on the subject. Are people aware the proposal simply places a new junction on the M25 on the northern side of the Thames a mile or so south of the existing J29 east/west A127 Gallows Corner to Southend-on-Sea?.....the southern entrance/exit on the M2 is adjacent to Gravesend. I would expect the current major congestion at the QE2 Crossing simply to 'expand' out to at J1 and J29 at all times

Planning permission hasn't been granted yet - the process has been 'temporarily suspended' for six months due to the general election.

"If consent for the scheme is granted, construction is expected to start in 2027 and last a total of 6 years. As it stands the Lower Thames Crossing is anticipated to have an opening year of 2033"......yeah right......more like 2036 at the earliest.

Only in Britain could a situation like this exist. Bt the time the relied crossing is built (presuming there are no further delays) the whole south east runs a real risk of total gridlock at times.

After spending some 45 years, perhaps 1.5 million miles or more 'on the road' repping London and the home counties the very thing I never want to encounter is traffic jams, congestion and more traffic regulations.....what a F'd-up country we live in!

Edited by roscobbc on Monday 10th June 09:35
Why is everything not just the roads in England in a mess and what i can see totally out of control,

Local to me we had to put up with 3 years of the M27 being turned into a Smart motorway but we are again in turmoil with them

doing a resurfacing job which they should have completed when they finished the motorway some 2 years ago , we now have our 4 lanes down to 2

lanes which they have queezed into 3 lanes made up from the 2 lanes left .confused !! we are very.

So imagine how narrow they are this is at least for 15 miles at 50mph limit , Why didn't they finish the job when causing all the mayhem for 3 years for

for a smart motorway nobody wanted ,

every day there is a accident and breakdowns causing miles and miles of gridlock,now they are saying the local council have run out of money to

complete it so until Westminster give them a grant looks like it's here for the rest of the summer at least ,adding holiday makers to the area as it is one

of the main routes to the beaches ,

They delayed building another stretch of smart motorway on our stretch of the M3 to debate whether they were safe for around 6 months having

already put the speed camera's in place then went

ahead with it anyway , 18 months into the project after the government banning anymore smart motorways for safety reasons they stopped

and where they could put it back to how it was before, Imagine a private company making millions of pounds worth of mistakes like that not to mention

the stress it has caused us motorest 's and in the M3 case at least 3 loss of lives.,

The council have now taken many of the cycle lanes away along with a very short period 20 mph limit on most

of the roads as they realised it wasn't working but one was the main 2 lane Midlands and London road leading into the town and very busy docks

leaving only one lane with not a bike in sight , Took them a year with major gridlock all day let alone at rush hour, They said that it was only going to be

temporary to see how it goes, Like fk it was, I should think all large towns are the same not just here, I was up on the M3 and they closed 2 of the 4

lanes off for 15 miles or so right up to the M25 exit , not a worker in sight just rows ans rows of bollards with one hole dug right by the M25 exit ,

Why ,Why ,Why , 15 miles of bollards 2 lanes closed off ,50 mph speed for one unmaned hole on the major London motorway ,

sorry just had to have a rant ,furious

ratrod 2

1,117 posts

12 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
If Labour get in i think it will almost like Brexit , it will be a protest vote against the current government with many people voting that normally

wouldn't bother and are normally sitting on the fence ,

So many people including many conservative voters are fed up with the country being run by lying buffoons, that wouldn't last

5 minutes in a proper job,


3,470 posts

245 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
aeropilot said:
ratrod 2 said:
I was up on the M3 and they closed 2 of the 4 lanes off for 15 miles or so

right up to the M25 exit , not a worker in sight just rows ans rows of bollards with one hole dug right by the M25 exit , Why ,Why ,Why , 15 miles of

bollards 2 lanes closed off ,50 mph speed for one unmaned hole on the major London motorway ,
That's to add in the extra safety layby's that they should have put in when they made it a smart motorway, and decided to omit, and they are now being forced to put in......
They are also doing to around much of the M25 as well, and all along the newly created smart section of the M4 from J12 to M25......
And no one - official or otherwise has come up with an answer for the following all too real scenario.......just imagine......you are travelling on the M25 (or any other 'Smart' motorway) at a time with heavy, fast flowing traffic, close-to or at the national speed limit.
The car you are travelling in has an engine failure, tyre blow-out, or other problem that prevents you carrying-on to the next supposedly 'safe' refuge, say a mile or more away.
You are also fortunate (lucky even) to be experienced enough driver to be able to safely put your left indicator/and/or hazzard warning lights on and manage to work your way over to the inside lane (Lane 1) from Lane 3 or 4 without causing a collision.
OK so the 'hard shoulder' wasn't really a safe place to be even in 'the old days' with the risk of a truck 'drifting' off-line and on to the shoulder...........but your family was certainly a 1000% safer back then than on todays 'Smart' motorway (with the hard shoulder now being a 'live running' lane).
Unfortunatelywith the 'old' hard shoulder now being an active 'running lane' and with crash barriers/Armco prevented running a vehicle up the embankment and largely out of the way, you now have the all too urgent need to evacuate your wife, a couple of kids and possibly granny out of the car as quick as possible and attempt to get them all over the barriers to relative safety, while cars, HGV's etc are bearing down on you in Lane 1 potentially at high speed.
Yes, (presuming all systems are functioning correctly) the motorway control centres have radar detection and 'live' camera's monitoring traffic flow and alerting the staff to abnormal slowing of traffic (ironically perhaps when the very vehicles following you are braking heavily and swerving out of your way as you try to reach Lane 1).
But just 'presume' the broken-down/stranded vehicle detection system in the best case scenario is 'triggered' within a few seconds and the red 'X' 'closed lane' signs are illuminated on all overhead gantries.........how many vehicles at busy times will have passed the last overhead gantry before your broken-down vehicle and perhaps be totally unaware they are heading towards a potentially dangerous scenario............5, 10, 50, 100 or more vehicles, more?
You really couldn't in your wildest dreams concoct such a risky, dangerous, stupidly ignorant way to devise a method of increasing traffic flow could you?

