Why so high?



3,489 posts

117 months

Sunday 20th September 2020
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[quote= rat rod]
Seems to be a glut of T/Birds, 2 red ones a 56 blue one,the one that you are referring to looks odd without the skirts but it says in the ad that they do have them,why there not on the car i don't know.
Maybe they don't fit with the Kelsey Hayes wheels although have seen skirts with those wheels ,perhaps he prefers them without.

There's another red one on "The Market" looks mint ,for no reason at all i'm not keen on red but would make the exception for that one even with a very red interior, best period colours for me are white with red /white interior or turquoise blue might be peacock not sure ,quite like coral dusk pink just because it's period, had a 59 El Camino in that colour,woman seemed to love it,had more woman wanting their photo's taken with it than men.

Forget the T/Birds for now, did you see the crazy 61 Caddy in house of kolor kandy gold paint on air ride,stunning both outside and underneath,
Wow Imagine cruising down Sloane Street in that, out posing all those two a penny Lambo's,
Like to do that to a 59 but with prices now around £30/£35k then add the paint,air ride and wheels ect you will not get much change out of £50/£60k so making this one a bit of a bargain.
Same guy owns the T/bird, Caddy and a 58 Impala, must be having a change around . .

I noticed that T/A in Finland ,as you say it's been for sale a long time,
DD Classics in Kew recently had a T/A for around the £60 mark ,think it might be sold but with the other stock around it at a million plus makes it look a bargain.

Don't live that far from Goodwood and spend a lot of time there just seeing what track days are going on weekdays and Saturdays , well i use to till this year anyway and you are so wright about the tweeds not really being into yanks like the T/A's.
If i turned up in a Mustang,Falcon or 63/64 Galaxie i'd get instant recognition and they would come over for a chat but any other yank they seem to totally ignore it apart from my flathead 32 roadster which seemed to intrigue them especially as Lord March now has a rat A pick up.

Personally i think a lot of them are closet yank ,hot rod lovers but until Charlie boy started to buy them it's given some of them the green light
and worry less what their tween friends will say.

I experienced this first hand when i took my 3 window to a V.S.C,C sprint meeting at Goodwood and parked it in the pits like i always do in a line of vintage cars ,before i had chance to get out i had Captain Mainwarings double marching up to me with his clip board at hand,

He told ,not asked me to remove my car not just from the line up but from the pits area as it will offend his members .I told him it was a genuine 32 Ford not a replica but he was having none of it. no bonnet or fenders and lack of paint probably didn't help .

I did eventually started to drive it away but got stopped by a his second in command who said" i thought we told you to go" with that a young girl marshal overheard this and came up in my defence and gave him a piece of her mind for being so rude and arrogant and shouldn't talk to anyone like that( would have married her if i'd been 40 years younger), so that put him in his place so much so after another encounter later that day he apologised after i called several Riley's hot rods, as they had replica roadster bodies on chassis's that probably were bread vans during the war, shame i still didn't have my 29 tatty but original Riley Brooklands and 31 Alfa 6C drophead that would have shut him up but i did mention them to him anyway in our somewhat heated discussion .

All day long the rod was photographed by the members and i asked them did my car offend them ,they looked surprised and said we wouldn't be photographing it if we were . So just goes to prove that they're not all the same.
When i told them what had happened earlier on they said that nobody else wanted his job within the club and you have to be a bit of a control freak to want to do it so they were happy to let him get on with it and they just turn up . Lucky it takes all sorts otherwise it would be pretty boring.

How you getting on with the Lotus.

I asked the question on the Lotus Forum but had no reply's
Theres a few advertised, a driving useable car at around 10K, so this one im guess less that half that price,
Knowing my boss, he'l want around 12 for it laugh

I still find it odd though that people who shop in showrooms full of exotica would consider a TA? perhaps its because i cant see the perspective , its just a bit sad that grass root long term yank owner/drivers have been priced out of the vibe.
And i'l never get to grips with my Marque's better or muscley than your Marque kind of thing,

They are all pretty much the same, performance nothing between them, fast in 1970, pedestrian by todays standards,
Every time im out for a run a Audi Assassin or some dhead in a Beemer will be virtually in my boot!

