Buying a used M3

Buying a used M3



Original Poster:

10 posts

221 months

Tuesday 28th November 2006
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I appreciate this may have been covered before but a friend is looking to buy a 2002 M3 smg, what are the key things to look out for?

What sort of price range are these cars going for and is there any independent mechanic who knows M3s that can look over the car to identify any potential problems???

Any help appreciated.



Original Poster:

10 posts

221 months

Thursday 30th November 2006
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Thanks everyone for their replies, it seems there is a lot of controversy over the warranty, when it runs out do most people renew for the £1k or just hope that the costs each year don't amount to over £1.25???

What are the typical things that tend to go wrong that get sorted under the warranty.

It seems to me that you are better off going without and chancing your luck as £1.25k is a lot each year on the off chance??

My friend is off to look sometime over the next few days so it has given him some useful pointers to think about.

Many thanks,
