Z3M Coupe

Z3M Coupe



Original Poster:

361 posts

257 months

Sunday 12th March 2006
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My Dad may have finally decided to take the step of buying a Z3M Coupe. Not entirely sure if that's it's official name but its the Z3 with a roof. He's been toying with the idea for about, oh 10 years (rollseyes) but this time I'm assured he's going for it, despite my disbelief.

I have no idea where would be a good place to start looking for info, so thought I'd drop in here. At the moment I have no idea what sort of budget he has in mind. The most important thing is probably getting an idea of what to look out for and any problems that are common. Is the Vanos thingy as much of an issue as is banded around?

Cheers in advance