Its laughable , and predictable , these people must actually believe the whole Fast and Furious b-----s laugh
If these knobs actually buy one they must be very disappointed lol..................

Years ago i had a similar thing with the snobby attitude kinda thing, not out and out rude by it was obvious that some were not happy,
I happened to get visitors choice at a local show with my T Bird, which gave me automatic entry to a select but poncy show at a large country estate ,
My youngest came with me, we were soooooooo out of place, Theres my 57 Jukebox on wheels , chrome and more chrome,
parked up with early Aston's, Blower Bentleys etc..............Tweeds and a lot of Checked shirts ,
Now given im a bit Gawd' blimey, and come from Lewisham, it was a tad awkward and similar to the one when Dell goes Driven Shooting with a Winchester Pump!

Which is ironic really considering Clay Shooting and long range Rifle shooting is my other passion laugh

rat rod

4,997 posts

68 months

Monday 21st September 2020
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newsatten]rat rod said:
I asked the question on the Lotus Forum but had no reply's
Theres a few advertised, a driving useable car at around 10K, so this one im guess less that half that price,
Knowing my boss, he'l want around 12 for it laugh

I still find it odd though that people who shop in showrooms full of exotica would consider a TA? perhaps its because i cant see the perspective , its just a bit sad that grass root long term yank owner/drivers have been priced out of the vibe.
And i'l never get to grips with my Marque's better or muscley than your Marque kind of thing,

They are all pretty much the same, performance nothing between them, fast in 1970, pedestrian by todays standards,
Every time im out for a run a Audi Assassin or some dhead in a Beemer will be virtually in my boot!

Its laughable , and predictable , these people must actually believe the whole Fast and Furious b-----s laugh
If these knobs actually buy one they must be very disappointed lol..................

Years ago i had a similar thing with the snobby attitude kinda thing, not out and out rude by it was obvious that some were not happy,
I happened to get visitors choice at a local show with my T Bird, which gave me automatic entry to a select but poncy show at a large country estate ,
My youngest came with me, we were soooooooo out of place, Theres my 57 Jukebox on wheels , chrome and more chrome,
parked up with early Aston's, Blower Bentleys etc..............Tweeds and a lot of Checked shirts ,
Now given im a bit Gawd' blimey, and come from Lewisham, it was a tad awkward and similar to the one when Dell goes Driven Shooting with a Winchester Pump!

Which is ironic really considering Clay Shooting and long range Rifle shooting is my other passion laugh
Had a quick look at +2 Lotus prices and they are all over the place,average seems around £15/£19k for a good to excellent car but saw one at £37k another at £29k.
Don't get many that need work and right under your nose and your the wright person to turn it around,it's a question of price, sounds like your boss doesn't like the idea of under selling anything .
Nice winter project if you two can get together.

Just had a look at DD Classics web site and the T/A is sold, they have such a eclectic stock that you could end up coming out of there having bought the most unlikely car on impulse.
Danny the guy who owns it was in Goldhawk Rd,Shepherds Bush, trading as Straight Eight for years, Almost opposite Cliff Davis American Cars, Now there 's a name that takes you back.
Known Danny since we were 15 years old, sold him quite a few cars in the past.

I like BMW's and have had a few ,E30 M3, M6, 2002's and a couple of early 535's loved those ,but now would never drive a BM or Audi's for that matter,seems it's a certain breed that drive them especially black ones,
I'm not exactly a slow driver but if i'm in a flow of traffic and keep pace with it why do i always get BM's and Audi trying to drive through me,
They are either arrogant pushy corporate type least up to the eyeballs or up and coming drug dealers ,
Seem to be popular with our local Polish ,Russian gangster community as well,

Did overtake in my GTA what i thought was a typical Audi driver in a RS 6 Wagon in a 60mph limit only to find out it was a unmarked Police car
to make matters worse then proceeded to overtake a very slow Peugeot in a 30 limit right in front of him,
6 points already expecting 6 more my heart was in my mouth when those blue lights came on behind me.
Said i was doing 85 when i past him and 45 when overtaking Peugeot so looks like i'd be using my bus pass for a while.
Don't know if he had a soft spot for Alfa's or what but he let me off with a bollicking .

