door strips...



Original Poster:

7,968 posts

250 months

Thursday 29th March 2007
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Some absolute recently decided to open their door into mine leaving what can only be described as a stone sizeish type dent in the middle of the nearside door.

Needless to say if I had seen them etc..

Anyway given the MK1 doesn’t have any kind of protective strip on the door to limit cretin damage, and the said door goes straight into the paintwork, has anyone bothered/found a suitable protector in shop or online?

Part of me says it, when I sell her I’ll get the dinks removed, but I am so ing pissed off at the moment part of me says sort something so it doesn’t happen again...

Wigeon Incognito

3,271 posts

221 months

Thursday 29th March 2007
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The same thing happened to mine recently, the first dent on otherwise perfect bodywork (touch wood). It still bothers me every time I look at it.

The thing is, if you start cladding your bodywork with protective strips it'll just look ridiculous, worse than the dents in fact. And how on earth would you attach them without damaging bodywork/paint further?

Unfortunately, I've had to resign myself to just living with it. Its just one of those things.