Highish mileage silver Grey

Highish mileage silver Grey



Original Poster:

829 posts

208 months

Sunday 21st August 2016
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I've always fancied one of these limited edition specials. After driving one many years ago they seem so different to standard e46 m3s. However, the premium for vehicles with low mileage are way beyond my reach. However, there are a couple of cars up for sale I've yet to decide to,go and see with 115-120k in the 35-40k price range. Both have had all the major week spots associated with the e46 m3 addressed. Are they really worth 35-40k? Got to be SIlver Grey!


Original Poster:

829 posts

208 months

Monday 22nd August 2016
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Thanks chaps. When you see 250,000 km sport evo e30s going for 60k one could easily be inclined to not worry about the mileage. Due diligence around refresh, vanos, subframe, HG p, suspension etc are of course essential. Perhaps I'll stick with this old girl! Very slowly appreciating!


Original Poster:

829 posts

208 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
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Good to see Gregors being used properly. The car I was most interested has had a deposit put on it so they are shifting with higher mileage on.