Did enjoy myself when i just collected my first Belair 2dr ,standard 350 with a cam,uprated lowered suspension and brakes on daisy mags well tied down and handled well,
Black M3 E 46 on my tail edging me on for miles,probably thought wobbly old yank ,I turned off onto the slip road which was long and twisty but almost home i knew it well, left this BM for dead watching it disappear in my mirror,he caught me up at the roundabout looking totally confused,childish i know but made my day.

Know what you mean by feeling out of place, Loved your Del boy going shooting similarity to your experience with the tweeds. But i bet the posh wifes and girlfriends were all over the T/bird making a change from the British stuff that was there,you can only look at so many B.R.G E Types,Aston's and Bentley's .The lady's just love that glamorous American period and don't get to see these cars apart from old Doris Day movies
A friend of mine is a member of the GRRC and got me a parking space on the banking at the Revival , took my 61 double winged Caddy convertible in pearl burgundy with white trim ,big whites on Kelsey Hayes' car looked spectacular in the sun and made the surrounding British and European classic's look quite dull .
Like your T/Bird it stole the show having endless glamorous period dressed woman sitting and leaning against it having their photo taken,don't think their tweed husbands and boyfriends were impressed.

I had a similar experience when i went to the Pomroy Trophy relay race at Silverstone ,A private meeting so only the pits were open ,Took my 64 Galaxie Wagon she'd been prepared for the Paris to Peking race with a full roll cage from one end of the interior to the other, sump guard ,uprated everything with full length roof rack with jerry can's and spare wheels on it.really looked the part.
With nowhere to park i ended up between the Bentley boys , Aston 's and D types, My flask of tea and Tesco bag was well out numbered by their wives with Harrods Hampers in green Range Rovers ,
Further up the pits were Tigers, Mustangs and Camaro's all being appropriately towed by yank trucks, Exotic Italian million pound race cars in purpose built rigs ,
A diverse bunch of cars and people all with the same interest just different ways of going about it.

PS- Apologies to all the normal BM and Audi drivers on the forum, I once was let out in the traffic by a Audi so can't be all bad.

Edited by rat rod on Wednesday 23 September 23:29


3,489 posts

117 months

Monday 21st September 2020
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Some great moments to remember there, thats the fab part of the life long love affair with these fabulous old cars,

Right i think its back to topic time, ie Why So High??????

Think this may answer the question lol............................

Twenty Two Thousand and Four Hundred and Ninety Nine Pounds FFS............................................. laugh

rat rod

4,997 posts

68 months

Monday 21st September 2020
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newsatten said:

Some great moments to remember there, thats the fab part of the life long love affair with these fabulous old cars,

Right i think its back to topic time, ie Why So High??????

Think this may answer the question lol............................

Twenty Two Thousand and Four Hundred and Ninety Nine Pounds FFS............................................. laugh
Had a orange one with 27,000 miles, sold it for £850,had i known i would have found a little corner for it and left it there.


Original Poster:

7,302 posts

230 months

Monday 21st September 2020
quotequote all
newsatten said:

Some great moments to remember there, thats the fab part of the life long love affair with these fabulous old cars,

Right i think its back to topic time, ie Why So High??????

Think this may answer the question lol............................

Twenty Two Thousand and Four Hundred and Ninety Nine Pounds FFS............................................. laugh
I'll raise you this; Forty-four thousand English pounds. Right old rust-bucket, by the looks of it...


Edited by AdeTuono on Tuesday 22 September 06:21


49,633 posts

201 months

Monday 21st September 2020
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Is it also TV shows rust to riches etc that pulls in some demand that never existed before.

The simplicity of a V8 pushrod

The fact that they are cool really cool
More and more of these car fest shows or dates with lovely cars present appeal to people.


3,489 posts

117 months

Wednesday 23rd September 2020
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This is one i'l always regret , a genuine SD, but its a 74 with a early nose fitted,

Rat Rod you done anything about the TA yet? with all the doom and gloom could do with some good news like youve brought itlaugh

Almost completed the metal repairs on the Ford, just the rear panel to fit, trouble is time's running down now till the end of furlough,
whether i'l be able to get it done by then who knows? still if i get made redundant i suppose i probably wont care much! lol..........