SRT Hellcat

7,072 posts

220 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
aeropilot said:
ratrod 2 said:
I was up on the M3 and they closed 2 of the 4 lanes off for 15 miles or so

right up to the M25 exit , not a worker in sight just rows ans rows of bollards with one hole dug right by the M25 exit , Why ,Why ,Why , 15 miles of

bollards 2 lanes closed off ,50 mph speed for one unmaned hole on the major London motorway ,
That's to add in the extra safety layby's that they should have put in when they made it a smart motorway, and decided to omit, and they are now being forced to put in......
They are also doing to around much of the M25 as well, and all along the newly created smart section of the M4 from J12 to M25......
yep. Between the A1 junction 23 and the M11 junction 27 new laybys being added. 50mph average speed cameras in both directions. Best of all very little seems to be going on and will take a year. As for ULEZ. The Conservatives missed a trick by not blocking Kahn in the first instance.

ratrod 2

1,117 posts

12 months

Monday 10th June
quotequote all
roscobbc said:
aeropilot said:
ratrod 2 said:
I was up on the M3 and they closed 2 of the 4 lanes off for 15 miles or so

right up to the M25 exit , not a worker in sight just rows ans rows of bollards with one hole dug right by the M25 exit , Why ,Why ,Why , 15 miles of

bollards 2 lanes closed off ,50 mph speed for one unmaned hole on the major London motorway ,
That's to add in the extra safety layby's that they should have put in when they made it a smart motorway, and decided to omit, and they are now being forced to put in......
They are also doing to around much of the M25 as well, and all along the newly created smart section of the M4 from J12 to M25......
And no one - official or otherwise has come up with an answer for the following all too real scenario.......just imagine......you are travelling on the M25 (or any other 'Smart' motorway) at a time with heavy, fast flowing traffic, close-to or at the national speed limit.
The car you are travelling in has an engine failure, tyre blow-out, or other problem that prevents you carrying-on to the next supposedly 'safe' refuge, say a mile or more away.
You are also fortunate (lucky even) to be experienced enough driver to be able to safely put your left indicator/and/or hazzard warning lights on and manage to work your way over to the inside lane (Lane 1) from Lane 3 or 4 without causing a collision.
OK so the 'hard shoulder' wasn't really a safe place to be even in 'the old days' with the risk of a truck 'drifting' off-line and on to the shoulder...........but your family was certainly a 1000% safer back then than on todays 'Smart' motorway (with the hard shoulder now being a 'live running' lane).
Unfortunatelywith the 'old' hard shoulder now being an active 'running lane' and with crash barriers/Armco prevented running a vehicle up the embankment and largely out of the way, you now have the all too urgent need to evacuate your wife, a couple of kids and possibly granny out of the car as quick as possible and attempt to get them all over the barriers to relative safety, while cars, HGV's etc are bearing down on you in Lane 1 potentially at high speed.
Yes, (presuming all systems are functioning correctly) the motorway control centres have radar detection and 'live' camera's monitoring traffic flow and alerting the staff to abnormal slowing of traffic (ironically perhaps when the very vehicles following you are braking heavily and swerving out of your way as you try to reach Lane 1).
But just 'presume' the broken-down/stranded vehicle detection system in the best case scenario is 'triggered' within a few seconds and the red 'X' 'closed lane' signs are illuminated on all overhead gantries.........how many vehicles at busy times will have passed the last overhead gantry before your broken-down vehicle and perhaps be totally unaware they are heading towards a potentially dangerous scenario............5, 10, 50, 100 or more vehicles, more?
You really couldn't in your wildest dreams concoct such a risky, dangerous, stupidly ignorant way to devise a method of increasing traffic flow could you?
Arrogance from those who plan and give the go-ahead for these scheme's whether it be smart motorways ,cycle lanes or 20 mph speed limits,

It's not one persons decision it's a joint one by a number of people supposably in the know and getting paid a obscene amount of money for

continuously getting it wrong ,

Knowing the dangers of building a smart motorway on the lower half of the M3 even postponing it because they were aware of the dangers

but they still went ahead with it despite their concerns, wasn't till Westminster said we will not be building anymore smart motorway that god only knows

how many millions were wasted not to mention the chaos it caused for 18 months then to where they could put it back to how it was, all caused

because the suits wouldn't back down,