

Original Poster:

14 posts

218 months

Thursday 25th May 2006
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As per other posts i have just bought an M5 E39. It was a private sale therefore 'sold as seen'.

I am now getting very worried as i filled the oil last week to the max level, since then i have been driving fairly sensible getting 22MPG - i have just checked the oil and it is on the Min after 350 miles. This cannot be normal, i know they do use oil (apparantly 1lt per 1000 miles.

What do i do? Is there a problem?

It did have some VANOS work completed a few thousand miles ago at a BMW dealer therefore i assume their work is covered by a warrenty.

Any idea would be appreciated...



Original Poster:

14 posts

218 months

Thursday 25th May 2006
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Mileage is 85K on a 2000 (early, like Jan 2000)

I have just been reading another forum where people are saying anything less than 500 miles and you have a problem. One bloke said that BMW offered a rebore which he declined so new block and £8K later all is well again,

I will have to monitor it closely.....have i bought a dog?!?!


Original Poster:

14 posts

218 months

Thursday 25th May 2006
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Just went and checked the oil again (just to ckeck i was not going crazy!)

I notice that on the back bumper of the car there looks to be little specs of oil.

Could this gvie an indication on a specific problem....


Original Poster:

14 posts

218 months

Friday 26th May 2006
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I have called the BMW garage that completed the VANOS work and have been advised that i should continue to monitor the oil consumption over the next 1000 miles. They stated that 350 miles to a litre is not un heard of if you are driving it hard - which i am not by getting 22MPG.

Do you think i should push harder to get them to take a look?

It has only done 1800 miles since the VANOS work - surely this should have resolved the oil consumption issues?

All your advice is appreciated.



Original Poster:

14 posts

218 months

Saturday 27th May 2006
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M3 Mitch

I am using what the previous owner was using - Castrol Edge 10-60 Reccommended for BMW M Powered cars. Apparantly i have heard that this is TWS but in a different bottle.

I will try your trick with the filler cap and see what happens tomorrow.

Thanks for your help.