Been messing around with a old ex race Ford Puma, had to do some floor pan repairs , absolute nightmare for me to get in it a move it about with my dodgy knee, the Roll Cage is everywhere!


3,489 posts

117 months

Wednesday 23rd September 2020
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rat rod

4,997 posts

68 months

Thursday 24th September 2020
quotequote all
newsatten said:

This is one i'l always regret , a genuine SD, but its a 74 with a early nose fitted,

Rat Rod you done anything about the TA yet? with all the doom and gloom could do with some good news like youve brought itlaugh

Almost completed the metal repairs on the Ford, just the rear panel to fit, trouble is time's running down now till the end of furlough,
whether i'l be able to get it done by then who knows? still if i get made redundant i suppose i probably wont care much! lol..........

Been messing around with a old ex race Ford Puma, had to do some floor pan repairs , absolute nightmare for me to get in it a move it about with my dodgy knee, the Roll Cage is everywhere!
Great looking T/A, If you hadn't said that it is a 74 i would never had doubted it was a earlier Bull Nose.
Looks more orange than red in the photo' .

I've done nothing about the T/A for good reason .I've been following the 57 T/Bird on "The Market" which went off tonight and sold for £39,500
but was struggling in the mid the 20's for days,Probably worth what it made as it is stunning ,unbelievable detailed photo's,
Was hoping with what appeared to be so little interest there might be a chance of getting it for maybe high 20's so wouldn't have to add much on top of the price i got for the Dart.
The other red 57 T/Bird on E Bay is manual , I'd prefer a auto after driving my mates 3 speed manual 55 bird,found it a clunky old box,yes i like manual but not on a cruiser.

Now will resume chasing the T/A but still need to sell something for the balance .

YE ,i've had a few cars with cages and you need to be agile to get in and out let alone working on them.I prefer just a roll bar with a brace as i only did track days not competition .
Funny i've just been watching a You Tube on the Puma race on the "JayEmm on cars "channel, rare car ,only ever seen them in blue.

My son just come off furlough and now earning less as they cut back his hours but i suppose he's lucky to have a job.

Hopefully your be ok sounds like they need you there ,seem to have enough work coming in.
Looking at the job you've done on the Challenger especially the fact you did all that in your garage at home can't see you being short of work.


3,489 posts

117 months

Thursday 24th September 2020
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The 400 was a looker too......................................................

apologise for the dude in the titfer........................


3,489 posts

117 months

Thursday 24th September 2020
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rat rod said:
Great looking T/A, If you hadn't said that it is a 74 i would never had doubted it was a earlier Bull Nose.
Looks more orange than red in the photo' .

I've done nothing about the T/A for good reason .I've been following the 57 T/Bird on "The Market" which went off tonight and sold for £39,500
but was struggling in the mid the 20's for days,Probably worth what it made as it is stunning ,unbelievable detailed photo's,
Was hoping with what appeared to be so little interest there might be a chance of getting it for maybe high 20's so wouldn't have to add much on top of the price i got for the Dart.
The other red 57 T/Bird on E Bay is manual , I'd prefer a auto after driving my mates 3 speed manual 55 bird,found it a clunky old box,yes i like manual but not on a cruiser.

Now will resume chasing the T/A but still need to sell something for the balance .

YE ,i've had a few cars with cages and you need to be agile to get in and out let alone working on them.I prefer just a roll bar with a brace as i only did track days not competition .
Funny i've just been watching a You Tube on the Puma race on the "JayEmm on cars "channel, rare car ,only ever seen them in blue.

My son just come off furlough and now earning less as they cut back his hours but i suppose he's lucky to have a job.

Hopefully your be ok sounds like they need you there ,seem to have enough work coming in.
Looking at the job you've done on the Challenger especially the fact you did all that in your garage at home can't see you being short of work.

The Bird looked very nice, lovely car, 40K is not peanuts but compared to some of the ridiculous sums people pay for a wobbly Mustang!
I'l never get the mentality of herd buying................................

