Just put a deposit on a CSL :D

Just put a deposit on a CSL :D


mr sagman

Original Poster:

1,725 posts

239 months

Tuesday 17th December 2013
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Quick question for Glendog or Yanto or any CSL owner, I have a slight feeling the clutch may be starting to slip, Wasn't sure if its just in the slower SMG changes as I didn't notice it when in S6,Could be me just not used to SMG but I have a feeling the clutch is on the way out, Although Im buzzing so much I don't care if it is,
By the way I already love the SMG and seem to of got the hang of it pretty quick.
Thanks guys.


2,050 posts

211 months

Tuesday 17th December 2013
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If it starts to slip and you carry on driving it for a while whilst slipping, it will continue t slip and get worse.

If you can correct it by getting the gearbox retaught OR by doing a trAckday (which normally cures it 100%) then it should be ok.

Don't lift on changing gear.

mr sagman

Original Poster:

1,725 posts

239 months

Tuesday 17th December 2013
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Thanks Shim, Intrigued about the trackday helping to cure it.. How does that work? Sounds like more fun than spending money on a new clutch though.


2,050 posts

211 months

Tuesday 17th December 2013
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mr sagman said:
Thanks Shim, Intrigued about the trackday helping to cure it.. How does that work? Sounds like more fun than spending money on a new clutch though.
I have noises but it does.

My first clutch and gearbox was driven on road 95% and a couple of times it got into a habit of slurring and I left it too long nd eventually the slur wold not go away

Latest one occassionally feels like its starting to slur but a sharp day on track and it's back to A1

Others have the same experiences.


90 posts

196 months

Tuesday 17th December 2013
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Never lift on gear changes; whether caning it or otherwise!

As Shimmy says, you may need to 're-teach' the car from the previous owner as the gearbox adapts to the way the car is driven over time. It might be worth checking with BMW that the most recent software version is loaded on the car before going for a spirited drive to reset the baseline so to speak.

Feel free to ask any questions over at the CSLR - we're a friendly bunch hehe

mr sagman

Original Poster:

1,725 posts

239 months

Wednesday 18th December 2013
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Thanks for the advice Glendog, Looks like I need to get a track day organised then.


922 posts

201 months

Friday 27th December 2013
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The box has some sort of learn function.

I have an smg, and during winter it starts to slur a little, then some good hard use and it cures it mostly.


171 posts

158 months

Monday 30th December 2013
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A quick reset, used normally when swapping wheels over is drive at 40mph, put into neutral and hold both gear selectors on the steering wheel for 5~10 seconds. I always run mine in s5, like the others have said never lift.



1,009 posts

214 months

Saturday 18th January 2014
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My elder son has a CSL....fab machine smile

mr sagman

Original Poster:

1,725 posts

239 months

Sunday 16th February 2014
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Well finally, 2 years after the original should I get one should I not get one post, I present you with my final decision.


148 posts

160 months

Monday 17th February 2014
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Well done. I know you will find that it's all it's cracked up to be. Any more details on the car?


63 posts

212 months

Friday 21st February 2014
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Mine started slurring last year, only briefly on change up but noticeable, it was down to worn/lazy/old pressure plate springs so had to have a new clutch... thankfully covered under warranty!!