So is the TA a goer?? i do hope so, it would be great to see one on here, knock the guy 300 quid then you can buy a laptop and post some pics! lol Plus sad but true i'l never be able to afford one now so i'l stop kidding myself,and find something i can afford! laugh

The Elan will stay in its container for the foreseeable, been told by the bosses son that his Dad wants 12K for it laugh
Not surprised, and probably done me a favour, as im not landed with another pile of pooh ...........................................

SRT Hellcat

7,072 posts

220 months

Thursday 24th September 2020
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I've always liked the look of the Formula 400 hood. A friend had one years ago. Did a burnout a few hundred yards from where the girlfriend now wife lives. An irate neighbor came running over and started berating me through my passenger side window. Don't have a go at me I said. The steering wheel is on the other side. Go shout at him smile

rat rod

4,997 posts

68 months

Thursday 24th September 2020
quotequote all
newsatten said:
rat rod said:
Great looking T/A, If you hadn't said that it is a 74 i would never had doubted it was a earlier Bull Nose.
Looks more orange than red in the photo' .

I've done nothing about the T/A for good reason .I've been following the 57 T/Bird on "The Market" which went off tonight and sold for £39,500
but was struggling in the mid the 20's for days,Probably worth what it made as it is stunning ,unbelievable detailed photo's,
Was hoping with what appeared to be so little interest there might be a chance of getting it for maybe high 20's so wouldn't have to add much on top of the price i got for the Dart.
The other red 57 T/Bird on E Bay is manual , I'd prefer a auto after driving my mates 3 speed manual 55 bird,found it a clunky old box,yes i like manual but not on a cruiser.

Now will resume chasing the T/A but still need to sell something for the balance .

YE ,i've had a few cars with cages and you need to be agile to get in and out let alone working on them.I prefer just a roll bar with a brace as i only did track days not competition .
Funny i've just been watching a You Tube on the Puma race on the "JayEmm on cars "channel, rare car ,only ever seen them in blue.

My son just come off furlough and now earning less as they cut back his hours but i suppose he's lucky to have a job.

Hopefully your be ok sounds like they need you there ,seem to have enough work coming in.
Looking at the job you've done on the Challenger especially the fact you did all that in your garage at home can't see you being short of work.

The Bird looked very nice, lovely car, 40K is not peanuts but compared to some of the ridiculous sums people pay for a wobbly Mustang!
I'l never get the mentality of herd buying................................

So is the TA a goer?? i do hope so, it would be great to see one on here, knock the guy 300 quid then you can buy a laptop and post some pics! lol Plus sad but true i'l never be able to afford one now so i'l stop kidding myself,and find something i can afford! laugh

The Elan will stay in its container for the foreseeable, been told by the bosses son that his Dad wants 12K for it laugh
Not surprised, and probably done me a favour, as im not landed with another pile of pooh ...........................................
Crazy price for something that needs all that work, A +2s /130 was put on "Car and Classic today for £12,950 by Justin Banks and he will be on a profit so doubt if he payed mush more than £10k , looks a good car, m.o.t'd and engine overhauled ready to go.
You would be better off bidding him on that and drive it home.
As you say he's done you a favour and still got your money ready for a waiting bargain .
You have the advantage on everybody else being able to work on the cars and willing to write off your labour.

Just dawned on me where i saw that red T/Bird before,watching "Tyrrells Classic Workshop" on you tube the cars sitting in his workshop,then i remembered that he had advertised it on either Piston Heads or Car and Classic for £59,950 ,
He would have had it on S.O.R and allowing for his profit and the owner wanting more money returned that's about wright.
Makes it sound like a bargain at £39,750 now.

Love your Formula 400, has the same wheels that was on my T/A ,Those twin air vents look a bit intimidating to anyone your following.
Never had a proper Formula but had something close,bought a orange Firebird from a drag racer in the I.O.W with a T/A rear spoiler and a fibreglass Formula bonnet who had fitted a Cadillac 7.5 with a B.M quick shifter,not sure what box was in it . ,
Don't remember much about it only that it was mega quick and noisy.

Have verbally sold another car but not gaining any cash as doing a level swap ,not ideal as could do with some money towards the T/A but the guys got one of my wish list cars and he will take mine . Will tell more if and when it happens.

Thinking about going to see the T/A at the weekend but not sure if there's any point at this stage as i don't want to waste his time going with my pockets half empty .

Edited by rat rod on Thursday 24th September 22:20

rat rod

4,997 posts

68 months

Friday 25th September 2020
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SRT Hellcat said:
I've always liked the look of the Formula 400 hood. A friend had one years ago. Did a burnout a few hundred yards from where the girlfriend now wife lives. An irate neighbor came running over and started berating me through my passenger side window. Don't have a go at me I said. The steering wheel is on the other side. Go shout at him smile
I've always thought the Formula bonnet looks more aggressive than the T/A one but still like the shaker on the T/A as well .

Funny enough i had a similar experience with a 7.5 Cadillac engined Firebird fitted with a fibreglass Formula bonnet,
I'd stopped outside my garages and as got back into the Firebird and just as it exploded into life i had this woman trying to shout at me though a closed window and over the exhaust rumble.

I didn't need to lip read to see she was a little upset so winding down the window and shutting the engine off she said ,i've caught you at last,she then went on to tell me that every time i drove past her house her windows would vibrate and she had to get up and hold her ornaments in place to stop them falling off her shelves.

Apparently by the time she got to the window i was always out of site but having stopped just up the road ,this time gave her the chance to catch me.
I did say to her that if you not seen me how was you so sure it was me and stressed that there was plenty of other noisy cars around especially with remaps on these modern performance hatchbacks but she was convinced it was me and to be fair it probably was so rather than fall out i promised to behave myself when passing her house in future.

By the way how did you get on at Silverstone? .

Edited by rat rod on Friday 25th September 00:12

SRT Hellcat

7,072 posts

220 months

Friday 25th September 2020
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Yes it was a good day. First off I heat cycled a set of Dunlop M's as it was not worth wearing them out on the day.
We then put on a set of lightly used Toyo's that we had knowing that they won't work very well with the camber on the front.
But the engine ran well and felt strong.
Stuff that needs looking at.
It was running hotter than I would like. It could be the Mustang Corral we fitted, or the new radiator mesh possibly reducing airflow.
The diff is weeping from the pinion seal and I have a feeling the pinion bearing might be playing up again although the diff has just been rebuilt and has done nothing since. Rather annoying. But I do seem to have the knack of paying for everything twice to get the job done correctly.


3,471 posts

245 months

Friday 25th September 2020
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[quote= rat rod]
I've always thought the Formula bonnet looks more aggressive than the T/A one but still like the shaker on the T/A as well .

Funny enough i had a similar experience with a 7.5 Cadillac engined Firebird fitted with a fibreglass Formula bonnet,
I'd stopped outside my garages and as got back into the Firebird and just as it exploded into life i had this woman trying to shout at me though a closed window and over the exhaust rumble.

I didn't need to lip read to see she was a little upset so winding down the window and shutting the engine off she said ,i've caught you at last,she then went on to tell me that every time i drove past her house her windows would vibrate and she had to get up and hold her ornaments in place to stop them falling off her shelves.

Apparently by the time she got to the window i was always out of site but having stopped just up the road ,this time gave her the chance to catch me.
I did say to her that if you not seen me how was you so sure it was me and stressed that there was plenty of other noisy cars around especially with remaps on these modern performance hatchbacks but she was convinced it was me and to be fair it probably was so rather than fall out i promised to behave myself when passing her house in future.

That reminds me of the super rare '66 Galaxie 7 Litre coupe I had some 45 years ago. With black widened steel wheels, 'chopped' suspension, extra large diameter exhaust system with the original Thrush mufflers and rumpity rumpity cam in the 428 lump. It was my idea of a street going Nascar racer. Before we were married 'Er Indoors lived in 1st flat in Leytonstone, East London. Street was lined with typical Victorian terraced houses. She, and the family downstairs (and neighbours) always 'felt' me coming well before physically hearing and seeing me.Window would be ratling in the frames, ornaments vibrating around on shelves etc. Was pulled by plod for this, complaining about the noise and resonation - truth was is wasn't actually that noisy - just the resonation that vibrated through you. Remember back then relatively new Poncho TA's (and specifically a Romford based Super Duty) with the same 'issue'.


3,471 posts

245 months

Friday 25th September 2020
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[quote= rat rod]
I've always thought the Formula bonnet looks more aggressive than the T/A one but still like the shaker on the T/A as well .

Funny enough i had a similar experience with a 7.5 Cadillac engined Firebird fitted with a fibreglass Formula bonnet,
I'd stopped outside my garages and as got back into the Firebird and just as it exploded into life i had this woman trying to shout at me though a closed window and over the exhaust rumble.

I didn't need to lip read to see she was a little upset so winding down the window and shutting the engine off she said ,i've caught you at last,she then went on to tell me that every time i drove past her house her windows would vibrate and she had to get up and hold her ornaments in place to stop them falling off her shelves.

Apparently by the time she got to the window i was always out of site but having stopped just up the road ,this time gave her the chance to catch me.
I did say to her that if you not seen me how was you so sure it was me and stressed that there was plenty of other noisy cars around especially with remaps on these modern performance hatchbacks but she was convinced it was me and to be fair it probably was so rather than fall out i promised to behave myself when passing her house in future.

That reminds me of the super rare '66 Galaxie 7 Litre coupe I had some 45 years ago. With black widened steel wheels, 'chopped' suspension, extra large diameter exhaust system with the original Thrush mufflers and rumpity rumpity cam in the 428 lump. It was my idea of a street going Nascar racer. Before we were married 'Er Indoors lived in 1st flat in Leytonstone, East London. Street was lined with typical Victorian terraced houses. She, and the family downstairs (and neighbours) always 'felt' me coming well before physically hearing and seeing me.Window would be ratling in the frames, ornaments vibrating around on shelves etc. Was pulled by plod for this, complaining about the noise and resonation - truth was is wasn't actually that noisy - just the resonation that vibrated through you. Remember back then relatively new Poncho TA's (and specifically a Romford based Super Duty) with the same 'issue'.


3,489 posts

117 months

Friday 25th September 2020
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These bad things are doing the same!
I pulled the car from the Garage last weekend, Blipped the throttle and set the alarm off on my neighbour's DB9!
Think the last time that happened was 30 years ago with a Bandit Trans Am ! laugh

40 series Flowmasters, the heat and sound insulation ive put in the car works marvelously ............................


3,489 posts

117 months

Friday 25th September 2020
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Couldn't resist this, The quintessential Muscle Car.............................................................................

rat rod

4,997 posts

68 months

Friday 25th September 2020
quotequote all
newsatten said:

These bad things are doing the same!
I pulled the car from the Garage last weekend, Blipped the throttle and set the alarm off on my neighbour's DB9!
Think the last time that happened was 30 years ago with a Bandit Trans Am ! laugh

40 series Flowmasters, the heat and sound insulation ive put in the car works marvelously ............................
Nice to see the correct exhaust tips,

Wow ,the detail in the chassis is incredible , wish i could turn my hand and produce that kind of result.
If the rest of your Challenger is as good i would have thought the value should be equal or close to a T/A
or certainly one that needs slight work not a restoration .

Not many early T/A's go on the market but you don't see many Challengers as good as yours for sale either ,apart from average cars at inflated prices with sellers trying their luck.

Nice having a neighbour with a DB9 ,at least he's not going to complain but i bet it doesn't sound anywhere as brutal as the Challenger.

My son use to have a You Tube channel and we were filming the 32 3 window on open headers and a 64 Galaxie i had at the time,we picked a quiet residential road that was quite wide but after 3 or 4 takes a guy came out of his gate so we assumed that he was going to complain so before he had chance to say anything we stopped and drove away.

A few weeks later i drove past the same house and his garage was open and there inside was a Can Am race car,saw it again when he was loading it up on a trailer, looked a serious bit of kit ,
I should have stopped just to be nosy to see exactly what it was, then it dawned on me that this guy had probably come out that day to have a look at the cars and a chat not to give us a bking.

Talking about the price on that T/bird yesterday compared to Mustangs ,a 67 Mustang fastback was put on "Car and Classic yesterday for £70k ,condition probably the equal to the T/Bird but £30k more ,that kind of puts it in prospective.

.P.S did you see the white Challenger being auctioned off tomorrow at Historic's,looks similar to the white one on E Bay.

Edited by rat rod on Friday 25th September 18:55